In the Blade

Chapter 579 Two Worlds

What appeared in front of Du Chengfeng was a whole mountain.

Although the mountain looked huge, Du Chengfeng still found new soil around the mountain - obviously, the mountain was not originally located here, but was moved here by some unknown external force.

Du Chengfeng could feel that part of his body was pressed under the mountain at this moment.

"The thing... is inside the mountain?"

After noticing the thoughts coming from Du Chengfeng, Captain Tian was almost dumbfounded.

"How do you get in here? Do you want to split the mountain?"

"No mountain splitting this time."

After Du Chengfeng thought about it for a while, he still gave up the idea.

Splitting the mountain is indeed the simplest way, but the simplest may not be the most appropriate. At least for now, the movement of splitting the mountain is too great, and it can even be said that it will definitely attract powerful people to fight him.

If the old blacksmith had been the sword holder, Du Chengfeng would have gone straight to the sword.

But now that he has promised Agent Xiaotian to protect him, he will naturally not break his promise.

"Let's find another way."

"Another way...wait, what do you mean this time?"

Captain Tian was stunned upon hearing this. Had he really thought about splitting the mountain?

Although he has only entered the body with evil spirit, and ferocious means such as splitting mountains and rocks are still a bit far away from him, Captain Tian has also heard that those masters who release evil energy can fight thousands of people with one ride, and even have the ability to move mountains and fill them. Hai's ability - since he also has some strength, he agreed that the following sentence of "moving mountains and filling seas" was more of a boast than true.

But now it seems... is this kind of thing really possible?

"If you can do it, you will do it in the future."

Du Chengfeng responded like this.

"It's not difficult."

"Will I do it in the future?"

Agent Oda couldn't help but have a daydream, and began to imagine what he could do if he had such power.

However, it seems that this kind of thing will not be necessary in the future. Right now, he has begun to experience some powers that are beyond his reach - for example, right now, Du Chengfeng is controlling the hands of Captain Tian, ​​with a long sword in one hand. With a broken sword in one hand, he crossed his swords and swung them down at the foot of the mountain in front of him.

The cross sword wind passed by, and a huge hole was immediately blasted out under the mountain in front of him.

"This is……"

Feeling this unprecedented power and destructive power, Captain Tian almost became obsessed with it.

"It's amazing! What is this move called? Does it have a name?"

"This move..."

Du Chengfeng suddenly felt a little dazed.

When he just swung the cross sword wind, he hadn't noticed it yet, but now when he heard Captain Tian ask questions, he realized that this move was not his in the first place.

This move came from his original opponent, the man named He Xiqing. Back when there was still the most basic order and evil spirits were not as prevalent as they are now, the man named He Xiqing had already used the evil spirits to show off his skills. With his terrifying strength and the light of his cross sword, he can destroy cities and strongholds without any disadvantage.

Thinking about it now, it seems like a long time ago.

"So what's the name of this move?"

"Call it...Blue Sky Sword."

Du Chengfeng came back from his memories and casually said a name.

Maybe it can't be said casually, after all, he consciously picked out a word from He Xiqing's name.

"Azure Sky Sword...?"

Agent Tian quickly remembered the name silently.

But soon, Captain Tian realized that he remembered not only the name, but also the entire method of using this move - just because when Du Chengfeng was swinging his sword, he was also consciously moving Tian Under the repetition of the body of the policeman again and again, even if the policeman Tian has not reached the level of releasing the evil spirit, he has already become familiar with the feeling of releasing the evil spirit in advance.

Being familiar with the feeling of releasing evil spirits is actually equivalent to completing the most important accumulation step. As for the rest, it is just a matter of firm will and withstanding the influence of evil spirits.

How to strengthen your will cannot be learned through tricks.

But Du Chengfeng felt that Captain Tian still had this potential.

