In the Blade

Chapter 552: Annoying

Strictly speaking, it was the first time for Du Chengfeng to polish a person as an object.

Although he had a similar experience before, it was more like an accident at that time. This time, he was really fully armed to do this - in order to ensure the efficiency of polishing, he even changed the tools he used, such as the whetstone, which was replaced by a bath towel.

"The bone structure here is worn, and the tendons inside are in trouble. This is obviously due to some... um?"

As soon as he started, Du Chengfeng was stunned. This familiar feeling was really no different from when he was sharpening a knife - just like when he was sharpening a knife, he could roughly judge the experience of the knife by just looking at the notches and scratches on the blade. The various problems shown on this person's body and the corresponding impression that emerged from his mind were exactly the same.

"In other words, it actually works?"

Du Chengfeng was very surprised. It turned out that this person could actually be sharpened as a knife.

This is not even referring to the humanoid weapon of Taizu Nanchen, nor to the Xiangtou who was resurrected by Zheng Qixing, but to all people, as if all people can use similar methods to sharpen.


Du Chengfeng was a little dazed for a while.

You know, he has always thought that his special ability is only in sharpening knives, so after mastering the power, he has not used this ability that has nothing to do with power for a while. Only when he needs to extract some information and happens to get the opponent's weapon, he will remember that he has such a skill.

But now it seems...

It's not that this skill is not useful, but that his previous understanding of this skill is fundamentally wrong.

Compared with simply sharpening weapons, this set of technology obviously has a wider application space.

But Du Chengfeng has no time to think about these things now, because the familiar picture has appeared in front of him-if he experienced thousands of hammers and tempers when sharpening swords, then when sharpening human bodies, he experienced the process of birth.

After the familiar birth process, Du Chengfeng saw the light again.

This also made him gradually understand the life of this Xiangtou.

Like most ordinary people, this Xiangtou's life when he was young was not very exciting. When he was young, he followed his parents to learn to do things. When he grew up, he went to school for a year and came back to work to supplement the family income. It can't be said to be miserable, but it can't be said to be very good. At least for this Xiangtou, such a life is far from what he wants.

But even if he doesn't want it, it doesn't make sense, just because this Xiangtou's family is not the kind of starving people who can't really survive. Although his family is poor, it is not to the point of starving to death.

After solving the problem of food and clothing, he naturally lost the fierceness of fighting for his life. The poor family environment made him unable to do anything. He didn't have the capital to do things, and he was not ruthless enough. The first half of this Xiangtou's life can be said to be nothing.

Even this Xiangtou himself was confused for a long time. He didn't know what he should do, and he didn't know what he could do. He seemed to be working like this all his life, and he would go on like this all his life. When he reaches the right age, his family will probably find him a wife from a similarly poor family, and then spend all their savings to marry her, and they may even go into debt.

Then he will have children, and his children will grow up in such an environment. With one more mouth to feed, the family will only become increasingly unable to make ends meet, until his children grow up to be as old as he is now, and then go to work like him, and continue this life of not being full but not starving to death, day after day.

Such days seem to end at a glance, and it seems that there will never be an end.


Xiangtou didn't know what to do, but he instinctively rejected such a life.

This is living, but it is just living. He doesn't know what the difference is between living like this and dying. He wants to get rid of this situation, he wants to see the bigger sky outside - but he can only think about it. He can't even fill his stomach, so he can't do anything.

"But, is there really nothing you can do?"

This is what the old Xiangtou who was teaching the Dharma said to Xiangtou when he went to listen to the Dharma for the first time.

This kind of teaching is not to teach any real magic, but just to give people a place to complain - after all, proper temples have to collect incense money. As an ordinary person, the incense head can't find a place to pray to the gods. Now there is someone to listen to him complain about the sufferings accumulated in his daily life, which is a great comfort to him.

But to the surprise of the young incense head, when he told the old incense head in front of him all his sufferings, the old incense head smiled at him.

"You can do it, you can definitely do it... Your will is so strong, how can there be anything you can't do?"

That was the first time that the young incense head was praised. At this time, he was not even an incense head.

These thoughts in the deepest part of his heart, the incense head did not dare to reveal to his parents, just because he knew that if these things were said, he would only be scolded by his parents, saying that he only knew how to fantasize and didn't know how to work hard - but these fantasies, these statements that even he himself thought were not good enough, were actually praised.

It was from this time that he burned incense more often.

Burning incense made him happy, and the words of the old incense leader made him even more happy. Every time he came to burn incense, he felt as happy as returning home - so soon, he was promoted and became a new incense leader. .

In the early days, he was still burning incense with Lao Xiangtou, and he was regarded as Lao Xiangtou's second-in-command. However, after the death of Lao Xiangtou, he began to take charge of the overall situation.

In a sense, Lao Xiangtou can be regarded as his mentor. He learned a lot from Lao Xiangtou, such as how to manage, how to lead people to burn incense, what to pay attention to when traveling far away, and the teachings Some commonly used slang - from this point of view, it is not an exaggeration to say that Lao Xiangtou is his adoptive father.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this kind of friendship that Lao Xiangtou called him over before he passed away.

"Our religion is widely distributed. If something happens, you can send someone with the mark of the deceased Maitreya to ask for help. The brothers and sisters around you will help you..."

