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In 1983.

Roy Schweters’ wife had cancer and opted for the most advanced radiotherapy at the time, a high-energy particle ray produced by a radioactive isotope.


Although this ray can kill cancer cells mercilessly, it will also cause some damage to normal cells.

As a high-energy physicist.

Roy hopes to find a particle ray that kills cancer cells and is harmless to normal cells, which he calls “angel rays.”


He pushed for the huge budget SSC program, and he wanted to use the world’s largest particle accelerator to find “angel rays” to cure his wife’s illness.

But as a result, the oversized budget ruined the plan.

Her wife also left him in pain.

More than thirty years later.

He still misses the “angel ray”, which is his promise to his dead wife!


He chatted with Tao Mingmei through the post.

He knew that it was an ambitious island owner named “Su Cheng” who single-handedly promoted this huge plan.

“He’s promoting the progress of science and technology, he’s a great person.”

Professor Roy replied with some excitement 03.

And Roy’s reply post also attracted the attention of other high-energy physics masters, but unlike Roy, they did not believe Tao Mingmei’s post.


Desert in the field of high-energy physics.

How is it possible to build the world’s first particle accelerator, or SSC!

“Professor Roy, I think you are crazy, SSC is a facility that cannot be built in the United States, a private island owner, this is simply impossible.”

Nobel laureate, Professor Rainer Weiss laughed.

“Yes, there will be a lot of difficulties in building an SSC, so I think this private island owner needs the help of professionals. Well, I decided to take a research team to Paradise Island to support the construction of SSC. ”

Roy replied seriously.

Lose your marbles……

Everyone thought that Roy was crazy and wanted to do research, and he was wasting his precious life.


Paradise Island and Harvard University.

It is already a partnership, but it is limited to liberal arts schools such as business schools and law schools.

The School of Physics, which needs a lot of experimental equipment, has not been relocated, and this group of physics professors who are far from mundane life have not expressed a fanatical attitude towards Paradise Island like the business school.


Professor Roy was ready to lead the team to Paradise Island, but this plan was rejected by the leaders of the academy.

The reason is that it is not suitable for high-energy physics research.

The matter ended up with the board.

A director named Su Cheng put pressure on the college to let it go.

The prestigious Professor Roy learned that the private island owner was one of the seven directors of Harvard University at the same time.

It’s incredible.


At the same time.

The news that Paradise Island, Nanyang University, is preparing to enroll 3,000 new students spread throughout the Chinese world.

This university not only has a beautiful campus, but also luxurious faculty!

More than 800 world-class professors and 40 high-energy physicists of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, this is simply the configuration of a first-class world-famous university.


According to a source, Paradise Island is building a 273-kilometer-long superconducting supermassive accelerator.

This news was also confirmed by former SSC builder Roy Schweters, who is leading a Harvard research team to help build SSC on Paradise Island.

This one.

Not only Chinese, but also young geniuses around the world who want to engage in physics research have begun to look forward to this university.

And then……

The discovery of their tragedy.

It is necessary to test the Book of Poetry, the Divorce, the Analects, and an article written by a man named Lu Xun.

Fortunately, in this world, everyone’s Chinese language level is still okay, and this group of teenagers with genius brains only need a period of high-intensity training and can master them smoothly.

During this period.

There are also many people who like this mysterious and euphemistic oriental culture.



Handong Province, a major province for the college entrance examination.

A mother in her forties, but deeply wrinkled, is fanning her son for the college entrance examination, and her cloudy eyes are full of earnestness.

As a major province for college entrance examinations, the acceptance rate here is too low.

There are 1.2 million candidates here every year, and the highest institution, Yenching University, can only enroll 150 students.

And correspondingly.

In some developed areas, the acceptance rate of Yanda is generally 0.5%.

About a 40-fold difference.

In short, in this case, no matter how good the child’s grades are, there is no hope for the entrance examination, after all, the life is not good enough, and the wrong birth is cast.


The recent admissions advertisement at Nanyang University gave this mother a glimmer of hope.

Globally Standardized Examination.

All candidates, regardless of region, origin, appearance, and background, are absolutely fair, and only rely on their results.

Fairness alone.

She decided to let her child take the Paradise Island college entrance examination!


On the west coast of the United States.

A serious Chinese girl with a ball head and holding “Dream of Red Mansions” in her hand suddenly received a text message about the college entrance examination on Paradise Island.

In this, she focused on the content of the ** literature exam.

The Book of Poetry, the Divorce, the Ming and Qing Dynasty novels…

These are all her favorite things to see, and they are also her spiritual sustenance.


She was already a fourth-generation Chinese immigrant, and in 1865, her great-grandfather came to the United States to work as a Chinese worker with the Qing government’s Treaty of Puanchen to help build the Pacific Railroad that shocked the world at the time.

The railway is more than 3,000 kilometers long and has been called one of the seven industrial wonders after the Industrial Revolution by the BBC, but it has also buried the lives of 5,605,000 Chinese workers.

It is said that “under each sleeper there is a corpse of a Chinese worker”

After that, the United States passed the Chinese Exclusion Act.

But her great-grandfather survived, and their family has grown into the wealthy local middle class after four generations.


Her family’s experience made her feel no sense of belonging to this land, and she wanted to return to the homeland where her great-grandfather lived more than a hundred years ago.


She finally waited for the opportunity, she was going to take the college entrance examination on Paradise Island, and she was going to return to her hometown!


The same scene.

It is staged in different regions, or longs for fairness, or longs to return to Chinese society, or simply likes ** culture, and wants to exert academic baggage here.

Chinese from all over the world, as well as many foreign students, have signed up for the Paradise Island college entrance examination half a month later.

In just a few days.

The number of applicants exceeded one million in one fell swoop!

“I think we underestimate Nanyang University’s global impact.”

When Principal Tao Mingmei saw this number, she was a little shocked, in fact, she initially expected 300,000.

“This is everyone’s trust in Paradise Island, so this college entrance examination must not be sloppy!”

Su Cheng said solemnly.


Nanyang University has pinned on the hopes of Chinese students around the world, and as the founder, he has a lot of pressure on his shoulders! _

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