Using otherworldly power to dig holes in the mountains was somewhat overkill, but as the work progressed, Du Chengfeng felt more and more that this might be the most correct use of power - just like when he was still in Sanshan Town at that time As in that time, instead of using power to kill people, we use this huge power to build bridges and pave roads. It only takes one person a day or even half a day to complete the project that hundreds of people took dozens of days to complete.

Using this kind of powerful work efficiency to fight is like using large construction machinery to kill people. It is not impossible in theory, but it is somewhat wasteful.

"After all, when it comes to killing people, you are killing people. This kind of high-power output..."

Du Chengfeng vaguely felt that he had detected something, but it was difficult for him to confirm this inspiration for a while.

What's more, the digging time is not very long.

It only took a quarter of an hour for Du Chengfeng to dig all the way to the core of the mountain. It is hard to imagine that in this thick mountain, there are still such neat and empty caves like a palace - but when I think of this After those powerful works, Du Chengfeng felt that it was normal. After all, after possessing otherworldly power, what could not be done?

"Right ahead."

Du Chengfeng controlled Captain Tian's body and raised the broken sword in his hand.

He already felt that his body was on the stone platform in front of him.

But this seemingly defenseless placement actually meant a greater danger.

"We should have been discovered."

Feeling the quiet atmosphere around him, Du Chengfeng controlled Constable Tian's body and raised his two swords.

"The next battle will be very dangerous. I will try my best to protect you from death."


Constable Tian, ​​who was immersed in the sword move just now, was still a little confused for a while.

Is it really dangerous? Why didn't he feel it?

But immediately, Constable Tian realized that something was wrong, just because blood suddenly burst out from his shoulder - this was the result of his body trying its best to avoid it, otherwise, it should be his neck that is bleeding now.

The opponent is much stronger than himself.

The injured Constable Tian clearly recognized this.

"Depend on you!"

After realizing that this was not an opponent he could deal with, Constable Tian simply and completely relaxed his control over his body - this also made it easier for Du Chengfeng to control this body.

But this does not mean that his fight will be easy.

Frost has already formed on the injured shoulder, and even the whole arm of Constable Tian is somewhat out of control - the most troublesome thing is that what is held in this left hand is Du Chengfeng's body, that is, the broken sword.

The opponent's attack idea is very clear, and even from the beginning of the battle, he has noticed his exact position.

"Don't you want to come out and see me?"

After a moment of silence, Du Chengfeng controlled Constable Tian's body and turned around.

There is no light source inside the mountain, and it should be dark all around, but as Du Chengfeng's voice fell, a light suddenly lit up not far away.

It was obviously light, but there was no warmth at all, but a chill, even if you just look at it, it makes people feel like falling into an ice cave.

Then, the light blew towards Du Chengfeng.

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng clearly felt that it was not light at all.

Instead, it was a large area of ​​tiny boulders that reflected some light.

"Not good!"

Du Chengfeng, who noticed something was wrong, quickly swung his two swords, and the two sword blades were full of energy. A violent gust of wind blew out from the swords, and suddenly attacked the countless boulders that were coming in front of him!

The surging sword wind did blow away the boulders, preventing the possibility of Constable Tian being torn to pieces and buried alive.

But this sword wind could not kill the cold wind itself.

Or in other words, the wind is not dead.

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng realized why the mountain was so empty, and he didn't even see any protection for his body - just because the cold wind in front of him was the best defense, and this empty and unobstructed environment was enough for the cold wind to exert its full strength!

"I can't drag it on any longer!"

Du Chengfeng, thinking of this, quickly rushed towards his body.

Yes, the greatest ability of this cold wind is not to kill people, but to hold him back. As long as he can hold him back for even a moment, the great power that made this seal will have a chance to come quickly - and judging from the power reflected by this cold wind, the strength of this great power is probably even higher than that of Yaoguang Xingjun!

And unlike Yaoguang Xingjun who manipulates light but still uses swordsmanship in real combat, the controller of this cold wind is probably better at using extraordinary power to destroy the human body.

