In the Blade

Chapter 521: Millions of Dead Bodies

Du Chengfeng, dragging his sword, slowly walked into the imperial city.

Coyote had shown him the appearance of this imperial city before, so he was quite familiar with the structure of the city - in fact, it didn't matter if he wasn't familiar with it, after all, except for some differences in details. Besides, there is not much difference between Dajing Imperial City and Jiankang Capital in Nanchen.

"It seems that although times have changed, the progress in construction technology has not been great... That is true, after all, the power system has not changed."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but start scratching his head when he thought of this.

The power system has not changed much, which means that the way of fighting and even war has not changed much. The way of fighting and war has not changed, which means that many other technical aspects will not change much. .

Just like the imperial city of Dajing, Du Chengfeng could see at a glance that the towering city walls could only defend an army composed of ordinary people. In other words, Dajing back then was actually similar to Dachen before it. , are still in a state of suppressing the emergence of masters of evil spirits, and at the same time using a large number of ordinary people as sources of troops.

This is indeed beneficial. At least it can maintain the basic stability of the dynasty's territory. As for the disadvantages...

These things mean nothing to real masters.

"Do you expect to rely on these things to deal with me?"

Du Chengfeng was immediately amused when he saw the armored cavalry rushing towards them from the street in the distance.

Even if it is only used to deal with ordinary evil spirit masters, it is too humorous to rely on this little formation battle - indeed, for ordinary people, these armored cavalry are fierce enough, and even a force that can determine the outcome of the war, but This is only for ordinary people.

A master with strength, one person is already comparable to an army.


Du Chengfeng raised the sword in his hand.

It wasn't even a serious chopping. It was just a wave of the hand. The armored cavalry who had just thundered like hooves fell down like wheat in the autumn harvest. Not only these armored cavalry, but also the skeletons they were riding on. The war horses were also divided by a clear thin line, and then scattered on the ground.

Slashing out two swords with one swing can be regarded as a little trick that Du Chengfeng did in his leisurely mood.

"Is that all?"

Seeing more armored cavalry rushing towards him, and even a large number of heavy infantry also starting to move in his direction, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but shook his head.

Of course it's more than that, his opponent is not that stupid.

It was impossible to defeat him with these things alone. He knew it, and his opponent would naturally know it too - but his opponent still did it, and even continued to do it.

"In other words... evil spirit?"

Feeling the killing intent surging in his heart, Du Chengfeng narrowed his eyes.

Although the armored cavalry he killed also looked like a skeleton, it still brought him some evil spirits - although these evil spirits were very subtle, and if he didn't experience them carefully, he might not even be able to detect them. To the increase of this evil spirit.

However, if this evil spirit is allowed to accumulate, it will become more serious...

"So that's what you used."

Du Chengfeng nodded slightly when he saw the armored cavalry who had been cut down by him struggling to get up again.

Use a large number of skeletal soldiers to pile up the evil spirit all over his body, and finally make him fall into madness because of the murderous intention in his head... He said that there is no way that ordinary soldiers can move him, and now this arrangement is like a The look of a trap.

"But, isn't the quantity a little less?"

The broadsword in Du Chengfeng's hand ignited with flames.

It was obvious that the knife in his hand had the same idea as him.

They wanted to see if there were more skeletal soldiers or if they killed more.

The armored soldiers rushed forward. They held the spears in their hands tightly, lined up in a neat queue, and pressed all the way in the direction of Du Chengfeng - but this formation made no sense to the masters, or rather , this neat formation makes it easier for masters to wield their swords and harvest.

So, after several rows of death squads were cut off by the thin line of fire, the scene quickly turned into a melee.

The corpse soldiers rushed forward crazily. They only had one enemy in their eyes. These corpse soldiers were so brave that they had piled up into a hill in just a blink of an eye. But as the light of the sword burst out from the mountain, they immediately It turned into pieces everywhere.

As for Du Chengfeng, who was surrounded by this, the evil aura on his face became even stronger.

That solemn expression and that terrifying face are just like the terrifying and fierce gods in myths and legends.

"Kill him! Kill this evil spirit!"

The skeletal soldiers roared and rushed forward again. They knew no fear or fatigue, and even death itself was regarded as nothing.

It was at this moment that their corpse faces, flashing with will-o'-the-wisps, suddenly turned into uniform wolf heads.

But this did not affect the speed of Du Chengfeng's sword swing at all, and he still killed without fail.

"It's time."

A low voice sounded in the palace in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, a black horse rode into the battlefield.

That warhorse was so fierce that its body was more than two times bigger than the other warhorses. Its overly tall and strong body stood out like a crane among chickens, and just one of its legs was taller than an ordinary person. But on this monster-like warhorse, there was an even stronger cavalryman sitting on it.

The cavalryman in helmet and armor could not see his face clearly, only the pair of eyes that shone through the visor showed the fierce light like a wolf.

Even though there were thousands of corpses between them, Du Chengfeng and the armored cavalryman's eyes had already met.

They raised their weapons at each other.


The sword and the spear collided, and the huge force even tore the ground apart, and the pavilions and towers around them could not bear such a heavy pressure and collapsed one after another. As for those skeleton soldiers, they had already been crushed into powder and blown all over the ground.

This level of battle has long been out of the ordinary. If you don't have the same combat power, even a glance is a way to death.

"But it's not enough."

Du Chengfeng raised his head and looked at the cavalry general who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Who are you?"


The cavalry general did not speak, but silently smashed the long spear in his hand.

