In the Blade

Chapter 555 Thought Parasitism

If it were the previous Du Chengfeng, he would probably not notice this abnormality at all.

But the current Du Chengfeng is completely different. He is currently practicing and has long been accustomed to examining the thoughts that come out of his mind at any time. It is precisely because of this that he can immediately notice that the thought that arises in his mind is not actually his.

After all, he actually has two ideas now, one is to practice and become stronger, and the other is to live a peaceful life for a few days after becoming stronger. Maybe it seems a bit unambitious, but Du Chengfeng never denies that what he wants is actually this thing.

It's just that even this little thing is difficult to do in this idealistic world, so he will keep going and go all the way to this point.

As for the ambition like "Everyone is like a dragon"... It sounds good, but for him, it is a bit too much.

"It should be seen from the memory of the incense head."

Du Chengfeng tried to summarize the source of this idea.

But this statement is actually a bit untenable.

Grand wishes, and ideas that sound powerful at first glance, he had seen them in other opponents before, but even though he had seen them, he would not have the idea of ​​following suit - but this time was different. After this idea came to his mind, he actually felt that this idea made sense, and even wanted to follow suit for a while.

And if you think about it carefully, this matter is really feasible. After all, in this idealistic world that has seen ghosts, as long as you think of it, you can really do it. In other words, this is not a materialistic world, and there is no limitation of "limited resources". As long as people want to do it, everyone can be like a dragon.

"No wonder, no wonder I disliked the county magistrate so much before..."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but think of his previous aversion to the county magistrate's behavior. This aversion was actually somewhat unreasonable. After all, what the county magistrate did, whether from the county magistrate's own perspective or from the perspective of the current world, was actually nothing wrong.

After all, no matter what, those teachers were hired by the county lord, and the people were also happy to learn to read and write. As for whether the teachings were really useful, it was not important to the people in the county. They just needed to know that they could learn to read, even learn to read, and even pass on this knowledge to their children and grandchildren. That was enough.

For the county lord, this was even better. From the perspective of reputation, this was considered to be educating the people. From a practical perspective, these people spent all their time on learning, so they had no time to burn incense. In fact, this could effectively suppress the output of local evil masters. After all, everyone spent their time on reading, and few people would have time to pick up knives and chop people.

No matter from which perspective, this was a win several times.

Only from Du Chengfeng's perspective, it was difficult for him to accept.

"How can knowledge be fake?"

Even though he had figured out the key points, Du Chengfeng still found it a little difficult to accept. After all, in his cognition, teaching must teach something real. In Du Chengfeng's eyes, teaching a bunch of useless things to waste other people's time is no different from stealing money and killing people - it can even be said that this county magistrate is killing people with a soft knife, but the whole process has been magnified to several decades.

"You still have to teach something real..."

The thought in his heart grew like a big tree, and Du Chengfeng couldn't hold it back for a while.

Or, there is no need to hold it back, after all, even he himself thinks that this thought is fine.

What's wrong with everyone being like a dragon? Everyone in this world should be like a dragon! Everyone has the ability, everyone has his own consciousness, isn't this a great thing?

"Or, if everyone is like a dragon, then people will be truly equal."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but nod repeatedly.

Yes, that's it, it should be like this, people are people, there is no distinction between high and low, everyone can get rewards through their own efforts, this is the greatest fairness.

"Fair! Right! Fair!"

At this moment, Du Chengfeng no longer paid attention to that idea, or rather, that idea had already become his own idea, just like the previous incense head, he has also recognized this concept of everyone being like a dragon.

But unlike the incense head who only knew how to make a profit and had no ideas or action, Du Chengfeng had plenty of ideas and action.

"If you want to do this idea, it may not work just by relying on extraordinary power."

Du Chengfeng, who decided to do it, immediately began to think, and at the beginning of thinking, he immediately rejected the idea of ​​using extraordinary power-after all, if extraordinary power is really used, it may not achieve the effect he wants, and it is more likely to appear, but the scene in Jishui Town before.

That is, everyone worships him as a god, after all, he who uses extraordinary power is indeed no different from a god in the eyes of ordinary people.

But this also lost his original intention. After all, what he wanted was for everyone to be like a dragon, not for himself to become a Buddha.

"Besides, this is also a practice, I have to restrain myself... Forget it, anyway, pull up the hands first!"

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng, who had just left the county government, slapped his head and went back directly.

He wanted to ask the county lord for a title, so he said that he wanted to recruit a group of people to train and use them as constables - of course, this was just a nominal excuse. In fact, he was competing with the teachers invited by the county lord for people.

First, he would teach some people and then deal with the rest.

Although Du Chengfeng usually looked lazy, once he determined what he was going to do, Du Chengfeng would move at a speed as fast as lightning.

Du Chengfeng was arguing with the county lord for people, and in a place he didn't know, in the distant desert, the broken Black Tiger Star Lord was also struggling to move forward, fulfilling his own wishes.

The biggest wish of the Black Tiger Star Lord was of course to be resurrected, and then to retaliate against the Fire Star Lord who had repeatedly targeted him, but before completing the resurrection, he had to complete the test of a senior master - crossing this desert at the moment was one of the other party's tests.

"If you don't even have this strength, then going out is also a death."

The Black Tiger Star Lord still remembered that the unknown senior said so.

