In the Blade

Chapter 564 The Sealed Power

Unlike Huode Xingjun, Du Chengfeng didn't think his idea was crazy at all.

After all, this kind of thing is like this. There is no difference between people. There is no hierarchy, no high or low. Although in fact, such a thing can't be achieved, but in this idealistic world, facts are the least important thing.

As long as the will is strong enough, it can even distort the facts. As long as the will is firm enough, it can change everything around.

"Perhaps, this is the real use of this power?"

When Du Chengfeng realized this, he had a faint enlightenment in his heart.

For a long time, whether it was evil spirit, mental strength, incense and vows, or what is now called "his own way", he often regarded it as a way of practice, a tool to make himself stronger - just like the reason why humans have evolved from monkeys hiding in the treetops to humans who kill people everywhere today is to make and use tools.

But all along, Du Chengfeng has only used tools. He rarely thinks about what this tool can do.

After all, in many cases, such things don't need to be thought about. Everyone is doing this. All you need to do is keep using tools and keep getting stronger.

Harvest evil spirits, cultivate mental strength, accumulate incense and vows, collect various weapons, and strengthen your will, so strong that it is even enough to transcend life and death itself.

It has already transcended life and death itself, isn't this strong? Isn't this the best that these powers can do?

"Really... not."

Thinking of the things he had understood, Du Chengfeng shook his head and laughed.

Really not, just the strength of an individual is too narrow. At least in his opinion, if you insist on a certain path just for the so-called longevity, then this so-called longevity is a bit too empty-perhaps this is why until now, he has not been able to determine the Taoism he wants to stick to.

Just because everyone looks good, but when you think about it carefully, there are always some problems.

Just like this idealistic world that has seen a ghost, this world itself seems to have some problems.

Since in this idealistic world, a firm will can change everything, then as long as the will is firm, everyone can achieve their dreams. Du Chengfeng once thought that this would be the source of some disaster, but now he has realized that perhaps this surprising place is the root of everything.

When a firm will is really enough to change everything, when reality also makes way for this iron-like will...

"Everyone, like a dragon..."

Taking a deep breath, Du Chengfeng stood up and greeted the little constable who shot the swordsman Meng Hu to death.

"You did a good job, you are very brave, and you didn't lose face."

"I, I, I..."

The little constable who had just seen blood was still trembling, and even couldn't speak clearly.

So Du Chengfeng simply found another bowl of wine for the little constable. Although according to the rules of the county government, drinking is not allowed during duty, but special matters are handled specially. At the moment, the little constable is uneasy, and it is the time to drink some wine to calm down.

Moreover, this little detective deserves this special award.

After all, the action of this little detective actually helped him prove that certain things do exist.


After arranging for the little detective to rest, Du Chengfeng also clenched his fist.

"So... everything is fake!"

Du Chengfeng punched his palm.

With his current Qi cultivation skills, there are very few things that can make him angry, but now he has discovered this thing, but he can't help but be angry-just because this thing itself is too outrageous, even beyond his original cognition.

You know, in his original cognition, comprehending the evil spirit is already considered a master, and being able to touch the level of mental power is already a leader among masters. As for the later incense and vows, and even the so-called "Tao"... the solid sense of control brought by this layer after layer of power promotion is simply too real.

Strength can be embodied and can be expressed through strength. A strong person can face many weak people without any pressure and can stand tall with his own will.

"But... it's all fake."

Du Chengfeng looked at his palm.

"Everything is fake."

At this moment, Du Chengfeng even felt a little regretful. He might not have taught the little detective what he had learned, but at that time he was still immersed in the excitement of mastering new skills, so he was unaware of all this.

As for this so-called new skill, it is simple to say. It was also inspired by the concept of "everyone is like a dragon" - since "everyone is like a dragon", then the reverse is naturally the same. In other words, when he taught those detectives, he had deliberately blurred the concept of strong and weak, and deliberately guided these detectives to make them feel that even those fierce masters were no different from them.

There is no difference, which means that the same injuries that they can suffer, these masters will also suffer, and facing attacks that can kill them, these masters will also die.

At that time, Du Chengfeng once thought that he had discovered the existence of a certain loophole. After all, firm will can change reality. These agents already had the most basic firmness, which was enough to bring their opponents to the same level as them. .

But now, when the corpse of a new powerful person actually appeared in front of him, Du Chengfeng realized what an incredible thing he had discovered.

"If a policeman can easily kill an evil spirit master, or even a powerful one, with just a crossbow...then what's the point of the so-called evil spirit masters, or powerful people, and their power?"

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Du Chengfeng was in a daze.

Maybe this question shouldn't have been asked in the first place. After all, when this question arose in his mind, Du Chengfeng already had the answer in his mind.

The answer is that it doesn't make sense.

The so-called power is meaningless. In this idealistic world that has seen ghosts, all power is just an external appearance.

What really determines everything is the will itself.

If you can think of it, you can do it.

This power has never been a tool used by strong people to maintain their own strength.

This power should be the last weapon in the hands of the weak.

Under the influence of this power, the boundaries between strong and weak have become blurred, and all living beings have truly reached equality at this moment.

