In the Blade

Chapter 537: What the Heart Desires

In the cave originally opened by Du Chengfeng, the coyote, or the Greedy Wolf Star Lord, was recovering from his injuries.

This was not a physical injury, or rather, strictly speaking, the physical injury could not be considered an injury. After all, he could completely change his appearance, so it was just healing some wounds, which was easier for him - but physical wounds were easy to heal, but mental wounds were not so easy to heal.

Especially after fighting with another powerful person, the mental collision brought about an unstable state of mind, which took quite a while to calm down.

"It's still too weak... I was almost eaten."

The coyote lying on the ground thought so.

This was not a weakness in combat power, but a weakness in reason. When he really came into contact with the understanding of death by the Death Star, when he really experienced that firmness, even if he believed in the law of the jungle, he could not help but waver.

He even felt that there was no conflict between this way of death and his law of the jungle, and he might be able to take this path.

But this was also the problem.

When this thought came to his mind, his determination to the law of the jungle was also reduced. In other words, understanding new truths not only did not make him stronger, but made him weaker.

"What's more... I'm not him."

Thinking of this, the coyote gritted his teeth.

Yes, he is not the unlucky star. He has his own way to go. How could he turn around and study death like the unlucky star? But the most painful thing for him is here. What is already in front of him, that tyrannical path, he wants to pretend not to see, but it is impossible.

As long as you see it, you will be affected, and as long as you are affected, you will start to believe it.

"It would be good if you can stop believing in this kind of thing, but... hey."

Thinking of this, the coyote felt more and more uncomfortable.

Refusing to believe, this kind of thing is easy to say, but it is extremely difficult to do it - it is not as easy as just opening your mouth, but you have to disbelieve from the bottom of your heart what you see, hear, and even experience in person.

This is the best way to refuse influence, not giving the other party a chance to insert a needle, and refusing to be influenced from the beginning.

But this means working behind closed doors, which means that you can't continue to become stronger.

Perhaps it is so difficult to gain power. No matter when, you may fall into a situation where you are stuck on both ends - just like the coyote now, on one hand, he is attracted by the temptation of the way of death and tries to understand the truth in it, and on the other hand, he is trying to resist this power and resist being infected by it.

"If it can be simple and direct, just say you don't believe it, then it would be great."

The coyote couldn't help but sigh.

In the past, when he was still young, he believed that people should pursue knowledge, and only by learning and understanding all the knowledge can they become stronger - but now, he has already felt vaguely that it is not people who are pursuing knowledge, but these knowledge that are chasing people.

Of course, if the person who is chased by knowledge happens to want this knowledge, then it is naturally excellent. It can be said that it is a two-way rush, and everyone is happy. People get the knowledge they want, and knowledge has found a suitable host, and everyone has a bright future.

But in fact, more often than not, the knowledge that the person who is chased by knowledge may not be what he wants, and it may even be harmful. So at this time, the knowledge that was originally as sweet as honey becomes poison. Once it is swallowed without scruples, what awaits this person may be something more tragic than death.

And now, this is what the coyote is facing.

The knowledge about death has caught up with him, and forced the information that he does not need at all into his brain. If he cannot eliminate this influence, he will only be affected by this information.

The belief in the law of the jungle will leave him, and he will gradually be infected by the way of death.

It is true that the death star is dead, but he will become the second death star.

"So this cannot be done anyway."

Thinking of this, the coyote simply left the cave and jumped down from the sky.

The body that was no different from an ordinary wild wolf fell to the ground, and even began to act like an ordinary wild wolf, pounced on rabbits, pounced on voles, and even looked for wolves, and began to hunt with the wolf pack.

This is the way for the coyote to recover himself, by integrating into nature itself, to find back his belief in the law of the jungle.

The coyote found his own way, while in the cave of the Death Star, Zheng Qixing, who came back with a group of corpses, also began his recuperation - perhaps the Death Star can be called a great power, but Zheng Qixing is not a great power. Even if Zheng Qixing has eight heads now, it is actually a huge workload to take over the research on death left by the Death Star.

What's more, among the eight heads, only seven can be used. As for the last and most useful one, that is, the Death Star's own head, it has been pressed into a deep sleep and it is difficult to wake up again.

"Besides... his understanding of death is still a bit too biased."

Zheng Qixing, who has eight heads, commented on his future self in this way.

This is not just one evaluation from Zheng Qixing, but a common evaluation from seven Zheng Qixings. Even the last two, Zheng Qixing, who fell into emptiness and confusion because of studying death, did not think that his future self was really on the right path.

This can be felt by just looking at the mountains of corpses. He resurrected so many undead spirits, but only achieved such a superficial level. His future self is really poor.

You should know that Zheng Qixing has become a master of evil spirits at a young age, and even became a famous hero at that time. His style of doing things would not be so sloppy.

And if it were him, he would not actually study the way of death.

"Just like evil spirits, this kind of thing has side effects."

Thinking of this, Zheng Qixing couldn't help shaking his head.

Although he was a master of evil spirits back then, he has always been very cautious about things like evil spirits. His current understanding of death is also similar - just like the more you use evil spirits, the more easily you are affected by them, and the more you study death, the more you will be affected by death itself.