This is obviously not the use of a spear. The most common use of a long spear should be to twist it in a spiral and stab it like a dragon. At present, this violent and smashing method is more like the bite of a beast.

This is a fatal blow that must be killed, and it is a fatal method that leaves no way out.

It's like a greedy wolf with a bloody mouth.

"Yes! This is it! This is what I want to see!"

In the distant palace, the deep voice clapped his hands and laughed.

"Let me see your skills, let me see your strength... Let me see, who of you two can kill who!"

As this voice sounded, the eyes of the armored cavalry general in the distance also became fierce.

The long spears filled with violence and ferocity smashed down again and again, each time with the determination to kill. On Du Chengfeng's side, the murderous aura had been aroused, and the movement of swinging the knife became more and more fierce and vicious. The battle had reached this point, and it was impossible to stop, even if they had recognized each other's identities.

"It turned out to be you..."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh.

Obviously, the opponent hiding in the dark came up with a good trick, or in other words, this trap was not really effective until now - this was not an independent trap, but a double trap, one side trapped him who took the initiative to walk into the imperial city, and the other side trapped the coyote who was originally set as the target.

And the posture of the armored cavalry general was obviously deliberately aroused by the opponent hiding in the dark, so that they could not recognize each other at the first time.

And now, even if they confirmed each other's identities through fighting when they fought, it was too late.

At this intensity, none of them could stop.

Their hands could not stop, their weapons could not stop, and the evil spirits and murderous intentions they carried on their bodies could not stop them - after all, none of them wanted to die, they all wanted to live, but now the battle had become a dead end, and the only way to live was to kill the opponent in front of them.

The fighting spirit accumulated from the killing, the countless evil spirits, the endless anger that wanted to return the attacks doubled.

The firmness accumulated from the will to survive, the resolute will not to die, the absolute greed to survive even if everything in front of them was killed.

In addition, the persistence and enthusiasm for fighting catalyzed by the first two, the complete obsession to continue to become stronger no matter what.

In the huge imperial city, the three turbid powers of Du Chengfeng and Tan Lang had all been detonated!


The armored cavalry general smashed his spear, and his body riding on the warhorse was like the sky-lifting demon god in the ancient wilderness!


The big knife in Du Chengfeng's hand also rose up, and the broken flesh and blood hung on the silver-white body, making him look like a hellish devil from the underworld!

But at this moment, the big knife in Du Chengfeng's hand deviated half an inch.


The long spear hit Du Chengfeng's shoulder, and Du Chengfeng staggered on the spot.

And his shoulder was also hit with a deep dent.

You know, even the sharp claws and teeth that those monsters rely on for survival can only leave marks on his body, but now the iron spear's smashing directly tore a huge wound on his shoulder - such a result can be achieved on this steel-cast and iron-cast body, which is enough to show the ferocity of this shot. If it were replaced by an ordinary master, I am afraid that he would be directly cut open by this shot on the spot.

But Du Chengfeng still supported himself and stood up.

Not only did he stand up, this time he didn't even raise the big knife in his hand.

Facing the defenseless Du Chengfeng, the iron spear hit him again.

Once, twice, three times, five times... The iron spear hit Du Chengfeng like a rainstorm, and in just a moment, Du Chengfeng's body was already broken.

But Du Chengfeng still had no intention of defending.

He did raise the big knife in his hand, but it was not aimed at the cavalry general who hit him, but at the huge number of skeleton soldiers.

"What are you doing?"

In the distant palace, the deep voice was a bit puzzled.

The situation was fine just now. The two strong men who had been detonated by the three turbidities lost their minds and began to fight each other desperately. This was indeed a normal situation and the performance of this trap.

But now the behavior of this iron man is really too abnormal. On one hand, he was beaten as if he was begging for death, and on the other hand, he was still accumulating evil spirits by killing skeleton soldiers... What is he doing? His brain has been overwhelmed by the evil spirits, and he can't even see where the opponent is?

This is simply...


Another shot hit Du Chengfeng's head, making him dizzy.

Although his brain was hit by this shot, Du Chengfeng's consciousness was extremely clear at this moment-or in other words, he knew what he was doing from the beginning.

Du Chengfeng once thought about why he chose to become this body made of steel and iron. Although this can be said to be an impromptu decision made when he was in Sanshan Town, after meeting the coyote, he realized that there must be a deeper reason.

Just like the coyote believes in the law of the jungle, so it shows itself as a wild wolf all day long, he must have chosen to become like this subconsciously because of something he insists on.

In the past, Du Chengfeng once thought that this was because he lacked a sense of security and was always worried about dying, so he chose this body made of steel and iron. After all, the hard steel can almost make him ignore any sneak attacks in the dark, and it is enough to make him rest assured.

But now it seems...

"Maybe what I really value is the bearing capacity of steel."

At this moment, Du Chengfeng understood.

Bear pressure, bear torque, bear strength, and even bear evil spirits - only if he can bear the strength itself, he is qualified to use it, and only if he bears all the negatives brought by the strength, he can wantonly wield the extreme violence.

Just like now.

"Thanks to your skeleton soldiers."

Du Chengfeng raised his sword.

"This is the evil spirit of a million people, plus all the strength of the wolf... I can bear these things."

The armored cavalry behind him was still smashing and smashing at the cost of his life, but Du Chengfeng had already turned a deaf ear to it.

It was just because the power he was carrying at the moment was much heavier than the power on the war spear.

"I can bear the evil spirit of a million people."

"You, can you bear it?"

Boom -

With the swing of the sword, the huge imperial city instantly became a sea of ​​fire.

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