In the Blade

Chapter 535: Dead but Not Dead

Du Chengfeng finally took over the long sword.

Although Zheng Qixing, who has eight heads on his head, just looks like he is not allowed to enter, but only the most ferocious face has closed his eyes, while the other seven faces have all He looked like he had just had a drink with them - so after taking a deep breath, he agreed to Zheng Qixing's request.

The long sword, which looked bloody red, turned out to be as gentle as jade after taking possession of it, with no hint of the bloody aura just now.

Especially when holding the hilt of the sword, Du Chengfeng even felt that those Zheng Qixing were standing with him.

This is the brainchild of eight Zheng Qixing. It may not be effective when used to kill others, but it is accurate when used to kill Zheng Qixing himself.

The wave of death also left, and Zheng Qixing took them back. Although Zheng Qixing, who now has eight heads, is no longer the Sangmen star he once was, he is still prepared to do what his future self will do. He may not be able to fulfill the wishes of all the undead, but he can at least restrain these undead from causing trouble.

In this process, Zheng Qixing will also work hard to bring these undead souls back to sleep.

"This is what I should do."

Before leaving, Zheng Qixing left these words.

"Resurrecting the dead is not so much the study of death as it is the attachment to life... Probably because I died once, the future me doesn't want to die anyway. He looks like he is studying death. In fact, what we are looking for is the way to eternal life.”

Speaking of this, Zheng Qixing shook his head, his face filled with endless emptiness.

"What is the so-called eternal life? Is it eternal happiness or eternal torture? I probably never thought about this issue in the future. He just regarded living as his ultimate belief, but he forgot that just living In itself, it has no meaning at all. Life is just..."

Seeing that the two heads on Zheng Qixing's neck were about to start chanting sutras, Du Chengfeng and Coyote quickly sent Zheng Qixing away.

The battle itself is always the simplest thing. The two parties fight, hand to hand, swords and swords, life and death. This kind of gratification is often the fastest. The real trouble is often what happens after the battle - such as Now, facing the devastation after a great battle, Du Chengfeng and Coyote were exhausted both physically and mentally.

"Actually... it's still a big loss."

Coyote sighed.

Although theoretically speaking, they did withstand the foreign enemy. Not only were they not killed by this great power who specialized in death, but they even defeated the great power itself. However, as the venue for the battle between the two sides, this coyote's cave , but had already been beaten to devastation.

Repairing the cave itself is not a difficult task. After all, the coyote only used his mental energy when opening the cave. However, it is not something that can be done in a short time to get rid of the death intention in the cave - even speaking, the coyote himself cannot do it. He often stayed in this cave. After all, under the influence of that strong desire to die, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to stay completely awake.

Once he loses consciousness, he will be like his cheap mentor, the old fisherman, who will suddenly get sick without warning and torture himself to death in various strange ways.

"Why don't you stay at my place first?"

Du Chengfeng once again donated generously.

"It just so happens that I have an extra cave. It's very big inside and the environment is very suitable for you to live in."


Hearing what Du Chengfeng said, Coyote's expression suddenly became subtle.

Yes, it wasn't until this moment that he realized that they had indeed suffered a big loss in this battle, but it was always his side that suffered the loss - on the contrary, the Tin Woodman, instead of being affected in any way, was in vain. He took a long sword that could kill powerful people. Although this long sword could only be used against Zheng Qixing, a powerful person, he still took something back.

Not only did he not lose anything, he didn't even come back empty-handed. Looking back on his own side, this was simply...

"Actually, we still gained something."

Seeing that Coyote's expression began to look a little strange, Du Chengfeng also noticed the uneven distribution of the spoils.

"Just like this sword..."

"Only one sword."

Coyote's expression became more subtle.

"Can you still separate this sword in half?"

"I don't mean the sword itself."

Du Chengfeng shook his head.

"I mean, the technology that goes into making this sword."


Coyote was immediately interested.

Just now, Coyote also saw it. It was not an ordinary weapon forging at all, but more like Zheng Qixing pulling out a part of himself - obviously, this technology came from the Sangmen Star's research on death. , after all, that’s not how the weapons they used came from.

"Technology sharing."

Du Chengfeng proposed a plan for dividing the spoils in a concise and concise manner.

After the exchange of knowledge, it will become two copies, so that neither of them will suffer too much.

Du Chengfeng has never been the kind of person who can eat alone, so naturally he will not let Coyote bear all these losses alone.

"You... are so embarrassed."

Although he said this, there was no trace of embarrassment on Coyote's face.

"So, how is this kind of weapon made?"

"You'll know just by touching it."

Saying this, Du Chengfeng handed the sword to Coyote.

When the coyote bit the sword, he also vaguely felt the feeling of standing with Zheng Qixing.

This also made the coyote understand the origin of the weapon.

Weapons are, after all, external objects, foreign things - but the coyote never thought about this before. For him, weapons are weapons, and this has been established since he was still a mortal.

Of course, no warrior does not want a weapon that can be used as easily as an arm, and the coyote is the same.

So the problem is here, how can a weapon be connected with one's mind?

It is actually very difficult to do this, after all, the holder and the weapon often have to adapt to each other, but this adaptation means that the holder and the weapon are actually unable to play their full potential - from this point of view, those monsters have an advantage, they will directly sacrifice their claws and fangs into weapons, which are originally part of their bodies.

