In the Blade

Chapter 563: More Dangerous Than Everyone Like a Dragon

"Everyone is like a dragon, what is everyone like a dragon?"

In the county government office, Du Chengfeng was still explaining his ideas to Huo Dexingjun.

"Everyone is like a dragon, which means everyone has a chance to become stronger... Don't you think this is how it should be?"


Huode Xingjun frowned, obviously not agreeing with this idea. After all, in Huodexingjun's concept, this is an extremely unreliable thing - in his opinion, letting everyone have power is undoubtedly It will breed chaos. After all, there is still a huge problem in the middle.

Letting everyone have power does not mean that they can use this power well.

After all, many people have not experienced so many things, and they cannot have a clear understanding of their true intentions. If we really ask them to do something firmly, the result is likely to be another situation—— For example, the staunch pursuit of women, or the staunch pursuit of money, or even worse, the staunch pursuit of killing.

They are indeed determined, and it cannot even be said that they are not strong. After piercing this layer of window paper, they even have the ability to implement their ideas.

But it is obvious that allowing these people to implement their ideas will only cause greater trouble.

Just like the massacre currently going on in the inn in the town.

As a powerful Lord Huodexing, he can sense the disaster over there, and can even sense who is doing it - this is clearly one of the evil spirit masters who caused him trouble in the first place, and this This means that after he left in despair, these people have also been captured by the Black Tiger Star Lord.

And judging from the swordsman's behavior, Black Tiger Star Lord has revealed all his knowledge.

Those things that should not be easily grasped by mortals have already flowed out. God knows how the Black Tiger Star Lord did it. He did such a thing without being noticed by the stars in the sky, but he still did it after all. These things were The knowledge of the blockade was eventually passed on.

The slogan "Everyone is like a dragon" is becoming a reality.

Disaster has also appeared.

"That's what you want for everyone."

Taking a deep breath, Lord Huo Dexing looked at Du Chengfeng.

"You can also see, this kind of thing, this is what you say, everyone is like a dragon. If these mortals have power, only this kind of thing will happen. They don't have the ability to carry this power. What you do is just To make them...this kind of thing would never happen."

"Indeed, you are right."

Hearing Lord Huodexing say this, Du Chengfeng also sighed.

"If I had known earlier, I should have arranged for more police officers to patrol the night, so that such murders would not have happened... No, why are you looking at me like this? Do you think I can still kill him before he draws the knife? Hold it down?"

"No, what I mean is..."

Lord Huo Dexing was stunned when asked. This was obviously not what he wanted to say - he naturally knew that no one could control the evil spirit master who suddenly drew his sword and killed someone. After all, anyone could suddenly scream. Going crazy and then stabbing someone with a knife is something that cannot be suppressed by any ability.

Rather than this strange question, he was more concerned about the Tin Woodman's handling of the matter.

Is it really possible to solve this level of chaos just by sending a few more detectives?

After all, he knew all these arrests. He had watched the Tin Man recruit these people. Rather than being arrests, they were more like slightly stronger residents of the town. Maybe it would be okay to let them beat ordinary people. But it is only limited to the one-on-one level. If the number of ordinary people exceeds two, these agents will be pushed to the ground and beaten.

Even for agents of this level, they are not even considered to have combat effectiveness. Even if they are taken out to help, they may not be able to help much. What can they do?

Expect them to face those evil spirit masters who have already reached a higher level? Just count on them?

Not to mention that those evil spirit masters have entered another level. Even if they have not reached this point, they are still ordinary evil spirit masters. They are far beyond what these detectives can beat, right?

What's the difference between this kind of behavior and letting those policemen die?

"What do you mean by letting them die?"

Hearing Lord Huodexing say this, Du Chengfeng immediately became unhappy.

"Didn't I already teach them those things? They already understand the idea that everyone is like a dragon, and they already have a firm belief in their hearts. How could something happen?"

"But those things you taught..."

Lord Huodexing frowned.

During those few days of agent training, he also watched from the side. Just as the Tin Woodman said, these agents had indeed learned the concept that everyone is like a dragon - but that was the problem. The Tin Woodman didn't even know what it meant for everyone to be like a dragon. The so-called professor was just shouting slogans. What's the point of shouting slogans?

"That's the biggest meaning."

Du Chengfeng pointed at Lord Huodexing and then at himself.

"Everyone is like a dragon. What is everyone like a dragon? You are also a dragon, and I am also a dragon. This is why everyone is like a dragon. There is no fundamental difference between you and me. There is no distinction between us as high or low. We are all They're the same people, they're all equal individuals...What? You still don't understand? Let me simplify it a little bit."

Du Chengfeng thought for a while, then pointed at Lord Huodexing again, and then at himself.

"If you can kill me, I can kill you. They can understand such a simple truth. Don't you understand it?"

"Old man..."

The Fire Lord's brain was in chaos.

He really didn't understand, and didn't know what it was talking about. After all, this kind of thing was fundamentally impossible. After all, he was a powerful being. The powerful had already transcended life and death through a firm will. As long as he didn't want to die, he could still maintain his will even if he was killed. How could he really die?

"Look, are you going to say that you are different from me?"

Du Chengfeng frowned.

"If you say that you are different from me, then you are not a dragon. Everyone is like a dragon, everyone is a dragon. If you are not a dragon, you are not even a human. You are neither a dragon nor a human. Then what are you?"


The Fire Lord felt dizzy after hearing this.

