In the Blade

Chapter 523 The Way of Death

After a brief exchange, Du Chengfeng probably understood what was going on.

It was true that the coyote was affected before, but after he left, the coyote had already discovered the problem with himself - so the cunning coyote simply pretended that he was going to visit him. With a posture, he got into the cave that Du Chengfeng had opened before, and then took out his personal weapon and disguised it as his own.

The real coyote was still in Du Chengfeng's cave to stabilize his mood, while the clone that lured the enemy was sent out, pretending to be returning to his cave.

Du Chengfeng's hastily made cave was copied from Coyote's work, so Coyote naturally didn't feel any discomfort when he recovered inside it. Since the big gun had been carried by Coyote for many years, it had enough aura on it. Confusing the fake with the real - As for the aura being unstable, it doesn't matter. Anyway, it has already been affected, and its mood is unstable. Isn't it normal?

Then, after calculating the time and feeling that it was almost time, Coyote, who had already stabilized his mood, went out in person and returned to his own cave that he had used as a trap, preparing to close the net and expand the results of the battle.


Hearing this, Du Chengfeng's expression was quite subtle.

It can be seen that this coyote has indeed learned something from the old fisherman, at least he learned how to fish.

"So is this thing part of your arrangement?"

Du Chengfeng pointed to the body of Emperor Da Jing on the ground, which was split in half by a halberd.

"I'm the only one who took the bait? Am I a fish?"

"Ah, this is not the case."

The coyote raised his paw and pointed at the body on the ground.

"This is really an enemy. Even if I were to make a trap, I wouldn't go as far as this... But I really didn't expect that it would be him."

Looking at the corpse on the ground, the coyote sighed.

"I thought he was dead, but I didn't expect him to still hate me so much."

"...Not necessarily."

After Du Chengfeng thought for a while, he still said a few words of comfort.

"He might have just been resurrected by someone else and then manipulated. After all, you also said that he feels guilty for you..."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng's forehead started to sweat slightly.

No wonder the coyote didn't want him to participate in this kind of battle. After all, this unheard-of fighting method was too weird - you must know that in Du Chengfeng's long-standing impression, fighting should be a head-on confrontation. That's right, no matter what changes are made in the strength, no matter what changes are made in the way of slashing, the battle itself is still a battle between two warriors.

But now...

He had never heard of this kind of fighting method.

First, putting pressure to trigger panic in the opponent's heart is still within the scope of his understanding, but then, resurrecting the opponent's former friends and using them as weapons to break the opponent's weaknesses is a bit too outrageous - Huh He could still understand friends summoning friends to form gangs, but this sinister style of fighting was completely beyond his understanding.

Who doesn't have relatives, siblings, or friends? If someone really uses Carpenter Li to chop him, he will probably be even more numb than this coyote.

From this perspective, Coyote did not choose to come forward in person, but went into battle separately. This approach is actually quite smart.

"So this is actually a good thing. After all, you have avoided a psychological attack from the enemy."

Du Chengfeng concluded.

But Coyote shook his head.

"No hiding."

Coyote sighed.

"If he was controlled, he wouldn't be like this... Since you have already fought with him, you should also be able to understand that this good friend of mine really wants to kill me. ”

At this point, Coyote's face became darker and darker.

Obviously, this incident was a big blow to the coyote.

Du Chengfeng could even understand the coyote's mood. After all, he had seen those scenes when the coyote was telling him about the difference between life and death. At least in the coyote's story, Emperor Da Jing had always been right. Coyote felt guilty. In other words, no matter how much Emperor Da Jing took action against Coyote, it was only because of his position as the emperor that he had to do it.

The problem between them is just because of their positions. Apart from that, the friendship between them has never changed.

At least that's what Coyote always thought.

But now, those false warmth have been torn apart, and Coyote finally understands that the so-called friendship has never existed, and this former best friend has no guilt towards him - the other party even has no complaints. They entered his cave and destroyed everything about him. Even the clone that was left behind was fighting against Du Chengfeng.

This was a sincere desire to kill him. His former best friend was as weak as before. He didn't even dare to take action himself. He only knew how to control everything by hiding behind the scenes.

This situation and this situation made it even more painful.

"So I may have to continue to stabilize my mood. I really didn't expect this move."

The coyote looked rather ugly.

"On your side... I have to take back what I said before. It's not that you are not suitable to participate in this battle, or on the other hand, you can decide the outcome of this battle."


Du Chengfeng immediately understood what the coyote meant.

It seems to be true. Since the enemy hiding in the dark knew to pull out the Emperor Dajing who had been dead for who knows how long and use it to cause trouble for the coyote, it means that the other party has a certain understanding of this Greedy Wolf Star Lord - and this also means that the coyote is at a great disadvantage from the beginning.

What's more, the opponent's move has worked. The coyote has been disturbed and the power of the three turbidities wrapped around his body has begun to become unstable. This situation is indeed not suitable for fighting.

On the contrary, on the one hand, he has stabilized his state of mind and temporarily suppressed the influence of the three turbidities. On the other hand, he has defeated the Emperor Dajing and proved his strength.

But on this basis, there is a more important point.

That is, the time he has been in the sky is not long.

Although it seems like a long time, from the time the coyote took him to the sky to now, it has not even added up to a month - of course, even less than a month is not short for the mortal world, but for the monsters in the sky who have a lifespan of hundreds of years, this time is really nothing.

