In the Blade

Chapter 578 The journey is difficult

Due to the experience he had last time, Du Chengfeng did not give back control of his body this time.

Although it is a little troublesome for Du Chengfeng to control the body of Captain Tian, ​​it is only a little troublesome. If he really wants to do it, even if he is only left with a broken body, he can still do it. He did it - so after making sure that he would no longer be discovered by those powerful people, Du Chengfeng took Agent Tian and left Jiange Town directly.

This time, Du Chengfeng, who suffered a loss, simply gave up the idea of ​​cooperation.

He was ready to come on his own.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

Captain Tian was still shouting desperately, and even tried to regain control of his body. Although he had noticed that this broken sword was weird, he never thought that this broken sword would be so weird.

This feeling is very similar to when evil spirits enter the brain, but it is completely different. If when the evil energy entered his brain, he was simply driven by the evil energy and longed to kill, then now he can clearly feel that there is a will that does not belong to him, which is forcibly controlling his body. Body!

"Who the hell are you! Let me go!"

"Can you still talk..."

After realizing this, Du Chengfeng simply increased his efforts.

Peiran vigorously supported the man's jaw, and the huge force made it impossible for him to continue speaking.

If this Tian catcher is allowed to talk nonsense with his mouth open, I am afraid it will really bring him some trouble, at least when he is walking on the road, it is easy to cause trouble.

Of course, this does not mean that he is really afraid of trouble, but at the moment his purpose is to collect the remains, so it is indeed better to do less than to do more.

The silenced Agent Tian was still whining and trying to make a sound, but Du Chengfeng had already controlled his body all the way out of Jiange Town.

He could feel that there was a fragment of himself nearby, being sealed there.

One person and one horse walking on the road, this made Du Chengfeng feel a little relaxed after a long time. After all, if it weren't for the dangerous military disaster, he would have needed to take the people from Yangjiabao south to evacuate. He actually also thought about whether to go alone. Yi Ma wandered around, traveled all over the country - and now, after a long time passed, after his body was even broken, he unexpectedly got such an opportunity again.

"This road is too difficult to walk."

Riding a horse on the mountain road, even though Du Chengfeng had a good temper, he couldn't help but mutter at this moment.

There are many mountains in the southwest, which Du Chengfeng is not used to after spending too much time in the plains. In order to pass through these mountains smoothly, Du Chengfeng can only take those steep paths - which will undoubtedly greatly delay his journey. It was no wonder that he was dissatisfied as his travel time was slowed down.

In the past, he would have been able to fly over a mountainous area like this, but now, if he took off for no reason, he would probably become a target for those powerful people.

After all, these days, there are too few masters who can take off.

"Maybe I should find a way to let them all learn to take off, so that I won't look so conspicuous when taking off myself?"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but think, after all, the best way to hide a drop of water is to throw it into the sea.

But this idea is just a thought for now. Even if he really does it, it will take some time for people to learn to fly.

"But... just because you can't fly doesn't mean you can't jump."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng simply didn't even want his horse. He only brought dry food, water and weapons. Then he controlled Captain Tian's figure and flew up to the treetops.

It should be said that the quality of this agent is indeed much higher than that of the old blacksmith before. He is already standing on the treetop two feet high. This agent is not frightened at all, and his face is still calm and his heart is not beating.

No, this doesn't seem to be a matter of a blushing face and a heartbeat.

He had been under his control all the way and had walked so far without rest. Seeing that the air was coming in but not coming out, the field agent was almost suffocated.

"Ah this."

Seeing that there was no one around, Du Chengfeng relaxed his control over the policeman a little.

"Okay, now you can say something."


Feeling that his suppression had been relaxed, Captain Tian quickly took a deep breath, savoring the long-lost breath of freedom.

But only his head was still free, his body was still controlled by the broken sword.

"So why did you find me?"

The first thing Agent Tian did when he came back to his senses was to ask questions. After all, he couldn't understand this kind of thing - obviously he was just a little agent with evil spirit in his body, but the broken sword couldn't be seen at all. Like ordinary goods, the two of them should have been in two different worlds, and they should never have crossed paths.

But this broken sword happened to find him, and even brought him all the way here.

This makes Captain Tian extremely puzzled.

"Why did I find you... maybe you are unlucky."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh when he thought of this.

It seems that indeed, although for him, this was good luck, for Agent Tian, ​​it was already an unforeseen disaster - that is, because of his control, Agent Tian directly lost a huge fortune. The opportunity was brought all the way to this deep mountain and old forest, and he didn't even know whether he could go back alive.

Yes, just like the previous Yaoguang Star Lord, each powerful person has his own special methods and his own special skills. Du Chengfeng is also a powerful person himself. He can be sure that other powerful people cannot kill him, but if ordinary people are involved...

For Detective Tian, ​​this is already a serious danger.

"That's fine."

After thinking for a moment, Du Chengfeng finally chose not to have sex in vain.

"Bringing you here can be regarded as causing trouble for you, but there are some things I have to do. So since I have borrowed your body, I will do my best to take care of you until things get done here. I won’t let you go home empty-handed either.”

"That won't work either!"

Contrary to Du Chengfeng's expectation, Agent Tian shook his head violently.

"It won't do anything good! Who knows what you are going to use my body for!"

"...Ah this?"

Du Chengfeng choked directly on the spot.

Originally, he was thinking of finding an opportunity to help Captain Tian break the barrier of the evil spirit, and then keep Yaoguang Xingjun's sword. In this way, with the skills and magic weapons, Captain Tian could finally Become a powerful force - but while he was still thinking about how to defeat Captain Tian, ​​Captain Tian actually chose not to.

