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The next day.

The news of Harvard University’s opening of Paradise Island spread all over the Internet.

Harvard is the world’s number one university, the pride of the United States, and brings together the top educational resources of the United States.

And now, Harvard has betrayed the United States.

Harvard transferred America’s top educational resources to an island in the far east.

Twitter full of angry Americans!


The Harvard Board of Trustees, the Harvard Alumni Association, the Harvard Workers Association, and the Harvard Student Council all support the Paradise Island program.

Because, they, Harvardians.

First of all, they consider themselves citizens of the world, and then they are citizens of the United States, they are a group of human elites, with a global mind, and ordinary Americans are completely out of the same world.

“Stupid American netizens, Harvard is ours, not yours.”

A Harvard parent commented on Twitter.

“Paradise Island is a magical place, as for the United States, as for Boston, even, I’ve had enough of here!”

A Harvard professor commented.

“The fate of Harvard is in the hands of the Harvardians themselves!”

A Harvard student commented.


There is also a photo that has attracted attention.

It was a photo of the board of directors on Harvard’s official website, a total of 7 people. In addition to the first six famous white educators in the United States, who are more than half a hundred years old.

7th Director.

It is a yellow-skinned eastern face hole 143.

And quite young, sunny.

His name is Su Cheng.

“In the more than 300-year history of Harvard, 8 presidents of the United States and 157 Nobel Prize winners have been born… However, there has never been a director so young. Moreover, he is still a **** person. “

—Time Magazine, “An Oriental Man Touches Harvard University’s Board of Trustees”

According to reports, Harvard’s 7th director is a dropout of the **** local university. How qualifies such a student to serve as a director of the first prestigious university?! ”

—The New York Times, “Harvard University Sold Its Soul”

“Great Americans will not like the East, and Harvard will pay for its foolish actions and be disgraced for them.”

– CNN News Network “Towards Fallen Harvard University”

And unlike angry American netizens and the media.

On the ** network.

There is a joyful atmosphere everywhere, and the world’s first university branch has settled in **, which undoubtedly represents **’s increasing international influence.

It is also a very long face and raised eyebrows.


Paradise Island.

Top floor of the Sky Tower.

Su Cheng lay on a lounge chair by the pool, drinking chilled coconut water, and flipping through the feedback of universities around the world in the past two days.

Feedback is mixed.

Ying’s old Imperial College London, Berkeley University in the United States, Heidelberg University in country D, etc., the world’s top 100 universities responded more positively.

And like Oxford, MIT, Yale, etc.

This kind of world’s super-first-tier university is too prosperous, the fishing boats are relatively large, and the local government has also blocked it, resulting in a relatively cold response, saying that it will continue to observe for a period of time.

Of course, there are also particularly bad attitudes

For example, Yenching University.

“Yanda carries the glory of ****. In the future, it is impossible to cooperate with a dropout. Do not contact again. ”

Signed, Yanda professor Tian Yigang.

Su Cheng felt a little funny, and then directly dragged this email into the trash and pulled Yan Da into the blacklist.

Since Yan Da does not know how to lift.

He put a star on Qingda, who had a good attitude, well, ready for further contact with the secretary group.


There are also many universities after the world’s TOP300, and Su Cheng did not pay attention.

Paradise Island is a big place.

But there is no place for ordinary universities.


There was still a letter that caught Su Cheng’s attention.

The letter came from an ordinary overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, hoping that Su Cheng could rebuild Nanyang University, a university that once caused a sensation in the Chinese world.

This is also the first overseas Chinese university in history, but its life is extremely bumpy.

In history.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty, and the Republic of China, during these three turbulent periods, a large number of Chinese left their homeland and went to Nanyang to make a living. Over time, a growing Chinese population emerged in Southeast Asia.

Nanyang University was born in Southeast Asia before and after World War II, New Jiapo.

At that time, the CGAA Malaysian government was indifferent to Chinese language education. The local Chinese planned to build their own university. In addition to wealthy Chinese businessmen, countless grassroots grassroots such as Chinese workers, citizens, tricycle drivers, and even prostitutes have donated funds to Nanyang University.

But alas.

This Chinese university, which embodies the hopes of countless Southeast Asian Chinese, has experienced the control of the British colonial government, internal management problems, and the cruel suppression of the Chinese language by the New Country’s officials.

In the end, the founder, the leader of the Chinese community, Mr. Chen Liujing, was revoked by the New China authorities, and the son of Nan University was brutally arrested by the military police.

Nanyang University, once brilliant, flourished and declined and closed down completely in 1980.

This email.

Su Cheng was quite embarrassed.

Today, although the Chinese have gained a firm foothold in Southeast Asia, Nanyang University is an eternal pain in their hearts.

All right……

Su Cheng also considered building a university that belongs to Paradise Island, well, let’s set it as Nanyang University.

Students, mainly Chinese, absorb talents from all over the world.

As for the specifications, it must be the best in the world, there is no one!


Two days later.

Another news shocked the network.

After the introduction of Harvard University, Paradise Island introduced 5 branches of the world’s top universities in one go.


Ying Guo Imperial University of Technology.

** Qingda.

State of Heidelberg University.

University of Berkeley.

Aalborg University, Denmark.

Not only are they all the world’s top 100, but they are all technical universities. According to this, people have smelled the ambition of Paradise Island to vigorously develop industry.

At the same time, Su Cheng, the owner of Paradise Island, will serve as the director of these five universities at the same time.

These university branches will also give priority to the children of local residents.


Paradise Island Permanent Residence Permits are in high demand.

At present, the people who have been confirmed to have obtained this residence permit include Dr. Liang Sichen of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, director Zhang Yimou, director of National Teacher Zhang Yimou, Yao Xiaoguang, CEO of Tianmg, and Bridon Grini, CEO of Black Hole Studio.

If it is their children, the probability of entering these top universities will be greatly increased.


As for Su Cheng, some people have already called him the “ambassador of famous schools”, some have called him “** light”, and some people call him “the king of education”

In a little bit of a minute.

Paradise Island once again announced that it will make every effort to form a wholly-owned university, called “Nanyang University”

This one.

It even caused a shock in the entire Southeast Asian Chinese circle!

The name…

For them, it means a lot!


Hongmen headquarters.

Inside the classical Suzhou garden.

The old gang leader Hong Yanqiu looked at the news report, quite emotional, and tears flashed in his cloudy eyes.

The world’s first overseas Chinese university has been reborn!

“Pick up the owner of Su Island for me, tell him, Hongmen, will fully support the construction of Nanyang University, well, first hit 200 million US dollars.”

Hong Yanqiu slapped the armrest heavily and ordered.

He’s happy! _

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