Soon, the video turned on.

The bandit leader Kunsha expressed the hope that Hathaway would be transferred to the pirate ship to guarantee her safety.

In return, he could spare Su Cheng’s three soldiers.

“Hathaway can go to you, but my soldiers will fight to the end!”

Su Cheng replied decisively.

Then he ordered Hathaway to be sent away.

“Sorry, I messed up, I leaked your itinerary. Mr. Commander, I hope to stay with you, although I know that you will not forgive me. ”

Hathaway said with endless remorse on her face.

She is now…

I just want Su Cheng to shoot himself, so that he may feel better.

“Protect yourself, there will be a vicious battle in a while.”

Su Cheng did not get angry, but gently patted Hathaway’s face, like a big brother comforting a little girl, and then put a body armor on her.

“I hope we’re all alive…”

Hathaway couldn’t cry.

After Hathaway was sent away, the war officially began!

Boom, boom, boom…

Nearly 500 pirate ships of all colors fired at the T-0561 in unison, and the sound of heaven-shaking artillery fire resounded in this sea area in an instant.

Shells, bullets, rockets fell like locusts on deck T-0561, shaking the 89-meter-long frigate with a displacement of 1,400 tons.

The T-0561 is also firing wildly.

One 76mm hidden naval gun, two 30mm cannons, and various anti-ship missiles and torpedoes were fired non-stop.

Under a round of shooting.

Just sunk a dozen ships close to the pirates, and the power of this modern corvette is evident!

The battle was fierce…

The pirates suffered heavy losses, killed and wounded, but could not get close to the T-0561 at all. Of course, Su Cheng was also uncomfortable, after all, this is a corvette, and it simply cannot withstand such a fierce shelling.

The left hull has already been blasted out of a hole.

The sea water poured in like crazy…

At death’s door!

On the beach.

Countless people closed their eyes and did not dare to look any further.

“Idolmaika, who went to save our hero, he was besieged by vile pirates…”

The CBS reporter spoke hoarsely into the camera.

“Fuck, abominable pirate, lost his conscience!”

“I have called General Adubi in Puerto Princesa, as well as the US Seventh Fleet, and they have not responded!”

“Those dog mongrels are watching our beloved Commander die at the hands of pirates?!”

Journalists burst into foul language in front of the camera.

This scene was also broadcast live on the Internet in real time, and countless netizens exploded instantly…

It is unimaginable that the deputy commander of the United Nations peacekeeping force against piracy should be attacked by a large number of pirates in the port!

Inside General Adubi’s office.

The phone rings non-stop.

United Nations Peace Agency, ** Embassy in the Philippines, CBS TV, Morgan Foundation, Sky France … They all asked General Adubi to go into battle and rescue Commander Su Cheng.

“A bunch of idiots!”

General Adubi spat fiercely.

He refused to go to war on the grounds that the fleet was being overhauled, in fact, his fleet had just been overhauled yesterday.

On a CIA helicopter not far away.

Officer Hank held a telescope and watched the situation here.

When he saw Hathaway leave T-0561 safely, he breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that Su Cheng would kill Hathaway in a fit of anger, which was very likely.

His face was still a little distorted.

With the help of the power of pirates, to kill a United Nations commander, what is the difference between what he did and the extremely evil Su Cheng.

What qualifications does he have to judge Su Cheng’s crimes.

“It seems that the **** warship is stronger than we thought.”

Seeing that T-0561 was still struggling to support, the deputy on the side could not help but sigh.

“In front of the shells of our Americans, vulnerable!”

Hank finally said coldly.

He must make Su Cheng accept punishment, even in this disgraceful way.

And between conversations.

The left hull of T-0561 was again pierced by a shell, and after a few swings of the huge hull, it began to tilt sharply because of the pouring of sea water …

This ship is going to sink!

This moment.

Countless tourists, journalists, and spectators wiped their tears.

T-0561, a flag of the United Nations Peace Agency against transnational piracy, symbolizes justice and glory, and it is also the flagship of the venerable deputy commander Su Cheng, who was destroyed under the fire of pirates.

What a disaster!

“I thought of the fall of Constantinople in 1453, which was the death of human civilization, and it is the same today!” A reporter wiped tears from the corners of his eyes.

“My hero, are you going to sleep here…”

“God, please open your eyes…”

“Today is a sad day, this young deputy commander of the United Nations, just about to fulfill his great ambition, was calculated by evil pirates!”

“Today next year will be the anniversary of heroes…”

The reporters broadcast this sad image live to their respective audiences in a sad tone.

And the saddest people in the entire sea.

There was nothing more than CNN reporter Hathaway on the pirate ship, her body trembling, sobbing softly, and her eyes flashed with despair.

It was Commander Su Cheng who she harmed… She will never forgive herself!

She will spend the rest of her life in regret!

“Beautiful Miss Hathaway, thanks to your intelligence, otherwise it would be impossible to trap this cunning ** person here.” Pirate leader Kunsha smiled proudly.

“You, and Hank, you’re the dirtiest bastard in the world!”

Hathaway snapped.

She hated these pirates, the righteous and sanctimonious police officer Hank, who was actually a dog!


Inside the port.

General Adubi looked at the situation on the sea, with a vicious smile on his lips.

That’s it.

He admitted that Su Cheng was very capable and courageous, and could have shown his strength. But alas, he messed with the CIA and the United States, so no one could save him.

He was even thinking.

In the future, you can build a Su Cheng Memorial Hall here to attract tourists, which must be very profitable.

“Report General, the ** J-20 formation has been found near the South China Sea, and it is rushing to this side!”

The adjutant reported.

“Hmph, what’s going on, how long will it take to arrive?”

Adubi asked.

“The intelligence comes from the Pacific Seventh Fleet. It is reported that the incident has been broadcast live on the Internet, and the ** military was forced by the pressure of domestic fishing boats to send a J-20 aviation group over after obtaining the authorization of the United Nations. It takes 30 minutes. The adjutant said.

“30 minutes, well, just to collect the body.”

General Adubi said coldly.


It was between them.

In the distant skyline, several fierce helicopters appeared, followed by more than a dozen silver-white warships breaking through the waves.

On the mast of a warship.

The flag of the United Nations with the earth and olive branches fluttering, the island flag with the crescent moon pattern on Paradise Island, and the flag of the ** country.

The hull of the ship is also printed with a large “UN” lettering.

This is exactly Su Cheng’s main fleet.

On the beach.

A reporter noticed the suddenly killed fleet, held his head in his hands, and roared in an incredulous tone:

“Oh my God, did God hear my prayers, and he actually sent a fleet here…”

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