After Su Cheng had the idea of helping the Chinese, he wanted to take Lin Shiying away.

Well, this nizi has the bloodline of orthodox Lanfang, and as for the Lin clan, they are greedy and ruthless, and they are not worth cooperating at all.

“Restoring Lanfang is not only the mission of the Lin clan, but also the long-cherished wish of all Chinese.”

Su Cheng paused, looked at Lin Shiying, who looked bitter, and persuaded: “Shiying, come with me, let me build an Lanfang for you.” ”

Saying that, there was silence all around.

Lin Shiying’s beautiful eyes widened, thinking that she had misheard.

This man… To build Lanfang for her!

The people of the Lin clan all looked at this pair with strange expressions.

Is this person crazy.

Their Lin family has devoted their family strength and worked hard for more than a hundred years, and the restoration of Lanfang is still in the stage of conception, that is so easy!

“Su Cheng, let go of Shiying!”

At this time, Li Changxi stood up angrily, Lin Shiying was his fiancée, but he was nestled in Su Cheng’s arms, what a system!

“Let me let go of Shiying, what qualifications do you have.”

Su Cheng gently wrapped his hand around Lin Shiying’s waist.

“You bastard Smida!”

Looking at this ambiguous scene, Li Changxi couldn’t help but burst into foul language. But before he finished speaking, he listened to the sound of “banging”, and a gun butt slammed into his face.

It was a Slavic soldier who shot. The soldier shot extremely hard, directly smashing off Li Changxi’s two front teeth, and a large amount of blood was splashed.

Well, the phase is broken.

“If you don’t know how to lift, this is your end.”

Su Cheng glanced at Li Changxi, who was lying on the ground coughing up blood in pain, and said without pity.

No one stopped him.

The arrogance of this young commander made the Lin clan people retreat, and they could only watch Su Cheng leave with his arms around the family.

“Su Cheng, you are deceiving Shiying!” You simply can’t recover Lanfang, you shameless liar. Li Changxi said fiercely.

“Don’t say it, I’m willing to believe Su Cheng!” Lin Shiying bit her lip and said.

“Su Cheng, dare to make a bet on whether you can restore Lanfang.” Ignored by Su Cheng, Li Changxi’s angry gums were about to bite off.

“How to bet?” Su Cheng was interested.

“Just bet on whether you can restore Lanfang within three years, and if you can succeed, I will give you 10 billion US dollars in Sanxing.”

Li Changxi said coldly, and then added: “But if you fail, you need to hand over the SSC accelerator of Paradise Island to Sanxing Group.” ”

$10 billion.

The world’s largest particle accelerator SSC.

This bet is so crazy that it can be called the biggest bet of the century… Some of the Lin clan people are almost petrified.

Lin Shiying was also very worried, and persuaded: “Su Cheng, I believe you, this is enough, please don’t bet with him.” ”

“Don’t worry.”

Su Cheng nodded very confidently, and directly ordered someone to bring paper and pen, he wanted to sign a gambling contract.

Well, Sanxing’s 10 billion US dollars, he is ready to laugh!

Next, in the surprised eyes of the crowd, the gambling contract was officially signed, and the two of them each held a copy.

“Su Cheng, I hope you can cherish that SSC accelerator, because in three years, it will belong to our Samsung Group.”

Li Changxi held the gambling contract and laughed presumptuously, he felt that he had won.

Su Cheng was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Just glanced at him with eyes like an idiot, put his arm around Lin Shiying, and left the Lin family dashingly.


Port of Pontianak.

Together with the surrounding area, it has a total population of 2 million.


Local media reported the news that Su Cheng, the owner of Paradise Island in **, promised to restore Lanfang.

Moreover, support the Lin family’s golden “Lin Shiying”.

The news caused a huge local repercussion.


And at the same time.

The news also went viral.

For Su Chengguang’s idea of Fu Lanfang, many netizens scoffed, thinking that this was impossible and simply nonsense.

And what they pay more attention to is Su Cheng and Li Changxi’s “gambling contract of the century”!

$10 billion, bet on SSC accelerators.

It’s so exciting!

“God, these two best Oriental young people have collided again, and I really look forward to what kind of sparks they will meet.”

Someone left a message on the Internet.

Regarding the last PES exhibition, the picture of Su Cheng KO Li Changxi is still vividly remembered.

But this time, it is widely believed that Su Cheng, the popular island owner, the commander of the United Nations, and the director of Harvard University, is likely to be a hard hit.

“Poor Paradise Island, he may be losing SSC…” someone said rather regretfully.

“The future belongs to our Han country Smecta!”

“Three years later, it will be time for high-energy physics in Han to dominate the world.”

The most excited on the Internet is Yu Han country netizens.

** Netizens shivered one by one, although they also hoped that Su Cheng would succeed, but they must know that this is almost impossible.


Kuril country, Jakarta.

Here is home to the large Suratto family.

In this country of Kuril Islands, the Suratto family controls 1/2 of the army, 1/3 of the parliamentarians, and 1/4 of the state-owned economy, which can basically be said to cover the sky with one hand.

At this time, inside the Surateu mansion.

Modo Suratto was drinking red wine and watching the news, and when the Surateu family at the helm saw the news of the restoration of Lanfang, he immediately looked furious!

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