In the Blade

Chapter 553 Everyone is like a dragon

"Everyone, like a dragon?"

When Du Chengfeng saw the incense head shouting the slogan, he was shocked. He didn't expect that the incense head actually had such a grand wish. Compared with the incense head's words, he seemed a little too unambitious, and the incense head died because of his surprise attack. It seemed like he had done something bad.

But after a closer look, Du Chengfeng realized that things seemed to be different from what he understood.

The incense head did have such ambitions, at least the slogan was shouted very clearly, but when it came to doing it, it was completely different. The incense head was indeed spreading power in his own way, but the way to spread power was not to popularize the power of will, but to teach people to burn incense in a very simple way.

"Ah, this."

Seeing that the incense head was getting more and more incense money, Du Chengfeng was speechless for a long time.

Burning incense is not completely useless. After all, the incense used by the incense master was specially made by him. It was not only mixed with Wushisan, but also with large fruit shells. When this thing was ignited and burned, even the most rational people would be confused directly - but it was this confusion that turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

When a person is confused, his rationality collapses, and at this time, the only thing that is firm in his heart is the little desire he wants.

A firm will can change everything. Even if you can't be firm actively, you can be firm passively for a while.

Under the influence of mental power, many things will become part of the success even if they were originally impossible. This also makes the incense of this incense master seem more effective - that is, relying on this special incense, this incense master quickly surpassed his cheap mentor and became the leading figure of the town's sect.

Perhaps because of his improved status, the heart of this incense master began to be wild. He gradually began to be no longer satisfied with the little incense money, and he began to want to do real big things.

As for what this big event is, the incense head himself has not even thought about it. After all, there are actually a lot of big things that can be done. For example, from a secular perspective, most of those who worship Maitreya are dissatisfied with the current world, which means that they are in conflict with the court. From this perspective, at least they should find a way to overthrow the Southern Chen Dynasty and establish a new dynasty.

Or from the perspective of gods and Buddhas, Maitreya has blessed them for so long, so they must contribute to the birth of Maitreya. When Maitreya appears and the Pure Land of Bliss comes to the world, everyone will have a good life, at least that's what they say.

Finally, from their own perspective, if they can really make their wishes come true, they can be considered omnipotent, which is a higher level than some evil masters. Let alone wealth and glory, even becoming a Buddha and an ancestor, and living forever, I'm afraid it can be achieved.

But after thinking about it, these so-called big events actually have their own problems.

It's like being omnipotent, even becoming a Buddha, which is indeed possible in the long run, but it is still difficult to do for a while because of insufficient accumulation - after all, the hallucination brought by drugs is not real firmness, and he obviously needs to practice for a few more years.

As for resurrecting Maitreya, it's even more needless to say. After all, the incense head himself doesn't really know what the Maitreya he worships is all about - even the lectures on weekdays are actually made up by the incense head himself. He doesn't know much about the Maitreya at all, and he has never thought about understanding it.

As for conflict with the Southern Chen court, this is even more unnecessary. Indeed, the current world is not very good, but that's only the people who burn incense think it's not very good. After receiving the incense money from these people, the incense head unexpectedly thinks that the current world is not bad - after all, if it weren't for this chaotic world, how could there be so many people coming to burn incense and give money?


The incense head has sorted out his thoughts, but Du Chengfeng is choked.

Although he thought that it was outrageous enough for the incense head to make the incense stick mixed with large fruit shells, he did not expect that the incense head could be even more outrageous - he kept saying that he wanted to do great things, but in the end he did not want to do any of them. What was this?

However, although the incense head was not sure what he really wanted to do, he had been working on improving his personal strength. Perhaps this was out of the most basic sense of security, or he really wanted to prepare something. In short, in terms of mental strength, the incense head really practiced something.

Then he really began to select people and pass on this power.

The incense head did not mean to cherish his own broom. Of course, it might be because he really needed some backbone members to help, so he specially picked a few who looked pious. This kind of people was relatively easy to get started. After all, if they were pious enough, their will would be more determined, which meant that it was easier to master the power.

So the noodle stall owner was naturally selected.

"So this can be considered a good thing?"

Seeing that an acquaintance appeared in the picture, Du Chengfeng frowned slightly.

It seemed to be a good thing, at least at the beginning. When the noodle stall owner was called to stay, he looked quite excited, and the incense master was really teaching seriously, and even took out his best skills.

The best skills are the skills of making incense sticks. After all, it involves the integration of multiple medicines, so this kind of thing cannot be sloppy.

But just when the incense master was imparting the secret, the noodle stall owner frowned.

"Isn't this a big fruit shell?"

It turns out that the noodle stall owner has also seen and eaten this before. After all, in addition to the hallucinogenic effect of the big fruit shell, it is sometimes used as a spice in cooking. However, many stalls only use this kind of thing secretly and never put it in the open. After all, they sell food, not big fruit shells. If people really know about it, it will always be a bit unpleasant to tell others.

It is precisely because he knows this big fruit shell and recognizes the Five Stones Powder that the noodle stall owner is immediately unhappy.

"It turns out that you are a group of liars!"

The noodle stall owner was furious, obviously remembering the dazed state when he burned incense. From his face, it can be seen that the noodle shop owner obviously thought that he was inspired by the deceased Maitreya and was a symbol of piety.

As a result, it seems that he was drugged by someone. How can it be?

"Give me back my money! I quit!"

