In the Blade

Chapter 536 Soul

Du Chengfeng was dumbfounded when he saw the face of the living corpse roaring towards him.

On the one hand, he was naturally frightened. He didn't expect that this living corpse actually had such a hand. What's more, he was still sharpening his sword before. As a result, this invincible skill was actually sharpened to such a thing. Does this mean that there is actually something wrong with his ability itself?

On the other hand, I was surprised.

This surprise was not because of fear, but because of familiarity. After all, no matter how you looked at this scene, it looked a bit too familiar - especially when the living corpse was clamoring to take away everything from him, this feeling of familiarity was even more... It's obvious.

If he remembered correctly, he had experienced similar scenes before.

"Stop sleeping! Come to life!"

Saying this, Du Chengfeng clapped his right hand.

With this shot, the gray-black fire phoenix, which was originally just a pattern, spread its wings and flew directly, turning into a real fire phoenix.

After seeing the big face of the living corpse, the gray and black fire phoenix was also stunned.

"This is……"

"Come to seize the body."

Du Chengfeng spoke concisely and to the point, and then came out with a big knife.

With the incitement of the fire, a young man carrying a throwing spear gradually took shape.

Seeing the young man taking off the throwing spear from his back, the gray-black fire phoenix also spread its wings. This time, the dumbfounded man turned into a living corpse - it was originally just a one-on-one battle, but suddenly it turned into a living corpse. He singled out a group of people on the other side, and the other side obviously had no intention of stopping just like that, and was even taking out things.

"Sorry, I have a lot of things to do. I'm sorry."

While saying this to the big face of the living corpse, Du Chengfeng groped around on his body until he took out a long sword from his left arm that seemed to be illusory, but also faintly exuded the aura of a king, and then he stood still. shape.

"I'm ready...just a moment, more."

Du Chengfeng, who was about to start the fight, raised his hand again, and then waved behind him.

Behind him, the souls of those who had been killed by him were piled up in thousands, like a mountain or a sea.

"Okay, that's almost it now."

Du Chengfeng turned around and apologized repeatedly to the big face of the living corpse.

"I'm really sorry. I know that when you want to seize the body, they are also ready to come out and have a chance with you... Okay, there is nothing else to prepare now. What do you say here, you still need to prepare more. For a moment?”


Facing Du Chengfeng, who was waiting in full formation, and the large area behind Du Chengfeng, the big face of the living corpse fell into silence.

"Excuse me."

Saying this, the living corpse turned away with a big face and was about to disappear into the darkness.

However, at this moment, the gray-black fire phoenix took the lead and flew out.

"Don't let him get away!"

The gray-black fire phoenix screamed excitedly. It has not made a move for a few days. Although it got the status of the best sword in the world by chance, it has rarely been killed by Du Chengfeng on weekdays. How many people have all the skills but can only use them to chop vegetables? This has always been the most embarrassing thing about Gray Black Fire Phoenix.

Now that it has a rare opportunity to do something, how can it not be excited?

Not only the gray and black fire phoenix, but also the flaming figure carrying the spear on his back became excited. Although Yang Sanlang's residual will was not very powerful, he had followed Du Chengfeng to fight in all directions for a long time, but As the level of Du Chengfeng's side became higher and higher, and the level of battles he participated in became higher and higher, the thick and heavy sword had less and less room to take action.

It's rare to find an opportunity to fight now, how could he let it slip away like this!


The flaming spear was even faster than the gray-black fire phoenix, and it was directly nailed to the big face of the living corpse.

Immediately afterwards, the souls of those who had been killed by Du Chengfeng also swarmed up.

The big face of the living corpse turned its head and tried to arouse the anger of these dead souls, but to its surprise, these dead souls had no intention of paying attention to it - this also made the big face of the living corpse quite puzzling. After all, It can feel that the essence of these dead souls are the most ferocious evil spirits.

But why, these evil spirits that should have devoured the Lord have no intention of fighting back at this time.

This is simply...

"Don't you hate him?"

The big face of the living corpse continued to stir up the emotions of these dead souls. It felt that it should be the one who understood these dead souls better.

"It was obviously him who killed you, didn't you ever think about letting him suffer retribution?"

"Can't kill!"

The answers given by the dead souls were also extremely simple.

"He can kill us once, he can kill us a second time!"

So instead of killing him, I'd better kill you first.

Although the dead souls did not say this openly, their actions had already replaced the answer. Just looking at the swarming posture, they actually had no intention of turning back and fighting back.


The big face of the living corpse didn't even have time to do anything, and the entire face had been torn into pieces.

Even Du Chengfeng was stunned to see such a scene.

"No, you guys."

Du Chengfeng opened his mouth, but for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"Are you so anxious? Can't you give him some time to show off his talents? I haven't even seen what skills he can use to mess with me..."

But at this moment, no matter what he said, it was too late, because the zombie's face was shattered too thoroughly. Not only did Gray-Black Fire Phoenix and Yang Sanlang grab a piece, but even the numerous evil spirits also grabbed a piece of the face.

In Du Chengfeng's sight, the remains of the zombie's face were actually merged with the evil spirits.

This also made the evil spirits look more solid, and even their faces became slightly rosy.

"Is this... eaten?"

Du Chengfeng was stunned. He had never expected that the remnant soul of the death star, who was so majestic just now, would end up like this.

