“Paradise Island will dispatch four mechanical exoskeleton warriors to solve the battle in three minutes.”

Su Cheng briefly said the battle plan.

Nobody is listening.

Admiral Arthur Carpenter, General Adubi, General Lee Jung-hwan and others all looked at Su Cheng like weirdos.

Mechanical exoskeleton?

Surely this is not something in the laboratory, is it already possible to fight?

Especially General Arthur of the United States, his face changed for a while, the most advanced military technology has always been the first application of the United States, when is it the turn of a private army?

“Impossible, the most advanced military technology is in the United States, how can you **** have it?”

General Lee Jung-hwan looked disbelieving.

Su Cheng ignored him.

Instead, a short video of the XCOM exoskeleton training was transmitted to the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

After a while.

Director General Audrey rubbed his face, still feeling incredible, he nodded to Su Cheng and said: “The military technology of your island is amazing, no wonder my daughter has always wanted to study there.” ”

“Paradise Island is in great need of an excellent student like your daughter.”

Su Cheng nodded.

He knew that the United Nations side had agreed to the matter.

“I propose that the 684 special forces of Han country be substituted, and the **** technology is always unreliable!”

Lee Jung-hwan proposed again.

“Feel free, if your special forces like to be cheerleaders.”

Su Cheng smiled coldly.

And then.

The operational command began …

Su Cheng turned on the walkie-talkie and began to contact the XCOM squad hovering nearby.

His specific plan is also simple: one, the XCOM team embarks from the bottom of the sea; Two, clear 15 pirates on the periphery in 1 minute; Third, occupy the commanding heights in the cruise ship hall, snipe from a distance, and end the battle before the pirates react.

The whole process is only two or three minutes.

“In the old saying, this plan is really on paper and delusional.”

General Lee Jung-hwan smiled disdainfully, and then contacted the 684 special forces to make them ready to act at any time.


On the high seas at this time.

A luxurious giant cruise ship anchored at sea, the Royal Caribbean Company’s Oasis of the Sea, was being hijacked by pirates.

Take the Oasis as the center.

There are hundreds of the most advanced warships on the planet, such as the aircraft carrier Rihe, the destroyer King Sejong of Han Country, and the **052D destroyer. At a glance, a large area is spread out, which is spectacular.

This formation.

Not to mention a handful of pirates, even if aliens come, it is enough to drink a pot, but the navies of various countries are not strong, so they can only be in a hurry.

In the sky all around.

There are dozens of helicopters circling.

CNN, CBS, BBC and other logos are printed on it, all of which are world-class news media. Countless long guns and short cannons above are focused on the Ocean Oasis.

And at this time.

The pirates on the Oasis were already terrified.

Is he…

They just robbed a cruise ship, as for such a large formation, if so many warships fired a volley, let alone them, even a small island can be flattened.

“Boss, what to do, we are surrounded!”

A stubble-bearded pirate trembled.

“Or let’s surrender…”

“Vote for you, and then say that Laozi killed you!”

The pirate leader at the head spat fiercely, his eyes showed a full fierce light, and said: “Let them send 100 million US dollars in cash, and then let us leave.” Give them 10 minutes, if they don’t send money, Lao Tzu will kill one a minute! ”

This piece of news.

It was soon summoned to the operations hall of the transport ship of the United Nations Peace Agency.

10 minutes…

$100 million…

Director General Audrey closed his eyes in pain, feeling a little desperate. He couldn’t figure out what he had done wrong, and God wanted to punish him like this.

“10 minutes, they won’t live 10 minutes.”

Su Cheng snorted coldly, and the corners of his mouth curved into an arc of disdain.


Under water.

A ** Ming-class conventional submarine quietly swam under the Oasis, opened the hatch, and released a simple submersible.

Four XCOM team members, aboard submersibles, came to the surface.

And then……

Sneaked onto the deck of the Oasis of the Sea.

These pictures.

Through the camera, it is completely transmitted to the war hall.

Everyone held their breath.

The hostages were concentrated in the yacht’s central hall, and to enter, they had to go through a corridor on the periphery.

There are 15 pirate handles here.

“The 3-minute timer starts, and the quick victory is quick.”

In the war hall, Su Cheng gave the order and took out his mobile phone to keep the time like everyone else.




The hands beat fast, and four XCOM squad members armed with MK23 combat pistols quickly walked through the corridor.

This is a powerful dé pistol.

And a silencer is added.


Six pirates appeared around the corner of the corridor, they saw the XCOM squad, and then they froze … Apparently, they were frightened by mechanical exoskeletons.


In the war room, the generals were also startled, and Audrey closed his eyes in pain again.

If any of the six pirates shouted and Admiral Oasis of the Seas staged a massacre, his precious daughter would not be spared.


Six slight gunshots suddenly rang out, and before the six pirates could react, they were all thrown to the ground.

And all with a headshot shot!


Admiral Arthur stood up directly and said with a look of disbelief.

This marksmanship is too godly!

In particular, the X002 team member, who was the leader, could be seen from the camera that this person shot three times in an instant, killing three pirates almost at the same time.

It’s incredible!

“Don’t you **** people need to aim when shooting guns…” exclaimed General Lee Jung-hwan.

“Even, doesn’t this gun have recoil, even three shots, the muzzle of the gun does not even float up, as if fixed on the hand!” A Brunei general was speechless.

The other generals also showed inquiring looks.

They were shocked!

Su Cheng only smiled slightly and did not answer. But these generals can probably guess that this is the magic of mechanical exoskeletons.

In the picture.

The XCOM squad cleanly killed the remaining 9 peripheral pirates.

At this point, the timer stops at “120”.

It took exactly 1 minute.

Then, the XCOM crew withdrew the MK23 combat pistol and replaced it with the famous Barrett M98 repeating sniper rifle.

“Even, are they crazy…”

Seeing this scene, the generals all shouted.

Are these four XCOM members crazy, do they want to kill two dozen pirates with 4 Barrett?

To know…

The sniper rifle has great recoil, and each shot must adjust breathing and re-aim, so it is basically a one-shot sale.

And even if this is a repeating sniper rifle, it is impossible to shoot continuously and accurately.

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