What the senior said was actually correct, or in other words, the other party's body was already a whole desert. Even if a powerful person of this level said something wrong, it would definitely be right - after all, ordinary people can only understand reality, but the strong can change reality, and in front of a powerful person of this level, reality even has to make way for it.

Just like now, Black Tiger Star Lord clearly remembered that he had been walking for ten days, but he still didn't see the edge of the desert. In front of him was still endless yellow sand, and the desert seemed endless.

No matter how big the desert is, it can't be really endless. The only explanation is that reality is making way for the senior master.

The desert that shouldn't exist in the world is now in front of him, just because the senior master wants to test him.

"This kind of hand..."

Although his body was broken into pieces, and it can even be said that only half of his head was left, but Black Tiger Star Lord was more and more excited.

As long as he can hold on, as long as he can survive this test... The senior master will not give up on him, he will definitely be able to do it!

"You are quite courageous... I'll give you some benefits."

Just as the Black Tiger Star Lord gritted his teeth and continued to insist, the voice sounded again.

Then, the sky was full of yellow sand, sweeping towards the Black Tiger Star Lord.

The sandstorm instantly engulfed the Black Tiger Star Lord, blowing the Black Tiger Star Lord, who only had half a head left, into a panic - if he really still had hands and feet. He clearly remembered that his hands and feet had been chopped off and broken by the damn Fire Deity Star Lord, and sealed in the north and south of the world, how could it suddenly...


The Black Tiger Star Lord subconsciously looked at his palm.

Yes, palm, his palm is back.

But this palm is not his original palm, but a rough palm condensed by yellow sand, including legs and body - when he raised his hand, he even touched the other half of his missing head, but this half of the head was still made of quicksand.

"This is..."

The Black Tiger Star Lord moved his body for the first time in a long time. Even if it was just a body of quicksand, even if it was just a pile of sand, it was much better than his previous shabby appearance.

This is simply...

"This is the reward you got for your persistence."

The voice spoke again.

"You proved your will and your qualification to go out through persistence. At least now you have the possibility of revenge... But have you ever thought about how to take revenge?"

"Kill them!"

The answer of the Black Tiger Star Lord was concise and to the point.

"All must die!"

"Alas, you have fallen behind."

Hearing that the Black Tiger Star Lord answered so straightforwardly, the voice couldn't help but sigh.

"You fight and kill at every turn, no wonder you... Use your brain, can you kill him? Can he kill you? If he could really kill you, would you still be like this now?"

"I... uh."

The Black Tiger Star Lord choked on the spot.

It seems that it is indeed the case.

Just now, he was blinded by hatred, so he instinctively wanted to kill the Fire Lord for revenge - but now that he has calmed down a little, he has also realized that fighting and killing may be useful for mortals, but just like the Fire Lord could not kill him and could only torture him in this way, he actually couldn't really kill the Fire Lord.

The best result he could achieve was to do the same as what the Fire Lord did to him now, cutting him into eight pieces, and then sealing them up in the north and south of the Yangtze River, and then chasing after the other party's parts to be resurrected, and then killing them and sealing them up again, and then killing them again when they are resurrected, and so on.

Until one of them is tired of playing this cat and mouse game, or one of them can't hold on any longer, the fight will be declared over.

This is obviously not the result he wants.

But this level is still too cheap for the Fire Lord, which is obviously not the result he wants.

"Look, you don't know, you don't know anything..."

The voice spoke again.

"Just like you don't know why they want to attack you."

"Why do they want to attack me?"

The Black Tiger Star Lord was stunned by the question.

"Isn't it because the Fire Star Lord is evil?"


The voice was obviously stunned for a moment, and then there was a little more smile in the words.

"Your explanation is interesting. It is indeed because these stars in the sky are too bad... Don't look at me like that. I'm not scolding you. Besides, don't you want to know why you were killed?"


The Black Tiger Star Lord was asked more and more confused. After all, the Fire Star Lord attacked him too quickly. He didn't even expect that the Fire Star Lord would suddenly kill him.

Everyone just came down to the mortal world to experience, so why is it so cruel? And they have to cut him into pieces and make him unable to turn over forever... How big is the hatred, what did he do wrong?

"The way of killing you is not common, especially the way you are beaten to death is only one situation."

The voice spoke again.

"This is the case. You showed your extraordinary power to mortals, and you let mortals see things they shouldn't see... You broke the so-called monopoly of knowledge by these stars, so you must die, and you must never turn over."


After hearing these words, the Black Tiger Star Lord was dumbfounded.

Actually... is it because of this?

Then the Fire Star Lord took action against him because of this?

It's not that he hadn't thought of this possibility, but when this possibility came true, he still found it difficult to accept - after all, this kind of thing doesn't make sense, what monopoly of knowledge, what eternal life... Which powerful person didn't ascend from the mortal world, how could mortals really know nothing about them, and occasionally being seen a little bit, so what? Should they die?

But listening to what this senior said, it seems that there is something behind his words?


Thinking of this, the Black Tiger Star Lord couldn't help but speak subconsciously.

"How do you know all this? Do you also..."

"Yes, I am the same."

The voice sighed.

"At that time, I thought that everyone in this world should be like a dragon, knowledge should be spread, and everyone should have the opportunity to gain power... until that shameful betrayal."

At this point, the voice began to grit its teeth.

"It was a shameful betrayal. They monopolized the way forward, they flew to the sky, and then sealed me underground..."

"They are the ones who deserve to die."

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