The angry noodle stall owner was about to leave, which made the incense head's scalp numb for a moment. He never thought that this seemingly most devout believer would have such a face - what he couldn't accept the most was that the noodle stall owner even threatened to report to the authorities if he didn't return the money, and to tell others about his private use of big fruit shells and Wu Shi San.

Although in theory, Wu Shi San is used by many dignitaries, at the government level, it is still not allowed for private possession by the public, let alone selling it, even if it is prepared, it is not allowed. If caught, you will be sent directly to jail.

The incense head didn't want to go to jail, not at all.

He still had so many wonderful lives to experience, so many great things to do, and so many days to live. How could he die here?

But he couldn't beat the noodle stall owner. After all, he only collected some money for incense every day, but the noodle stall owner had to work all day and was quite strong. Just looking at his thick arms, I'm afraid that a random punch could knock him to the ground and he couldn't even get up.

However, no matter what, he couldn't let the noodle stall owner leave. After all, the noodle stall owner had known his secret and even threatened to take him to the police.

No matter what, he couldn't let the noodle stall owner leave.

No matter what, no matter what.

"No matter what."

At that time, the only thing left in Xiangtou's mind was this sentence.

So, when Xiangtou came to his senses, the noodle stall owner had already fallen in a pool of blood.

"It's all his fault!"

Taking a deep breath, Xiangtou quickly chose to throw the body into the wilderness.

This was Xiangtou's first time killing someone, so he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. But it was this killing that made Xiangtou feel an indescribable feeling for the first time - this was a display of strength, a control of power. He was originally just an ordinary person, but he could easily take another person's life. This feeling was simply...

"No wonder those evil lunatics like to kill people."

Xiangtou clenched his fist.

There was no blood on his fist, but he always felt that he could smell a faint bloody smell.

This smell was not unpleasant.

He even began to like this feeling a little.

"Yes, that's it... You can't become a superior person just by suffering."

At that moment, Xiangtou said this to himself.

It seemed like he was sighing, and it seemed like he was trying to convince himself.

After this, Xiangtou had changed a little. He really wanted to do something big. After all, he was no longer the same as before. He felt that only real big things could match his omnipotent power. And because of this experience, Xiangtou even felt that his power, which had not improved for a long time, suddenly became stronger.

"Yes, that's it. Madness is power, and reason is just a shackle..."

Thinking like this, Xiangtou began to call on the people he trusted, and he began to implement his plan again. He wanted to build more backbones, he wanted to do bigger and more!

Then not long after, Du Chengfeng's big face appeared in Xiangtou's sight.

"Ah, this."

Du Chengfeng, who withdrew from the picture, rubbed his eyebrows. He felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

It was not a physical discomfort, but mainly a mental torture. You know, he has seen many people sharpening knives, and those strong men have their own characteristics, but this Xiangtou... Du Chengfeng can only say that it is not unreasonable that the other party cannot be a master of evil spirits.

At least from this mentality, let alone releasing the evil spirit, this Xiangtou may not be able to resist even the most basic evil spirit erosion. I am afraid that as soon as he touches the evil spirit weapon, he will directly become a martial madman who only knows how to kill.

From this perspective, the will of this Xiangtou is actually far less firm than imagined. Even if he knows the secret of mental power, he may not be able to exert much power.

But, can he really not exert it?

Obviously not. Although this Xiangtou is indeed ridiculously weak, Du Chengfeng still remembers that he was once blinded by this Xiangtou. If it were an ordinary evil spirit master, he would probably be defeated by this Xiangtou.

But this is not normal, and this is also the biggest problem.

This Xiangtou is so weak, how can he do that?

"Unless this rebirth of Maitreya really has some saying in it..."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng suddenly thought of another doubt.

This Xiangtou himself is uneducated and has no idea what Maitreya is that he worships in the past life - but the cheap master of Xiangtou, the old Xiangtou, obviously knows this, and even I discovered the power of determination early, which is the magical power of the mind.

In other words, this secret method, which was regarded by the former Chu royal family as a secret that could only be passed down by the royal family, was no longer a secret in the later generations after the demise of the Chu people.

At least some people know that this power exists, but because there are so many people who use evil spirits, those who are really determined as iron can directly take the evil energy route. Compared with the mental route, the evil energy route obviously has more disadvantages. Better development - but the use of mental power has indeed been passed down, and special supporting usage has even been developed.

For example, although the medicine used in this incense head is a bit outrageous in itself, it can indeed be regarded as a last resort for most users who are trying their best for the first time.

"In other words, those elegant and elegant people do such mysterious and mysterious things... actually they actually have something to say?"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but think of some unforgettable scenes he saw when he was in Yizhou City. Originally, in his opinion, those so-called elegant scholars might have gone crazy after walking for five stones, but now it seems, This probably has another meaning.

However, he still couldn't agree with this style of practice, nor did he agree with this way of cultivating mental power. To only rely on this method to cultivate mental power was obviously a wrong way.

"But... there may be a lot of people who use this method."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng frowned.

What this Xiangtou can think of may not be something that others can't think of. After all, whether it's Five Stone Powder or a Big Nut Shell, it's actually not something that's too difficult to get - and the secret of Xinli is no longer a secret. , in other words, there are more secret mental practitioners who are practicing in this special way.

"My so stupid."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but think of the theory about the three turbidities.

Madness brings strength, and reason is just a shackle. This is Na Xiangtou's understanding of mental power.

I'm afraid, it's not just Xiangtou himself who understands this way.

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