But this also reminded him of some other questions.

"Does death really not exist in this world?"

Du Chengfeng scratched his head.

If it was before, he might have said that it really didn't exist. After all, the battle not long ago had given him a vivid example, such as the star of death, no matter how many times it died, it would be resurrected again - but now, he saw another way that contradicted it.

Just like now, the residual soul of the star of death has been divided and eaten by other dead souls, so will the star of death really be resurrected again?

"My previous idea may still be a little... too rough?"

Du Chengfeng frowned slightly, and he suddenly felt that death in this world seemed not as simple as he imagined.

But it was also not as simple as the star of death imagined, at least the resurrected undead had nothing to do with death. Of course, the star of death was right about one thing, that is, death is indeed an eternal sleep. As long as the arrangements are made, at least in this world, it can be revived again.

But the problem is here, is it really so absolute?

"It seems... all true."

Du Chengfeng's face became subtle.

This is also the most outrageous part for him. The method of the Death Star can indeed wake people up from death, but the killing method adopted by these dead souls has indeed eliminated the residual soul of the Death Star. Can the souls that are eaten be awakened again? Is this method of eating and sharing considered true death?

"It does not depend on whether it counts, but on whether you want to count it."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng's face was stern.

Yes, he has already noticed this. If he wants to define this as the death of the Death Star, then the Death Star is indeed dead. Even if another Death Star is awakened, it is just another Death Star. But if he doesn't want to say that, then he can say that Zheng Qixing is also a Death Star. The real Death Star is still sleeping in Zheng Qixing's body and may wake up at any time.

"Everything will change, and the only thing that does not change is change itself."

Du Chengfeng remembered the summary he had made before.

But this time, his understanding of this sentence has become deeper.

In this idealistic world, there is no such thing as extreme certainty. Extreme idealism brings extreme freedom. As long as he wants and his will is strong enough, everything is possible.

Everything is possible. Here, it is not just an ordinary chicken soup saying, but the most basic logic of this world.

Even contradictory principles can exist at the same time, even two completely conflicting systems can appear at the same time. As long as you think of it, you can do it. The so-called objective law has completely disappeared.

As long as the will is strong enough, everything is possible.

Until it is replaced by a stronger will.


Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng's mind is already in chaos.

Unconsciously, he has withdrawn from the state of sharpening the knife. Looking at the calm pool of water in front of him, Du Chengfeng has not come back to his senses for a long time-although the understanding of the world is itself the source of power, what he understands now is really too shocking.

Or, this knowledge is really too shocking for a human being.

Originally, in his previous experience, he thought that the great powers who opened up the caves in the sky had such powerful power and were so high in the sky because they had realized the principles of heaven and earth, but now it seems that... what they felt may not be the principles of heaven and earth.

The so-called principles of heaven and earth by these great powers are probably just what they are willing to believe. They are willing to believe in what they have explored and forcibly define it as a law, and even begin to rely on this law to influence the whole world.

Indeed, in this idealistic world that has seen ghosts, there are no laws to speak of, but this does not prevent those great powers from writing a set of their own.

Among the laws written by these great powers, the most comfortable ones are naturally these great powers themselves.

"Influence the whole world with one's own power."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh.

Originally, he thought he knew enough about this world, but now it seems that he still underestimated the madness of this world.

"From this point of view, you are the relatively peaceful one."

Looking at the short sword in his hand, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but think of the zombie face of the Death Star.

Originally, he thought that this death star was the craziest among all the powerful people, but now it seems that this craziest person in his eyes is still a little too conservative. Judging from the last death just now, this zombie face is really trying to study death itself, and even follows the rules and regulations to possess him in this extremely professional way.

In comparison, the coyote can even be considered talented.

This was very obvious when the coyote fought against the body of the old fisherman. The coyote has always believed in the law of the jungle, which means that when it encounters a stronger person, being eaten becomes its fate. But in this inevitable disaster, the coyote decisively chose to flexibly use his understanding and revised his definition of strength and weakness, becoming the one who survives is the strong.

It was this modification that allowed the coyote to break through its own limits and break through its fear, and directly killed the body of the old fisherman on the spot.

Such a coyote may not even lose if it encounters a real fisherman.

Du Chengfeng can feel it.

It can only be said that there may be some wrong names, but there is definitely no wrong name. This can be seen from the fact that the Death Star is called the Death Star, but the Coyote is honored as the Greedy Wolf Star Lord.

Perhaps other great powers have also seen this, so they look down on the Death Star.

After all, being bound by the rules set by oneself is really a bit of a stretch.

"But even so, there must be rules first."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng began to have a toothache.

Yes, even a less qualified great power like the Death Star actually has something that he firmly believes in. It firmly believes that its research on death is just, so it even betrays its former self - even if the facts have proved that the Death Star's path has gone astray, but this belief is real.

Or the Coyote has always firmly believed in the principle of "the survival of the fittest". Although the content of these four words may change in various ways due to the temporary situation, no matter how flexible it is, it is always based on the survival of the fittest.

In other words, everyone has something they believe in, which is the basis of their strength and the tool they use to influence the whole world.

"So that's the problem."

Du Chengfeng fell into deep thought.

"What do I believe in?"

Du Chengfeng touched his chin, and he also tried to find things that he could believe in in his understanding and memory.

But the result was somewhat unexpected.

He seemed to not believe in anything.

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