In the Blade

Chapter 524: Using Thoughts as Soldiers

The enemy is a master who has studied death, and the coyote gave important information.

But as the coyote said, this information did not bring about knowing oneself and the enemy, but a deeper fear - after all, no one is not afraid of death, and survival can be said to be the instinct of all creatures. What's more, a master who has studied death... to what extent has he studied it?

Or in other words, how should death be studied?

I don't know, I don't know at all.

Especially when I recalled that the coyote said that even the death of the old man fishing might be due to this, the panic in my heart became stronger - it was at this time that Du Chengfeng realized that the coyote might really not be able to cope with the next battle.

It was only because the coyote could no longer erase the fear in his heart, and even infected him with the fear.

In this way, the coyote's previous behavior of not telling him the truth was correct.

As the saying goes, ignorance is bliss. When he doesn't know what he's about to face, he can exert his full strength. Now he has been infected by fear, so his ability to fight will naturally be greatly reduced. But if he really rushes forward without knowing anything, it will definitely not work. This kind of foolish behavior of the death squad, when facing those powerful people, I'm afraid they won't know how they died.

The situation was extremely unfavorable from the beginning. The two of them were directly facing a situation of being blocked from both ends.

"Then I'll go back and stabilize my mind."

Du Chengfeng thought about it and decided to try to erase this fear first.

Otherwise, if he was really affected by this coyote, he wouldn't be able to fight normally. After all, when he fought the Emperor Dajing before, he was already in danger. If he hadn't pulled out the Overlord Halberd at the critical moment, he might have overturned on the spot because of the mysterious ability.

The enemy is far more dangerous than he had imagined before. He must be cautious and deal with it in his prime.

But just when Du Chengfeng was about to leave, the coyote called him.

"You want to go back, but not to that old man's place."

As he said this, the coyote had already smashed the armored cavalry general who was still hitting Du Chengfeng, and then took the big gun in his hand and handed it to Du Chengfeng.

"Take this, I will put a skin on you later and make you look like me. With this iron gun in your hand, you can also carry my breath... Use my appearance and go back to your previous cave, and don't expose yourself."

"You mean..."

Du Chengfeng immediately understood the fighting method that the coyote was going to use.

This was obviously because he found that he had the advantage of not exposing information, so he simply used this to confuse the opponent in the dark - after all, the coyote flew back to his own cave from Du Chengfeng's cave, and this action was in the open, and all the powerful people in the sky could see it.

"So, there may be an ambush in my own cave."

"And it's an ambush against me."

The coyote nodded.

"It can target me, but not necessarily you, so if you go there now, you will have an advantage... On the other hand, that powerful person will think that it is you who stays here, and I will have an advantage if I deal with it here."

"That's true."

Du Chengfeng thought about it and nodded.

It sounds like this is indeed the case. The coyote is unlikely to be able to attack the Emperor Dajing, and he himself has corresponding weaknesses, but if the two of them switch positions, then no one will be unable to attack.

So, Du Chengfeng, who also turned into a coyote, took the iron spear and flew all the way back to his cave.

Of course, he did not forget his trophy, the strange fascia long sword, and he also took it back - but during the whole process, he wrapped the sword body with cloth and did not dare to touch the sword at all, even a little bit.

After all, this sword is too outrageous. Just touching it once before directly affected his actions and even controlled his body for a time. Although there is no holder now, if there is any problem will be very troublesome.

But as the saying goes, a blessing in disguise, there are bad things, and there will naturally be good things.

At least when Du Chengfeng returned to his cave, which was copied from the coyote's forest, he did not see any ambush.

"Ah, this."

Du Chengfeng, who was originally preparing for a big battle, immediately fell in color.

Obviously, although they were trying to predict the opponent's behavior, the master who studied death did not follow their predictions - think about it, they are already masters, how could they predict their actions so easily?

"The other side should be fine..."

Du Chengfeng thought about it, but he still did not choose to go out to help.

It's not that he didn't want to help, but he couldn't help. The fear that he was infected by the coyote before has not been erased. If he really went there, he would probably only cause trouble - so now that he has some free time, he can use it to stabilize his mood.

As for how to calm his mind, Du Chengfeng has not figured it out yet. After all, the description of the coyote was a bit too exaggerated. The master who studied death had reached the point where he could make clouds and rain with a flip of his hand. He could create a drought just to reap lives, and then he could kill a powerful man like the old fisherman without anyone noticing. Now, he was suffocating the two of them just by relying on his reputation.

If the enemy is really that powerful, then they are simply not capable of dealing with it.

"But, is the enemy really that powerful?"

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng could not help but look at the fascia long sword.

Although touching this strange long sword may lead to some unexpected dangers, he can no longer control his hands at the moment.

I want to sharpen it, I want to see, I want to see what the so-called master of death is all about.

"Why not sharpen the spear first..."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng thought that he should change his target first and sharpen the iron spear of the coyote first - on the one hand, he can satisfy his own hand addiction, on the other hand, he can fully understand the reason for the coyote's fear.

But immediately, he stopped this action.

