In the Blade

Chapter 556 Choose Your Opponent

The Black Tiger Star Lord, who got a new body, finally left the desert.

At the beginning, Black Tiger Star Lord actually still had some complaints in his heart. After all, what he got was just a new body made of sand, but the stakes he was responsible for were far more than that - that is, the senior master When he sighed, he knew what kind of opponent he was about to face.

That's where he came from, that's the sky full of stars, and that's all the power in the heavens.

"Are you kidding me?"

When he realized that he actually needed to take on such a heavy responsibility, Black Tiger Star Lord was shocked.

Originally, he thought that his feud with Lord Huode Xing was a big deal. After all, they couldn't even fight to the death - once two powerful men who couldn't be killed by conventional methods had a grudge, they would definitely fight all the way to the end. As time goes on and on, one party cannot stop until they can no longer hold it in and choose to sleep, but it is obvious that neither of them will stop.

Hatred will strengthen his will, and hatred will make the Huode Xingjun burn even more intensely. The two sides will continue to fight like this, and even extend each other's lifespan.

Yes, Black Tiger Star Lord has always known this, and he believes that Huode Star Lord also knows this. Although they have a tacit understanding of each other to maintain this hatred and hatred, in fact, this hatred is not good for them. It was indeed a good thing for both of them.

But that’s where the problem lies. Black Tiger Star Lord also knows very well that the time he has been in heaven is actually not that long, and the time he has to become a powerful person is only a short time. If he fights against an old master like Huode Star Lord, he Maybe he can still have some courage, but if he is allowed to fight against the stars hanging high in the sky...

This is a bit too much to think highly of him. Is he the material?

But obviously, just like when he was parasitic on those mortals, he didn't care about the thoughts of these mortals at that time - now that this senior master has dominated him, he naturally doesn't care about his thoughts.

Perhaps there is no difference between him and those mortals.

Those mortals were the pawns he used to take revenge, so how could he not be the pawns the senior might use to take revenge?

And what can be seen with the naked eye is that this senior is much smarter than him, which means that even this little hesitation can't be hidden from the senior expert's discernment. ——It's just that the senior expert didn't scold him, he just sighed briefly.

"have a bee in one's bonnet."

This is what the senior expert said about him.

But Lord Black Tiger Star doesn't think that he is just imagining things. After all, he is the one who is responsible for the matter at the moment. He has to face all the powerful people on behalf of this senior expert... Just thinking about it makes him sweat profusely.

"Look at your backbone!"

The voice spoke again, and this time, there was finally a hint of dissatisfaction in the tone of the voice.

"With this little courage, I don't know how you got to this point... This is also a good thing for you kid, can't you see it?"

"Is it... also a good thing for me?"

Lord Black Tiger Star was a little hesitant. He really couldn't see the benefit of this matter.

Give him a body, and then let him go out to face all the powers in the sky. Can this kind of nonsense really be considered a good thing?

"Even if you take ten thousand steps back, will you still die?"

The voice spoke again.

"Look, you're not going to die. You're not going to die, so what are you afraid of?"


Black Tiger Star Lord was suddenly stunned.

It seems that this is really the case.

It seems that this is really the case. He will not die anyway. No matter how hard those powerful people beat him to death, he will not really die - the moment he became a powerful person, his will was already strong. It is enough to transcend death. The rest actually depends on how long his firm will can last.

When his will is strong enough to transcend death, conventional attacks are meaningless. There is only one way to kill him, and that is if he wants to die.

When he couldn't bear all the torture, when he couldn't bear the hardships, when he himself had lost the will to live and felt that death was a kind of relief.

Death has become inevitable.

So the question is, will he die?

Obviously not.

Lord Huodexing cut him into pieces, but he did not die. Lord Huodexing plotted an ambush and failed to kill him. He is indeed broken now, but his will is as hard as iron. That's it. A will of hatred supported him to survive, and even made it all the way here.

Hatred supports his will. Before killing Huodexingjun and letting Huodexingjun experience the pain he has endured, he will not fall like this.

"Look, you understand this too."

The voice seemed to be aware of Black Tiger Star Lord's current thoughts.

"Since you already understand it, why do you still think that this is a bad thing?"

"This...can't be said together, right?"

Black Tiger Star Lord is still a little hesitant, just because this statement is somewhat unreasonable - it is true that he will not die, and he is not afraid of death, but what does this have to do with him facing the stars in the sky?

Is it because he is not afraid of death that he should be pushed into the fire pit? Are you saying this is a good thing?

Where does this come from?

"It seems you still don't understand at all..."

The voice sighed, and his tone was a little more tired.

"Let's put it this way, what do you think makes you stronger?"

"It makes me stronger..."

Lord Black Tiger Star was stunned when asked.

What makes him stronger? He really hasn't thought about this matter in detail. After all, he has only focused on getting stronger along the way. As for these details, he has neither the mind nor the time to pay attention to them - but if he thinks about it now, he can figure out some. Something comes.

First of all, of course, there is courage, which is the basis of his strength. Without this courage, his life would be nothing more than duckweed in the wind. Of course, courage alone is definitely not enough. The mentality to control this courage is also very important. In this regard, Black Tiger Star Lord feels that it is because he is ruthless enough.

Being cruel to others is also cruel to oneself. Along the way, he has experienced several battles in which he was injured for his life. It is precisely because of this fierce existence that he has killed several powerful enemies in a short period of time. I plundered their lifetime accumulation and completed my own initial accumulation.

But relying solely on bravery and ruthlessness is actually not that interesting. If you only know how to be brave and ruthless, you won't get very far. So in addition to being brave and ruthless, Black Tiger Star Lord feels that he can be regarded as having some minimum skills. Wisdom, if you think of bravery as a horse and ferocity as a wheel, then wisdom is the whip that drives the cart, responsible for guiding the direction of the entire cart.