Lao Xiangtou, who was as angry as a gossamer, gave his final instructions.

"Also, if you encounter those evil strong men who want to kill you, you must remember that you can do anything with your firm will."

"Remember, I will remember."

Although he said this at the time, Xiangtou himself didn't take the last sentence seriously.

Can you do anything if you are determined? How could such a thing exist. You must know that he is not the kind of ignorant boy. He has gained a lot of knowledge in these years following Lao Xiangtou. Naturally, he knows that many times, things cannot be solved by hard work alone, not to mention that he and By Lao Xiangtou's side, he was already half an expert.

In other words, this kind of words can be used to deceive new believers. As for an expert like him... He himself has always been very clear that the so-called Maitreya in the afterlife may not necessarily exist, and the True Land of Ultimate Bliss may not exist either. All this time, they have just used words to try to relieve the resentment in the hearts of ordinary people, that's all.

But soon, Xiangtou knew that it was not what he thought at all.

Just because the deceased Maitreya really appeared to him once, when he was chanting the name of the deceased Maitreya, he was obviously the one who didn't believe it the most, but he suddenly felt an inexplicable surge of power - as if The power of the deceased Maitreya was really with him, as if this hidden god and Buddha were really protecting him.

"This...this kind of thing is actually possible?"

Realizing that something was wrong, Xiangtou quickly began to try to understand this power. It was at this time that he vaguely understood that the previous behavior of his cheap master was not necessarily just a simple talk therapy - will is really It is powerful, it can even be said to be a very powerful force. This force is so fierce that it is even comparable to the evil spirit.

It's just that his old mentor, the old Xiangtou, never told him about this before.

It's like trying to hide it from him.

"This... is normal."

Xiangtou is not surprised by this kind of thing. After all, if you want to learn a craft these days, you still have to work for three years in vain. As for this kind of skill, the master cannot pass it down until he is buried in the ground, so this kind of thing It didn't seem like anything to him.

In other words, he no longer has time to care about such trivial matters.

He cares more about the power itself.

Different from evil spirits, this power is obviously more convenient. It does not require weapons or killing people. It only requires concentration of will to display many magical powers. When he first came into contact with this power, Xiangtou once thought that he He has become otherworldly and has become one of the legendary immortals who use magic.

But soon, Xiangtou realized that he was not the only one who had mastered this power.

Strange to say, he had never heard of the existence of this strange power before, but with the death of his cheap mentor, and as he gradually mastered the power itself, other people who can use this power are also like They sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain - although the number of these people was still small, it was enough to make the Xiangtou begin to feel a sense of crisis.

This power is not unique to him, and he may not even be considered the best among these people.

"But...I will definitely be the hardest working one."

Xiangtou is indeed very hardworking, but the way he works hard is to use this wonderful method to make money. With this truly superb technique, he quickly gathered a large number of believers and became a local leader—— With too many people in charge, Xiangtou will inevitably have some ambitions that he shouldn't have.

But this is not enough, he wants to do more and do bigger.

However, this kind of thing obviously cannot be done by patting the head, at least he can't do it now. Although he has mastered this mysterious power, it can only be regarded as the level of a master of evil spirit. Even speaking, If he really wants to fight head-on, he may not be able to beat those evil spirit masters without having used his hands a few times.

"So we have to work hard from this strength."

The thought once occurred to Xiangtou.

If he could become stronger, there would probably be a way. Even if he couldn't kill those evil spirit masters head-on, being able to protect himself was already the best thing - but to his surprise, at this time, he Once again I received the blessing of Maitreya who passed away.

When that flash of inspiration flashed through his mind, he realized for the first time where this power should be used.

"Even I can learn how to use this power... Then, can't everyone learn this power?"

Yes, this may be the dangerous part of this power, not how strong it is, but the universality of this thing - as long as you can think normally, open your mouth and speak, and shout "May Maitreya bless you in the future", you are likely to master this power.

And if you want to increase the intensity, it is not completely impossible. At least in one attempt after another, this incense head has vaguely grasped the key to this power.

That is, the more crazy, the stronger.

This is a very counterintuitive thing. After all, in general, masters who solve battles with ease always look stronger than those crazy martial arts lunatics, but this incense head knows that this power is completely different now - this power does not require the rationality of ordinary masters to control the evil spirit, but transcends rationality itself, which can be called extreme madness.

Reason is meaningless, reason is just a constraint. Only by transcending reason and common sense can we better use this power and better reach the paradise.

So in order to let more people experience the Pure Land and the mysterious power, the incense master even specially built supporting facilities - that is the incense mixed with Wushisan. It looks exactly like the real incense on weekdays, but once it burns, the people who inhale the fragrance will soon become confused and gradually go crazy.

And this is what he wants.

Reason cannot bring power. Reason can only restrain oneself, just like the discipline from parents in childhood, they can't bring anything - but the blessing of Maitreya, this power that goes straight to the heart, can bring him freedom, bring him strength, and bring him everything!

"May Maitreya bless you... May Maitreya bless you!"

The incense master still doesn't believe in Maitreya, but he believes in power, and believes in this absolutely strong power.

"Everyone can have this power, and everyone can do this power!"

At that moment, the incense master was ambitious.

"I just want to make everyone in this world like a dragon!"

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