He could clearly understand every word, but when they were mixed together, he couldn't understand them at all. At this moment, he once again felt the same feeling as before, the words left by the strange voice lingering in his mind - but this time, the words of the tin man were more violent and chaotic, even like a red-hot iron rod directly inserted into his brain.

He could at least understand what the strange voice said before, and because he could understand it, he felt that it made some sense, and even agreed with it for a while.

But this time, he couldn't understand what the tin man said at all, but even if he didn't understand it at all, he actually felt that this set of logic made sense - the most outrageous thing was that he could at least find some untenable points to refute what the strange voice said.

However, this time, facing the simple and crude theory of the tin man, he couldn't even find a reason to refute it.

It seems to be true. What the tin man said is really right. Everyone is like a dragon, everyone is a dragon. He is not a dragon, he is not even a human. He is neither a dragon nor a human...

"...Who am I?"

Fire Star Lord's eyes began to glow with gold.

"I am..."

"You are Fire Star Lord!"

Du Chengfeng frowned again. He was a little confused. Why did this old man suddenly become like this?

He didn't say anything. He was just explaining his thoughts normally. What did this old man think of? As for what he is like now?

"But what you said just now is very right."

Du Chengfeng thought about it and still expressed a certain degree of recognition of the old man.

"You are right. It is not reliable to just catch people after the fact. After all, people are dead. This method cannot prevent crimes... We still need to prevent them. You reminded me of this. Even for the sake of those dead people, I have to do this."

"Do? What can you do?"

Perhaps because the new words he heard were too outrageous, Huo De Xingjun has come back to his senses at this moment.

"Don't even mention prevention. Your constables can't even catch people. With them... uh."

Before he finished speaking, Huo De Xingjun was already stuck.

As a powerful man, he had already sensed the battle in the inn in the distance.

At the beginning, or when he was stunned just now, things were the same as he thought. The swordsman who had already gone a step further was killing people everywhere, and even the little constable had been beaten to the ground. But this little constable, who had only been using the new trick for a few days and couldn't even use a sword, raised his hand and shot the swordsman to death with a crossbow arrow.

A person who was originally a master of evil spirits, and now even became a half-step great power, a person who was able to kill thousands of people in the world, was killed by a small crossbow arrow.

He had already strengthened his will and even began to transcend life and death, but he was killed by a crossbow arrow.

"... What did you do?"

Huo De Xingjun was sweating coldly.

Although he hadn't figured out what was going on, his intuition reminded him that this might be more terrifying than the so-called "everyone is like a dragon".

If the little constable could kill the swordsman with a hand crossbow... doesn't that mean that the little constable could kill him with just a hand crossbow?

The immortal great power would also be killed? How is this possible?

"How... did you do it?"

Huo De Xingjun finally couldn't help asking.

But Du Chengfeng shook his head after hearing this question.

"I think this is still the problem of the swordsman himself."

As he said this, Du Chengfeng pointed to the scars left on Huo De Xingjun's body.

"If he is truly powerful and has truly transcended life and death, then he should be like you, able to fight back even after death. Now that he has not done so, it means that he is fake. The problem lies with himself, and no one else can be blamed."


Huo De Xingjun fell into silence.

It is impossible, absolutely impossible. He sensed very clearly that the swordsman had indeed touched the edge of power - although the swordsman pursued the most bloody and brutal killing will, no matter what, this determination still allowed the swordsman to transcend life and death itself.

In other words, the swordsman should have become like him, becoming a posture that would not be killed no matter what.

But...what exactly is the problem?

Until the little detective brought a few helpers and dragged the swordsman's body back to the classroom, Huode Xingjun didn't figure out what the problem was. The body in front of him was a normal death, like a mortal died of a fatal throat injury, but the deceased was not a mortal, but a great power that had transcended life and death.

"Everyone is like a dragon..."

Huode Xingjun couldn't help but think of the slogan he heard.

This slogan itself is already a synonym for chaos. After all, he had heard about the period when everyone was really called a dragon. Although he had only heard some glimpses from other Xingjuns, he could already get a glimpse of the bloodiness.

But now, what is in front of him is something more dangerous than everyone being like a dragon.

"Everyone is like a dragon... No, it can no longer be called everyone being like a dragon."

Thinking of this, Huode Xingjun looked at Du Chengfeng with a changed look.

"Perhaps this should be called... equality of all beings?"

Just saying these words, Huo De Xingjun was sweating profusely.

This is a far crazier idea than everyone being like a dragon, because this kind of thing is simply unrealistic - people have never achieved so-called equality. Kings and generals are different from peddlers and hawkers, and masters of evil spirits are more powerful than ordinary people.

In fact, he himself is the best example. As a powerful person, how could there be any equality between him and those mortals?

If there is true equality, then what is his identity as a powerful person and his strength?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible... This kind of thing will never happen!"

Huo De Xingjun looked at Du Chengfeng again. His seemingly harmless appearance has now become as hideous as the evil ghost demon king in myths and legends.

In the past, he had some strange impressions of this tin man. After all, this tin man could be considered the most unlikely tin man. He had no dignity as a tin man, and he did not look like a master. He looked more like a mortal than a tin man. Even among mortals, this tin man was far from being as outstanding as those kings, princes, and generals.

Such a person should not have become a tin man. After all, these twisted places were too strange.

But now, all those strange places suddenly had explanations.

This tin man never found the path he wanted to stick to, as he said.

It was just that the path in the tin man's heart was too crazy.

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