This...doesn’t have any benefits?

"Don't you want to hear what you can get?"

"I won't listen!"

Captain Tian was still shaking his head desperately.

"I will not allow something like you to cause trouble to the common people!"


Du Chengfeng was speechless for a moment.

Obviously, unlike the old blacksmith, it is of no use trying to lure him in the face of this field catcher.

However, Captain Tian's words made him see another possibility.

"Trouble the common people? Do you think I am causing trouble to the common people?"

Du Chengfeng conveyed his thoughts.

"Then tell me, why have I caused trouble to the people?"

"Jiange suppressed so many people! They were all killed by the old blacksmith!"

Captain Tian quickly argued with reason.

"Looking at it now, I'm afraid it wasn't because of you, the devil! You killed so many people! What else is it if it's not causing trouble to the common people!"


Du Chengfeng listened directly to the music.

"Killing too many people is causing trouble for the common people? Then tell me, whether it's the Giant Shark Gang or those big families, which one of them can make the world a better place?"


This time, it was Captain Tian's turn to misfire.

Although in Captain Tian's understanding, killing is a crime and bringing harm to the world, but when faced with the thought coming from the bottom of his heart, he couldn't find any reason to refute it for a while.

It is more accurate to say that the Giant Shark Gang is not so much a dominant force as it is a cause of trouble. There are also those big families who run rampant in the countryside on weekdays and do countless illegal things - just because the county magistrate and the With the existence of that arresting head, no one established a case, and these illegal things followed...

"In other words, you are the one who did the good things?"

Captain Tian, ​​who was going through a circle in his mind, was in a daze for a moment.

"Is killing someone a good thing?"

"I think you should have a set of criteria for judging what is right and wrong."

Du Chengfeng didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it either.

He chose to let Agent Tian understand it on his own.

"If you have finished judging, then I want to tell you now that what we are doing now is similar... So, do you understand?"


Captain Tian nodded slowly.

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng suddenly felt that it was much easier for him to control Agent Tian's body.

Agent Tian no longer resisted his control, at least not as much as before.

"Since you want to do good deeds, what can I do if I lend you this body temporarily!"


Seeing how heroic Captain Tian was, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but look high at the new sword holder.

Maybe his luck was really too good this time, maybe.

At least as of now, there really is no more suitable candidate than Captain Tian.

During the rest of the journey, Du Chengfeng also discovered that Agent Tian seemed to be surprisingly easy to coax - you must know that when facing the old blacksmith, he still needs to try to guide him along the way, and even induce him with benefits. Only the old blacksmith could muster up the courage to act with him, but if it were Captain Tian, ​​he would be very happy even if he just gave a few more coins to a beggar when he met him.


Once again spending money to help an orphan who sold his body to bury his father, and after making the agent happy, Du Chengfeng was a little hesitant about whether to take the agent into the mountains.

There is no other reason than that Captain Tian is really a good person.

Although Captain Tian was not easy to get along with, his upright character reminded Du Chengfeng of Ruan Shantao - I still remember that the old man also had an upright temperament, but he was also tolerant of the world. Even after death, the large amount of ashes brought rich products to Wangyou Township and nourished these refugees.

"I don't know what's going on over there in Wangyou Township."

Du Chengfeng's heart sank when he thought of this.

Since he has been suppressed by the dismemberment, those who are related to him are also within the attack range of those powerful people - at least he already knows that the Greedy Wolf Star Lord, who has some friendship with him, has been killed by these powerful people.

As for Wangyou Township...

"I hope these so-called powerful people will not be so mean."

Although he said this, Du Chengfeng wanted to fly back immediately to take a look.

But it is not possible to fly back now. Once he takes off and goes up to the sky alone, no matter how good his body is, it will be almost useless. If he flies back like this, I am afraid that he will not bring any peace, but only the concentrated fire attack of the powerful people.

"After all, even if we change places, I will probably do this kind of thing of waiting for the rabbit and surrounding the reinforcements."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng, or the constable Tian who was controlled by him, couldn't help but speed up his pace.

Power, he still needs power at the moment.

As long as he can continue to piece together his body, even if he can only piece together one-third, he will be able to fight those powerful people.

The battle here does not refer to one-on-one. If it is just one-on-one, Du Chengfeng is still not afraid. The problem is that those powerful people have not thought about fighting him one-on-one. He has been labeled as an extraterritorial demon and everyone can kill him.

"So... what is this for?"

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but recall that battle.

Although he fought very passionately at that time and was very heroic in his attitude of fighting one against ten thousand, thinking about it afterwards, this matter itself was full of strangeness inside and out - although the time node of the arrival of those powerful people was very clever, it happened to be stuck when he mastered the power of equality of all beings, which can indeed be regarded as a reason for taking action.

But from the perspective of subsequent handling... this reason does not seem to be so tenable.

Looking back now, that battle was indeed aimed at him, but it seemed that it was not just aimed at him. After all, if they really wanted to attack him, the so-called extraterritorial demon, there was no need to rush to this time. Since these powerful people already knew him so well, they could have killed him before he grew up. Why did they have to wait until he became powerful and immortal before coming to trouble him?

Moreover, he even cooperated with many powerful people, that is, when he was in the cave of the fisherman, if these powerful people really wanted him to die, they could have attacked him directly and taken his life when he just got out of the fisherman's fish pond.

"But they didn't do that. They chose a time when I got the power, a time when it was least likely to kill me."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng felt something vaguely.

It was at this time that he arrived at the place he was looking for.

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