“Of course, there’s also the essential luck.”

Taking a deep breath, Black Tiger Star Lord still told a fact that he didn't want to admit.

But even if you don’t want to admit it, you have to admit it. In addition to being ruthless enough, good luck is also a very important reason for being able to achieve a record of trading injuries for lives. Otherwise, if someone is unlucky, let alone trading injuries for lives, he will I'm afraid if I couldn't even exchange my life for my life, I don't know where I would have turned into a corpse.

So even if he doesn't want to admit it, he must say that luck is also part of what makes him stronger.

He also wants to say that he has relied on his own hard work and hard work along the way, but without that little bit of necessary luck, he really wouldn't be where he is today.

"Strength, ferocity, wisdom, and luck."

Black Tiger Star Lord concluded.

"These are the reasons why I became stronger."

"Is that what you actually think?"

The voice was choked directly.

"Have you never thought of anything else?"

"Anything else...anything else?"

Lord Black Tiger Star was also stunned.

"Isn't this enough?"


The voice couldn't help but cursed the street.

"With only these things, what can you do!"


Black Tiger Star Lord was stunned for a moment.

No...that's all it takes? Or, are these not enough? You have to know that he has even included luck, even the luck that he least wants to admit, and even luck has been added in. Isn't this enough?

"That's all, no wonder you are like this."

The voice sighed.

"Since you don't know anything, then learn a little bit today... What really determines whether you can become stronger is actually your opponent."


Black Tiger Star Lord felt that his brain was not enough.

It doesn't make sense, this kind of thing makes no sense at all. You have to know that his abilities are all trained by himself, and they are all produced by his own punches and kicks. His ferocity, his wisdom, he has been doing it all the way. The hardships and hardships that have come along...aren't these all things he has experienced himself?

What does this have to do with the opponent? How can an opponent possibly decide whether he can become stronger?

If his opponent could really decide this, I'm afraid no opponent would want him to become stronger. After all, he is easier to kill when he is weak, and easier to flatten and round. But now he is still standing here, Still surviving till now, this is enough to prove...

"What can it prove?"

Just when Lord Black Tiger Star was blushing and ready to defend himself, the voice spoke again.

"Since you don't understand, let me tell you the simplest thing... Do you want to become stronger without an opponent?"


Before the words of defense could be uttered, he was immediately stuck.

Black Tiger Star Lord was stunned on the spot.

Will he still want to become stronger when he has no opponent?

It still happens, right? After all, becoming stronger has been engraved in his bones, and he can't stop becoming stronger. After all, this is already a part of his life - maybe at that time, he wouldn't know what being strong is, after all, it's gone. Opponent means that he can't see the direction of getting stronger, but he will still insist on getting stronger and stick to this lifestyle.

But does this really count as becoming stronger? Can you really still become stronger?

Lord Black Tiger Star doesn’t know that this question is a bit profound.

But there is another question that is more profound than this one, and that is a question that Black Tiger Star Lord has thought about, but is not willing to face - if there is no opponent for this, it does not refer to now, but when he was just starting out, in Before he became a powerful person, even before he embarked on the path of becoming stronger, he had no words for his opponents.

At that time, would he really still want to become stronger?

Black Tiger Star Lord is a little afraid to face this question, just because the answer is too obvious.


If there really was no opponent, there was really no need for him to become stronger at that time.

After all, in that situation, he had no need to become stronger. He was already the strongest, and he could just spend his whole life like this.

After a lifetime, this may seem like no problem to the average person.

But for a powerful person, the problem is too big.

For ordinary people, after a lifetime, it is nothing more than death, but for the power that transcends death, after a lifetime, it means death on the spot - this kind of thing is like wishing a person who is already a hundred years old, or even a hundred years old. It is a kind of irony in itself that a one-year-old man can live as long as a hundred years.

Fortunately, Lord Black Tiger Star is not an ordinary person.

He has enough wisdom and understanding.

He keenly grasped the idea that the senior master wanted to express.

"You mean...the opponent is the key?"

Even before the senior expert said anything, Black Tiger Star Lord had already thought of more - it seems that this is indeed the case, the opponent is the key to everything, and being able to choose a good opponent is the key The most effective way to become stronger.

Black Tiger Star Lord can even find counterexamples. For example, the so-called lion also needs all his strength to fight a rabbit. But if the lion only knows how to catch rabbits and only knows how to use rabbits as opponents, then in the long run, the only thing the lion can train to do is catch rabbits. Ability, when it faces those jackals, tigers and leopards that are stronger and more powerful than rabbits, its movements will be deformed, it will not know how to deal with it, and it is very likely to die on the spot.

From this perspective, what determines whether he can become stronger really depends on his opponent.

In other words, what kind of opponent you choose actually means what kind of future you choose.

"Ah, you understand now."

The voice was obviously much more relaxed.

"Then you should know now that this is indeed a good thing, right?"

"This... is indeed a good thing."

Lord Black Tiger Star took a deep breath, and then nodded slowly.

Facing the stars in the sky, this is indeed an extremely difficult thing, but choosing to fight against all these powerful forces is actually choosing a future that can make you stronger, even stronger than you can imagine.

What's more, just like what this senior expert said, even if he can't do it, he won't die.

Even if he can't do it, he won't die. The worst he can do is be sealed again. As long as he is willing to continue fighting, he will always have another chance.

"What's more, I won't treat you badly before that."

The voice spoke again.

"Where is your enemy? Let's avenge you first and use your enemies to sacrifice the flag."

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