But this is still not the best method, after all, claws and fangs are sometimes not useful.

However, when faced with this unsolvable problem, the Death Star took a different approach.

Based on his understanding of death and souls, the Death Star directly chose a further solution - that is, to directly extract his own thoughts as a weapon. Of course, this weapon also needs a carrier, so the most ideal carrier is his own flesh and blood.

"I was curious at the time, how did the Death Star do it? He cut me into pieces with just a dagger. After all, you know the strength of my body. It is impossible to do this with just a dagger."

Recalling the battle in the past, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh.

"But now it seems... the answer is actually very simple. The dagger was once used by Zheng Qixing's concubine to kill him. The blade was full of Zheng Qixing's own blood, so after Zheng Qixing became the Death Star, the dagger became his research material."

Yes, although on the surface, it was only a dagger that cut into his body, but in fact, it was the will of a powerful being that cut into his body, and the will of death that was directly derived from that will.

The dagger can't cut through the steel body, but the will can.

After all, a firm will can change everything.

"Then... it's really not a loss."

After understanding all this, the coyote nodded slowly.

"Just with this knowledge, it can offset the loss of the cave, and Zheng Qixing is really generous... In this way, we didn't lose much, after all, we gained more than just this knowledge itself."


Du Chengfeng also nodded.

They gained more than just this knowledge, but also the friendship of Zheng Qixing.

It's not the friendship of the evil master Zheng Qixing, but the friendship of the great Zheng Qixing. Although this great man's popularity is not very good, and he was even scolded as a death star, it's not a bad thing to make friends with such a great man who studies death.

More friends, more roads, this is what Du Chengfeng has always thought.

So after the division of the spoils, Du Chengfeng once again parted ways with the coyote.

Coyote was going to another cave to rest for a while. This battle had exhausted his energy. As for Du Chengfeng, he was also going to the cave of the old man who was fishing to rest for a while and deal with his spoils.

He still remembered that he had not sharpened the short sword used as the handle of the long sword.

This long sword left by Zheng Qixing was strictly a mother-and-child sword. The bloody blade was also a scabbard. The short sword used as the scabbard could be pulled out of the scabbard at any time - this saved Du Chengfeng a lot of effort. After all, if this thing was locked too tightly, it would be difficult for him to pull it out.

"This is the real harvest."

Du Chengfeng returned to the cave and sat by the pond, with the long sword across his knees.

The skill of using soul as weapon can only be regarded as a gift from Zheng Qixing to the two of them. The memory attached to the short sword is Du Chengfeng's real trophy - as long as he polishes the short sword, he can get all the energy of a great man and get a glimpse of the lifelong learning of this great man.

This experience can be called a treasure house, especially for Du Chengfeng, who doesn't know much about the world in the sky.

At this moment, Du Chengfeng is already a little impatient.

"Let me see what you have experienced..."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng took out the whetstone and began to polish the short sword in his hand.

Still in the familiar trance, the picture in front of Du Chengfeng also became chaotic, and the feeling of thousands of hammers hitting his body was the feeling of being forged.

It was obviously a pain like being crushed to pieces, but it made Du Chengfeng miss it a little. He hadn't sharpened his knife for a while, and he hadn't felt such a hammering for a while, which even made him miss the past for a while.

But to Du Chengfeng's surprise, after this forging, the quenching he was familiar with did not appear.

The scene in front of him was blurred again, and the surrounding environment became dark.

"What's going on?"

Du Chengfeng's heart trembled. It was the first time he felt this situation during the sharpening process.

At this time, a big face with half of the face rotten suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Finally I waited for you!"

The zombie face showed an excited smile.

"You dared to communicate with this sword, today is your death day!"

"You...are not dead?"

Du Chengfeng was stunned, the situation in front of him was a little wrong.

He clearly remembered that the zombie should have been suppressed by Zheng Qixing, and at this time, Zheng Qixing directly took the suppressed zombie back - in other words, this death star was originally one with Zheng Qixing, and now that Zheng Qixing is gone, this death star should also...

"Why, do you think I shouldn't be here?"

The big face of the death star couldn't help laughing.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you! If you hadn't summoned the former me, I wouldn't have thought that death is so mysterious...This sword was given to you by the former me, right? Aren't you curious why I lost to my former self?"

"...Because you can't win."

Du Chengfeng answered calmly.

This is not some grandiose rhetoric, but an objective fact. Facing the seven iron-willed Zheng Qixing, this Death Star really has no chance of winning.

So this Death Star simply chose to admit defeat.

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng suddenly understood why one of the eight heads on Zheng Qixing's neck was listless and his eyes were closed when he left - just because this head that should have belonged to the Death Star had its own arrangement from the beginning!

Just like Zheng Qixing knows Death Star well enough, Death Star also knows his past selves very well.

"Ah, looking at your expression, you should understand it too."

Death Star laughed more and more wildly.

"Indeed, this is indeed intentional by this seat. Since this seat can't defeat these former selves, it's better to just use their tricks against them... Anyway, they will definitely leave something for you to be on the safe side. This is his indecisiveness and his fatal weakness."

At this point, Death Star's face instantly became ferocious.

"But I don't! I don't have these weaknesses! I have seen through everything about you! Now it's my turn to use the same method on you!"

As he said this, the zombie-like face of the Death Star had already rushed towards Du Chengfeng.

"Take your body, your soul, everything you have!"

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