A stranger who has only been in the public eye for less than a month, it is difficult for the enemy hiding in the dark to make any targeted arrangements against him.

After all, the information he revealed is still too little.

"If you think about it this way, I am really more suitable to come out and fight."

Du Chengfeng nodded when he thought of this.

"I said, how can I be absent from the fight... But now, you should tell us who we are going to fight, right? After all, only by knowing ourselves and the enemy can we win every battle."


Coyote was silent for a moment.

"Let me make it clear first, I don't know much. After all, masters of this level will definitely hide their information... In addition, knowing this may not be a good thing. Are you sure you must listen?"


Du Chengfeng nodded as a matter of course.

Of course he must listen, otherwise how can he fight if he doesn't even know his opponent?


Coyote was silent for a moment, and finally told the past.

This matter is not his, but that of the old fisherman. Since the old fisherman occasionally talks about his own experiences, the coyote knows that the other party had also made a great reputation in the world when he was young. When he had reached the peak, the old fisherman refused the invitations of various forces at that time in order to go further, and chose to seek more truths alone.

"In this case... then what?"

Du Chengfeng remembered the scene he had seen before.

But he didn't remember who the old fisherman had offended here. It can't be said that the old fisherman also offended the emperor at that time? That emperor was also resurrected?

"Then, when the old thing rejected the various forces, the means he used were a bit rough."

The coyote's face was a little subtle.

"He thought those people were stupid, so he killed them all directly."

"You mean, he offended these people?"

Du Chengfeng finally couldn't hold it back.

"You mean, they are also resurrected? Now they are coming to trouble us? Just this group of dead ghosts?"

"Listen to me first."

The coyote raised his paw, signaling Du Chengfeng not to interrupt him.

"I just told you about the situation at that time. There were years of drought and bandits. People were living in misery under natural and man-made disasters... At that time, the leaders and heads of various forces were killed at once. What do you think will happen?"

"... The world is in chaos?"

Du Chengfeng made a blind guess.

"He disrupted the order of the world, so who is targeting him?"

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but slap his head. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it seemed to be true - no wonder he had already checked the experience of the old man fishing, but he didn't remember when the old man offended other masters. Now everything has an explanation. It turned out that he offended them inadvertently.

If you think so...


Just when Du Chengfeng was about to continue thinking, the coyote shook his head.

"The world was indeed in chaos for a while, but there was no big chaos... Or, after the leaders and heads of various forces died, people's lives soon got better."


Du Chengfeng was dumbfounded.

How can there be such a statement?

"Don't look like that. This incident is recorded in the history books of Dajingxiu."

Coyote continued.

"Although the old man's behavior was indeed outrageous, after those leaders and chieftains were killed, it gave the descendants an opportunity to take the throne. It just so happened that the new emperor and prime minister, as well as some other chieftains, were all capable and smart people. After dividing up the resources left by the dead, they quickly reached a consensus and restored order."

"Ah, this."

Du Chengfeng was speechless for a long time.

As expected, art comes from life, and it can be so outrageous. I'm afraid that even science fiction writers will not use such an exaggerated setting.

However, from this point of view, the old man fishing is actually doing good things. Although it is indeed an outrageous act, in terms of the result, all the people in the world are better off. How can this offend people?

"That's why it offends people."

Seeing that Du Chengfeng still looked puzzled, Coyote sighed.

"Where do you think this drought and pirates came from?"

"The pirates must have come from the sea."

Du Chengfeng answered subconsciously.

"Of course the drought is caused by a bad year... Wait, you mean, the drought is man-made? The pirates too?"

"Not necessarily by people, but it was definitely deliberately created."

Coyote nodded.

"I was also targeted recently, and I felt that something was wrong. It happened that when I took the old man's legacy, I also met some other powerful people. After asking, I found out that the drought that year was actually caused by a powerful person who wanted to harvest a group of lives."


At this point, Du Chengfeng had completely understood.

The years of severe drought and the constant banditry that the old man encountered when he was young were all means for the powerful people in the sky to harvest lives - but after this old thing mixed it up, it was directly ruined.

The original death toll of hundreds or even tens of millions was reduced to six digits, or even five digits, by the old man fishing. After a short period of chaos, there was a longer period of peace, and the idea of ​​the great power to reap the harvest was directly bankrupt.

How could such behavior not be hated?

"That's why I didn't tell you."

Coyote sighed.

"Even when I heard that such a great power was ready to attack us, I was shocked. This level of great power, just talking about his deeds, can't help but make us feel unstable... Why don't you go back and stabilize your mind, at least dispel the fear in your heart."

"That's not necessary."

Du Chengfeng shook his head.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. After all, judging from the results, the enemy hiding in the dark can't beat the old man... Otherwise, the old man would have been killed long ago, and you wouldn't have been led to the sky by him. If you think so, isn't it much better?"

"If you say so, it's true, but judging from the results, it may not be."

Even if Du Chengfeng said so, the coyote's face was not very good.

"Don't forget, the old man died in the end. You know, he didn't want to die, but he died in the end... In terms of the results, the old man did lose, after all, the power controlled by the opponent was better than him."

"So what kind of power did the opponent control?"

Du Chengfeng asked directly.

"Can you stop beating around the bush and be direct?"

"You've heard so much, haven't you heard it yet?"

Hearing Du Chengfeng say this, the coyote sighed.

"Forget it, according to the information I got, the enemy controls the power of death."

"That's a master who has studied death, and our chances of winning are slim."

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