The next day.

The Paradise Island peacekeeping fleet left Puerto Princesa in the midst of countless people and headed southwest to the famous port of Pontianak, on the west coast of Kalimantan.

The range is approximately 920 nautical miles.

Su Cheng took the flight attendant secretary group, took the Longhuang helicopter, and flew back to Paradise Island first.


As soon as I got off the plane, I felt refreshed.

I also saw a little girl’s film, Yang Yiyi, who was studying in Bellini.

She wore a cute ponytail today, a high school uniform in a small suit, a plaid skirt, revealing most of her fair thighs, long tights on her knees, and a pair of shiny little leather shoes.

Well, cute and pure student dress.

“Brother Su, about daddy, thank you!” Yang Yiyi’s tender little face was slightly red, and said gratefully.

“Your father’s business is my business…”

Su Cheng replied with a smile.

“Scoundrel, you take advantage of others, and you are not my father, unless you recognize me as a goddaughter…” said Yang Yiyi angrily and annoyedly.


Su Cheng couldn’t help but pout, with Yang Yiyi’s age, it would be too big to be his own goddaughter.

Besides, the title of goddaughter always feels strange…


Su Cheng took Yang Yiyi to a meal, and by the way, he cared about her study and life problems.

Born in a gangster family and studying in the United States since she was a child, Yang Yiyi’s personality is a bit like a little sister, very rebellious, but she is obedient to Su Cheng.

The two chatted while eating and talking to each other.

The atmosphere is also very happy, and it really has the taste of elders caring about younger generations.


Su Cheng will go to Nanyang University to discuss the preparatory progress of Nanyang University with President Tao Mingmei, and focus on the large particle accelerator.

Yang Yiyi stuck to Su Cheng, no way, and also took her there.


The campus of Nanyang University has been completed, all kinds of teaching equipment and experimental instruments have been delivered one after another, and the colleges have been divided, everything is in order, and the only thing missing is students.

Su Cheng was very satisfied with this progress.

It seems that this young beautiful principal, Israeli Young Scientist of the Year, Professor Tao Mingmei, has a very good set of management.

In the conference room.

Tao Mingmei, Tao Lao, and several other school leaders reported their recent work to Su Cheng.

The focus is on the admissions aspect.

Nanyang University is preparing to enroll 3,000 first-year students in the first phase, but the specific enrollment process and admission standards are still somewhat controversial.

Chinese people are all over the world and have very different education.

Internally, it is nine years of compulsory education.

American Chinese, is an English education, generally AP courses, take the SAT or ACT test.

In Europe, most of them are IB courses.

In Southeast Asia, where the Chinese are concentrated, the level of education is uneven, and one standard for one country is not uniform at all.

How to select the best Chinese students from all over the world…

This is a difficult problem.

“I recommend choosing according to the country, different countries have different places, ** 1,000 places, 500 places in Malai, 200 in New Jiapo…”

It was proposed.

“I approve, but there are too many Malay places, to cut 200…”

“You should take care of the Chinese in Xinjiapo, where the level of education is very high, at least 300 places…”

All right……

Once specific interests were involved, Chinese professors from different countries began to quarrel with each other and not give in to each other.

Tao Mingmei also had a headache.

In fact, because she is studying at MIT in the United States, she is more inclined to recruit more Chinese in the United States.

“I see, this matter, let the owner of Su Island take the idea.”

Finally, Elder Tao said.

Hearing this, all the professors looked at Su Cheng, who is the real boss of Nanyang University, who speaks with a word and has the final right to decide.

“Professors, you disappointed my founder.”

Su Cheng shook his head and said in a tone of hatred that iron is not steel: “Guys, in your hearts, but there is still my Nanyang University’s motto?!” ”

“Shine ** culture, light up the Chinese world.” Tao Mingmei muttered.


Su Cheng nodded heavily, and said seriously: “The global Chinese are one family, why do we need to divide you and me, and separate different countries.” Your division of different school districts in this way will only hurt the feelings of Chinese people around the world, and how can you talk about glorious ** culture and light up the Chinese world?! ”

These words are sonorous and powerful, and they land soundly.

In front of these words, all the professors were deeply embarrassed and bowed their heads.

They only think about their one-acre and three-point land, and this founder has already looked at the world and regarded all Chinese as one family.

This vision.

It’s the huge gap between them and this founder …

“I propose that Nanyang University’s enrollment must be aimed at Chinese people around the world, including foreign friends who love ** culture. To this end, this entrance examination will be held publicly around the world. ”

“The exam subjects, specifically 3+2, are 5 in total.”

“Among them, 3 main subjects are ** literature, ** history, ** mathematics. 2 freely selected subjects, including physics, chemistry, biology, politics, geography, music, painting, etc. ”

“In the end, the best 3,000 candidates were selected.”

“No matter what country you come from in the world, whether you are well-off or destitute, whether you are handsome or beautiful or plain-looking, or even whether you have black eyes or blue eyes, as long as you are interested in becoming the heir of the ** culture, you must treat them equally and be absolutely fair!”

Su Cheng finished in one breath.


Yang Yiyi looked at Su Cheng blankly, his eyes were still a little moist.

She is a Chinese who has lived in the United States since she was a child, well, at this moment she has a deep sense of belonging, for Chinese identity, for Paradise Island, and for this man.

Others were completely blown away!

After death-like silence.


The audience erupted into warm applause!

Tao Mingmei and other professors applauded Su Cheng desperately, and his words shocked their souls.

“Lord Su Island, I will arrange to hold a global exam for Nanyang University!” However, this fee can be significant. Tao Mingmei said.

“Don’t worry, Paradise Island will fully support this exam!”

Su Cheng shook his hand generously.

At present, his island valuation plus cash reserves has more than 13 billion US dollars, which is a small meaning for global examinations.

“Okay, then I will personally produce a physics exam paper, and I will definitely screen out the best Chinese physics geniuses!” Professor Tao Mingmei was deeply encouraged.

“Su Island Lord, the old man also produced a ** literature examination paper!”

Tao Lao, who loves ancient literature, also slapped his thigh.


He has already thought of the exam questions, including the Book of Poetry, the Divorce, the Four Books and the Five Classics, Tang Poems, Song Poetry, Yuan Qu, Ming and Qing Dynasty novels, modern literature, etc., plus Confucianism, Legalism, Moism and other philosophical thoughts, none of them can be less!

It can definitely screen out the pure ** cultural mantle heirs!

Professor in various other disciplines.

They also said that they would show their housekeeping skills and make a paper of moderate difficulty, but also able to select geniuses.

These specific jobs.

Su Cheng would not care, his idea was that if this set of examination standards was successfully established, he would promote it to all the universities on Paradise Island.

When the time comes.

It doesn’t matter if you are Harvard in the United States, or the Imperial Polytechnic of Ying Country, or the University of Heidelberg in the country of Dé, they all have to give me a poetry test! Leave the exam! Kau Lu Xun’s article!

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