"This is..."

Recalling his past, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but laugh a little at this moment, especially when he was still working hard to pursue the power of evil spirits. At that time, he thought that as long as he killed enough people, he could become Stronger - but now it seems that this so-called evil spirit is clearly a seal, a seal of true power.

After all, evil spirits are so easy to use. As long as you kill people, you can become stronger quickly. Then just kill people. Everyone is killing people and chasing evil spirits. No one can imagine that they are originally You don’t need to rely on evil spirits.

They could have killed their powerful enemies without relying on evil energy and using only their own will.

As for the so-called mental power, it directly leads people astray. A firm will is enough to change everything, but the cultivation of mental power obviously puts more emphasis on the will itself. Although it seems to be the closest way to that power, it is also the closest. From a long distance, blindly repeating the words firmly is no different from a repeater. No wonder such a thing as delusion is born.

When it comes to the power of incense and desire... this is even more completely different. After all, the power of incense and desire itself cannot even be taken out as a power alone. It is more like a collection of many mental powers, but they have selected a certain person as its host. Likewise, , as the direction in which the incense will power is placed, it must accomplish what these incense wish powers want to do, and you may even feel that these incense wish powers are your own strength. This is simply...

"These forces that are popular in the world are all fake."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh.

Even the so-called "own way" is just a further application of these false powers.

Real power itself is far less troublesome.

Real power only requires a firm heart.

In this idealistic world that has seen ghosts, only this can decide everything.

"But these false powers are still spreading and even becoming popular."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

Although he has been able to explore this level, he has spent a lot of hard work along the way, but Du Chengfeng does not think that he is the only one who has explored this level - among the stars in the sky, which one of those so-called great powers is not Outlive him. Perhaps from the current perspective, these powerful men may have gone astray, but that's where the problem lies.

In this long period of time, have these powerful men really not discovered any problems?

Someone must have discovered it, and Du Chengfeng didn't think he would be the only discoverer.

However, nothing has changed.

Maybe some powerful people have discovered the problem, but nothing has changed. People are still chasing evil spirits, chasing mental energy, chasing incense and vows, and even the so-called orthodoxy.

Have they not changed this?

Or is it that they discovered it but don’t want to change it?


Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but subconsciously raised his head and looked at the stars in the sky.

The stars in the sky twinkled like eyes blinking moment by moment.

Du Chengfeng could feel that those stars were watching everything on the ground.

"But you haven't come to me yet...have they not discovered it yet?"

Du Chengfeng frowned slightly.

It shouldn't be like this. It seems that something happened. Otherwise, according to his estimate just now, after doing such a thing, he will definitely become the target of public criticism and become the enemy of all powerful people.

But something seems to have happened now, and those powerful people don't seem to have paid attention to him yet.

But there is one powerful person who should be considered an exception.

"...You're here."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng raised his head and saw Lord Huo Dexing pushing in the door.

"Think about it and I know you're coming too."

"Maybe I shouldn't come."

Huo Dexingjun's face was extremely serious.

"Listening to what you said, I think you already know what you have done... Forget about this, just pretend that you never knew about it, and I will pretend that nothing happened today."

"You said so...hey."

Looking at the red-haired and red-bearded Huode Xingjun in front of him, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh.

"You are quite a friend. You can stop me from doing such a big thing."

"It's actually not a big deal."

Seeing that Du Chengfeng was showing signs of relenting, Huo Dexingjun's face relaxed a little.

"After all, just like the slogan "Everyone is like a dragon", you know that it has a lot of power, but as long as you don't do it, nothing will happen... So, as long as nothing happens today, then Nothing will happen to you.”

"...There is something in your words."

Du Chengfeng narrowed his eyes.

"What you want to say is..."

"Just erase the traces."

Lord Huodexing pointed to the corpse on the ground.

"As long as we erase all traces, this corpse, those detectives, that inn, and even this long as we erase all traces, then nothing happened here."

Saying this, flames burst out from Huo Dexingjun's hands.

"Right now, other powerful people are still paying attention to Black Tiger Star Lord. He thinks that the things he brought out can help him cover up. In fact, this cover-up has revealed their whereabouts... While those powerful people have not yet Turn your attention, we can still buy the last time..."

Before he finished speaking, Mr. Huo Dexing's wrist was tied.

"...What are you doing?"

Looking at the big hand grabbing his wrist, Lord Huo Dexing was stunned.

"I am kind enough to help you, do you still want to stop me?"

"I accept your wishes, but it doesn't make sense for people in this town to die like this because of me."

Having said this, Du Chengfeng also raised his head and looked at the stars in the sky.

"What's more, do you really think they didn't see anything?"


Lord Huodexing gritted his teeth.

"As long as you are still willing..."

Before he finished speaking, Huo Dexingjun saw Du Chengfeng take two steps back and his body changed from front to side, which was clearly a posture of stretching the fist.

"Oh, by the way, I remembered that I still owed you a duel before... I just have time now."

After flexing his wrist, Du Chengfeng waved to Mr. Huo Dexing.

"Come on, let's have a fight."

"It just so happens that I can test the results of my practice."

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