Time waits for no one, he must quickly take back some of his power to deal with it.

Time waits for no one.

But in front of the broken body, there is a figure waiting for him.

"You are here as expected."

As the voice fell, the cavity of the mountain instantly became brightly lit.

The light sprinkled on the tall body and the thick ice crystal armor, making the body look even more majestic, just like the tall statues of gods and Buddhas in the temple. Such a scene even reminded Du Chengfeng of his previous battle with the Southern Chen Taizu.

The Southern Chen Taizu's body was probably not so huge, right?

So, who is this?

"I... have never seen you."

Looking at the huge figure standing tall in front of him, Du Chengfeng frowned.

Yes, this is also the problem. Although he didn't remember who those powerful people were when he fought with them before, because there were too many powerful people participating in the siege, he didn't remember who they were. But at least he remembered what they looked like and what techniques they used.

But this giant spirit-like figure in front of him, and the biting cold wind used by the other party...

Du Chengfeng had no impression at all.

The other party did not participate in the siege at all. Du Chengfeng was sure that he would not make a mistake, but at the moment, this strange powerful man stood in front of him and personally guarded part of his body.

"You are..."

"The name is not important."

At this time, the giant god-like figure spoke again.

"The important thing is that we cannot let you, the outer demon, disrupt the order of the two worlds."

"Two... worlds?"

Du Chengfeng chewed on this name he had never heard of.

How can it be two worlds? Could it be that these powerful people just made up a new word? They regarded the sky as one world and the ground as another world?

Although this sounds very much like the style of those powerful people, after all, those powerful people have already regarded themselves as another species before this, and the people on the ground will only be called mortals - but now This statement obviously goes a step further and even directly separates heaven and earth.

"So what exactly are you going to do?"

It was this two-world statement that made Du Chengfeng keenly aware of the anomaly.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

"We will bring order to both worlds, and we will bring the stars into their proper place."

The giant spirit-like figure lowered his head and looked down at Captain Tian controlled by Du Chengfeng.

It's like looking down at the tiny sentient beings under the sky.

"Therefore, we will never allow you, an extraterrestrial demon, to confuse all sentient beings. You are the enemy of all things in this world."

Saying this, the giant spirit-like figure waved his hand.

"Even the wind wants to kill you."

The biting cold wind blew over again, and the scattered boulders gave color to the howling wind. The pale storm was filled with biting frost, and I was afraid that it would be dyed blood red in the next moment!

"The wind wants to kill you, but can you kill the wind?"

The cold wind blowing from all directions was pervasive. Even though Du Chengfeng had controlled Captain Tian's body and tried his best to resist with his sword, there was still some cold wind carrying the boulders and streaking across Captain Tian's body.

Blood stained Agent Tian's clothes and flowed down Agent Tian's body.

This also made Captain Tian faster and weaker.

But if it's just this, it's not bad. After all, Du Chengfeng is controlling Captain Tian's body through external force. No matter how weak Captain Tian is, he can still make this body exert 100% of its power. .

But the problem is that at this moment, Captain Tian suddenly started to resist.

It was obvious that Agent Tian's body had weakened due to blood loss, but his will to resist was so determined that Du Chengfeng was even unable to control Agent Tian's body for a time, which also made Agent Tian's There were a few more wounds on his body.

But even though he knew it was extremely dangerous, Agent Tian still insisted on his will.

"Who are you anyway?"

Captain Tian, ​​who was covered in blood, asked the broken sword in his hand.

"Are all the things he said true? Are you really an extraterrestrial demon?"

"Now is the time to care about these things!"

Du Chengfeng desperately controlled Agent Tian's body and waved his swords.

"Don't cause trouble at this time! Do you want to die!"

"No, this matter is very important."

Captain Tian still insisted on himself firmly.

"If you are really an extraterrestrial demon, then I would rather die here."

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