In the city, I am the owner of paradise island

In the city, I am the owner of paradise island


408 Chapters Ongoing Status

Rebuild the Old Summer Palace and restore the prosperous scenery of the former Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens, which is supremely glorious.

Build the Colossus of Nuwa, the ancestor of China, and let the whole world bathe in the grace of Nuwa.


Rebuild the Old Summer Palace and restore the prosperous scenery of the former Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens, which is supremely glorious.

Build the Colossus of Nuwa, the ancestor of China, and let the whole world bathe in the grace of Nuwa.

Build the great Huaxia Shennong Temple, cultivate Shennong’s descendants, and spread Chinese culture…

From the long river of history, trace the traces of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders…

Research and development of paleontological technology, resurrection of Tyrannosaurus rex, reconstruction of Jurassic Park…

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “I Am the Lord of Paradise Island”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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