The reason is that this behavior is too shameful. After all, his behavior of sharpening the weapon is almost equivalent to flipping through his experience. In other words, he went to sharpen the spear of the coyote, which is basically equivalent to flipping through the diary of the coyote.

After all, he and the coyote were acquaintances. If he had to read the other's diary now... it would be good if he didn't see anything, but what if he saw something?

You know, the coyote took the initiative to transform into a wolf, but he was still a human. In other words, if he really saw something about the animal world, or about man and nature...

"Forget it."

Take a deep breath and put the spear aside.

This is the only weapon he chose not to sharpen since he started sharpening weapons.

"So, I still have to..."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng looked at the fascia long sword again.

The best way to overcome fear is to face it. If he doesn't touch this long sword, he will probably always be afraid of this thing.

What's more, if nothing unexpected happens, this long sword from Emperor Dajing is likely to carry information about the master of death.

While polishing the long sword, he not only faced his fear of the long sword, but also faced the fear hidden in his heart that the coyote had just portrayed to him.

"So... do it!"

Du Chengfeng gritted his teeth and grabbed the fascia long sword in his hand.

The long sword felt quite strange in his hand. It was not the feeling of holding metal and iron like ordinary weapons, but the texture of holding flesh and blood - no, it was not even holding flesh and blood, but the flesh and blood in his hand gradually merged with him!

Du Chengfeng's vision had already begun to blur before he even started polishing.

In this familiar trance, the picture in front of Du Chengfeng also changed - but what Du Chengfeng did not expect was that this time he was not in the perspective of a weapon, but the perspective of the Emperor Dajing.

This can be seen from the luxurious crown on his body. Although it was small, it still exuded endless dignity and majesty.

As an emperor, as a young emperor, Emperor Dajing was lonely. Although he had always been served by a large group of people, these people who were respectful to him had no meaning at all. After noticing this respect, the young Emperor Dajing realized very early that these people were just servants and could not be on an equal footing with him.

Even the teachers who taught him knowledge were the same. Although they looked majestic, they only looked majestic.

These people were all controlled by him at will and were not worth mentioning.

"This is normal. The emperor must be lonely."

When the young Emperor Dajing told his doubts to his mother, or the queen mother, he got this answer.

What is the supreme? The supreme is the person who stands at the highest point, that is, he is the only one.

But is the emperor really lonely?

Not necessarily.

That was when Emperor Dajing was ten years old. The ten-year-old Emperor Dajing had already shown his talent. Although he was young, he already had the majesty of an emperor. Everyone was respectful to him and felt that the new emperor had the shadow of the previous emperor. No one dared to break the rules in front of him, and no one even dared to raise their heads in front of him.

All people were servants to him, and Emperor Dajing at that time had already had such awareness.

But it was in that year that an accident happened.

Just when the young Emperor Dajing was still studying in his study, a teenager of the same age suddenly rushed into his study. Before he could even say anything, the teenager had already put a knife on his neck.

"I apologize first, it was not intentional."

The teenager said in Emperor Dajing's ear.

"But if I don't do this, I can't get out... Don't look at me like that, I just want to try my skills, and I didn't expect those useless guards to really block me."

This was the first time Emperor Dajing saw someone so rebellious.

This was not even about breaking the rules, but about treating the rules as nothing. This kind of rebellious person... This was the first time he had seen such a bold lunatic!

But this was also the first time that someone could stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

The young Emperor Dajing was stunned for a long time, and something in his heart was touched.

The guards who swarmed in eventually left, only because their emperor had announced that this was just an emergency exercise, and the thief who broke into the palace was also a close friend of the emperor. Although the guards did not understand why the little emperor who lived in the palace all day had such a friend outside, since the emperor had said so, they could only accept it.

This was the first meeting between Emperor Dajing and his young general.

"Or rather, it was the first meeting between Emperor Dajing and the coyote."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh when he saw this.

If it was just this, then Emperor Dajing was actually very friendly. You know, Emperor Dajing was only ten years old and was far less powerful than a real adult emperor. Or, in other words, the one who really held power at this time was still the empress dowager in the deep palace.

But even at great risk, Emperor Dajing still withstood the pressure from the empress dowager and etiquette and saved the young coyote. This was indeed a very loyal act.

Obviously, the young coyote also noticed this, so the two quickly became friends. On one side was the young emperor, who would obviously be the best in the world in terms of status in the future, and on the other side was a young man who had already shown terrifying skills and later became the best warrior in the world in terms of military strength. The combination of the two was undoubtedly the most terrifying match.

In the process of growing up, because he had absolute military support in his hands, the Emperor Dajing could be said to be a man who killed anyone who stood in his way, and even if the old ministers who held great power were powerful, they could not withstand the fatal blow from the young coyote.

So, as time went by, the pair of friends quickly reached the position they should be in. The Emperor Dajing became the real emperor, and the coyote became a real master who could fight against an army.

But at this time, some changes occurred in the heart of the Emperor Dajing.

"The emperor is lonely."

The previous teachings kept echoing in his ears.

There is still some gap between being the best in power and being the best in military strength.

Especially when he saw that he was getting old while his good friend was still very young, the dissatisfaction in Emperor Dajing's heart reached its peak.

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