This point can be clearly seen by looking at the previous death star. The excessive exploration of death even disturbed the mind of the death star, so that compared with Zheng Qixing himself, the death star was like a completely different person.

Just like the old saying goes, when you have a hammer in your hand, everything looks like a nail.

If you extend this sentence, it means that the longer you hold the hammer, the person holding the hammer will become a frame that only knows how to swing the hammer. At this time, except for swinging the hammer itself, this person can no longer do anything.

"You can't let the power control people, but people should control the power."

Zheng Qixing thought so.

Although Zheng Qixing was not very clear whether he was still a human with eight heads, he was no longer in the mortal world, so it didn't matter-yes, in Zheng Qixing's own understanding, he was taken to the underworld after his death, or to the sky, anyway, those strange places that only exist in myths and legends.

Well, since it has become a myth, it doesn't matter what he looks like. After all, in those myths, there are people with ten heads, and his eight heads are even considered few.

"What's more... we need everyone to help each other right now."

Looking at the mountains of undead in front of him, Zheng Qixing didn't have the mind to worry about the appearance for a while.

Appearance doesn't matter anymore. What he really needs to deal with now is the mess left by the death star - these corpses are the byproducts of the death star in the process of studying death. In many cases, the death star will also use it as a source of power, but this huge power is not a good thing for Zheng Qixing.

After all, he has no intention of controlling the undead, and he doesn't even want to accept this way of death. These undead are purely a burden to him.

"But it's also an opportunity, isn't it?"

Thinking of this, Zheng Qixing's two heads turned and looked at himself.

"This is also an opportunity, isn't it? You can just settle them properly, and in the process, you can gradually realize new power... According to what we have studied in the future, death itself can be used as power, so how can the resistance to death not be used as power?"

"This... is indeed."

The leader Zheng Qixing nodded, he understood what the other self wanted to express.

The mountains and seas of corpses are indeed a huge burden, but they are also an opportunity for training - just as the other party said, calling back these dead souls is a kind of power, so letting these dead souls return to sleep is naturally another kind of power.

In fact, this is a better power.

It is not to awaken the dead, but to let the dead return to sleep. This way is obviously more in line with the true way of death.

Death is an eternal sleep. Since you have fallen asleep, don't wake up again.

It is disrespectful to the dead to disturb their sleep rashly.


Thinking of this, Zheng Qixing's two heads on the edge also nodded repeatedly.

The two heads were the last two Zheng Qixing, who also studied death the most deeply. However, unlike the later death star who delved into death to the point of obsession, these two Zheng Qixing had already fallen into emptiness and confusion before they reached this step. But at this moment, looking at the eyes of these two Zheng Qixing, there was no confusion at all.

The eyes of these two Zheng Qixing clearly flashed with determination, and they saw the future glory of this road!

"That's how it should be done!"

"It should have been done a long time ago!"

The two Zheng Qixing heads quarreled.

"I said why the more I studied, the more confused I became. It turns out that I took the wrong path from the beginning! The obsession with resurrection comes from our death, not death itself... We have always taken a detour! This is what we really want to do and what we want to do!"

"Or, it's just that we are unwilling to die like this."

The Zheng Qixing in the middle, the leader, couldn't help but sigh.

Yes, as the one closest to the death, Zheng Qixing felt the deepest about this thought - even if he did kill people, he never felt that he did anything wrong. After all, he has always been committed to eliminating harm for the people, and he would not do anything to kill innocent people for credit.

But it was this persistence that led to the inexplicable resentment after he was killed for no reason.

Why, why was he killed when he did nothing wrong?

Perhaps it was because of this resentment that led to his deviation. He did not want to die like this, he wanted to live again, so his research on death was just for his own resurrection from the beginning.

He was unwilling to die like this, he was unwilling.

"But now..."

Zheng Qixing shook his head when he thought of this.

Now, after seeing his future self become like this, he no longer has those many resentments in his heart - not to mention that according to other self's statements, he even avenged his revenge a long time ago, so there is no resentment at all.

If I must say, he is more confused at the moment.

This is similar to the two empty Zheng Qixing. After the great revenge, he is no longer obsessed with resurrection. He suddenly doesn't know what to do - it seems that he can do anything, but he has no interest in everything. This is Zheng Qixing's current state.

From this perspective, the future him, that is, the star of death, has left him a rich legacy.

"Let these dead souls fall asleep first."

Zheng Qixing thought so.

Letting these mountains and seas of dead souls fall into a peaceful sleep is just in line with Zheng Qixing's current state of mind. After all, he himself is exhausted and wants to pursue this eternal tranquility - but he will not choose death like this. After all, this kind of thing is too irresponsible. He will wait until these dead souls fall into a deep sleep before considering whether he should fall asleep with them.

"Maybe in this process, I have found another reason not to fall asleep?"

Another Zheng Qixing's head spoke.

"Perhaps I have made new discoveries in this process... Now we know that this world is very big and there are still many things we can do, right?"

This Zheng Qixing's head did not get any response.

Only the eighth Zheng Qixing's head nodded.

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