The Pacific Seventh Fleet and the South China Sea Fleet converged on the west coast of Kalimantan. The Indonesian navy poured out and marched into the port of Pontianak again, while 10,000 troops were fully armed and landed.

In the calm Southeast Asia, the atmosphere suddenly became solemn and the undercurrent was turbulent.

The storm is most central.

Port of Pontianak.

Su Cheng remained here, confronting Suratto’s army with a group of Southeast Asian Chinese families.

In other words, half of Southeast Asia’s private economy is trapped in the port of Pontianak. As long as the war ignites, the banking, hotel, tourism, tobacco, retail and other industries in Southeast Asia will be greatly affected.

The prices of commodities such as rubber, minerals, plastics, and palm oil exported from Southeast Asia will also fluctuate sharply, which will affect the global economic recovery.

The World Bank, the WTO, the New York Commodities Exchange Center, etc., have sent representatives to the port of Pontianak. They do not want war, otherwise the fragile world economy will be hit hard.

For its part, the United Nations has also sent a peace team in the hope of easing tensions on the ground.

The world’s media are flocking to it.

When he became the focus of the world here, Su Cheng was interviewed by reporters from various countries.

“Mr. Su, may I ask why you want to restore Lanfangguo? Is it for wealth or fame? A CBS reporter asked.

“Because this is the land of the Chinese, that’s all.” Su Cheng said with a solemn expression.

“If the restoration is successful, as the core member, will you hold an important position in the future Lanfang Guo government?” CNN asked.

“Lanfangguo will be a democratic republic, all positions will be decided by the voters here, and I will firmly support Ms. Lin Shiying as the first president of the republic!” Su Cheng replied.

In public and private, Lin Shiying is the best candidate for president.

“Will Lan Fangguo join any political alliances in the future?” A French Sky reporter asked.

“I think I will join the **** leading South China Sea OECD and become the ** most staunch ally!” Su Cheng said seriously.

The collapse of the Lanfang Kingdom was due to the lack of support from the mother country.

This time, the mistakes of the past must not be repeated.


Think tanks from various countries are watching Su Cheng’s interview live throughout the process.

It’s hard to imagine.

A young man in his early twenties has quietly stirred up the global political landscape.

And when Su Cheng looked at the camera and said that he wanted to become a ** ally, an old chief of Yanjing nodded gratifyingly.

On Weibo, it is even a message of “Su Island Lord Xiongqi”.

If Su Cheng succeeds in regaining the Lanfang Kingdom, this will be a great achievement for the Chinese to expand the territory and seal the territory, and it should be remembered in the annals of history.

Many even signed up and asked to go to Pontianak to resist Suratto’s army.


Pacific Seventh Fleet.

On the aircraft carrier Ronald Riheel, Admiral Arthur gritted his teeth angrily.

If Lanfangguo succeeds, it will be equivalent to planting a nail in Southeast Asia and nailing the Strait of Malacca, which is simply unacceptable to the US military who vainly tries to control the entire Southeast Asia.

However, Washington was caught in the Middle East and had no time to separate, and only ordered the Seventh Fleet to closely monitor the situation on the ground.

“I hope Suratto can withstand this ** young man, otherwise, this oriental dragon will break free from its chains and move unimpeded throughout Southeast Asia.” Admiral Arthur prayed in his heart.

Now, it’s up to Suratto to withstand the pressure.


Jakarta, Indonesia.

Modo Suratto was also watching Su Cheng’s interview on TV, and his expression was a little serious. On the table in front of him, there was a thick pile of documents.

It contains official letters from the United Nations Peace Talks Group, the World Bank, the WTO, Yanjing, and major Chinese business associations. It said that it was hoped that Suratto would take into account the feelings of the Pontianak Chinese and allow them to establish a small Lanfang state.

Otherwise, once a conflict breaks out, not only the world economy, but also the local situation in Indonesia will fall into chaos.

In addition, there are investigation letters from the United Nations Anti-Corruption Alliance, the International Transparency Organization, and the International Court of Justice in The Hague, saying that they have received a large number of leads to investigate the Surator family’s huge corruption, corruption, and war crimes.

These official letters have been exposed in the media.

For a time, both internationally and domestically, Modo Suratto was under great pressure.

“Father, the opposition has gathered in the city, and they ask for an official response to the investigation of the Anti-Corruption Alliance, the International Court of Justice in The Hague!” The second son, Kura Suratto, who is a parliamentarian, delivered a message.

“Send troops to disperse them!”

Modo Suratto said coldly that now is the most vulnerable time for the Surator family, and his political enemies have also jumped out.

After that, another message came in.

The president’s secretary claimed that the World Bank had just frozen a $500 million interest-free loan and would not be able to release the follow-up funds until the Pontianak crisis was resolved.

The son-in-law, who serves as the minister of foreign trade, claims that the fruits recently shipped to the **** have been refused entry into customs, more than 100 tons of bananas have rotted on the high seas, and there are more than a dozen ships of longan, and snakeskin fruits are on the way back.

A senior economic official claimed that Chinese businessmen had reduced their investment in Indonesia, preferring to choose Tai Guo and Malai.


“Pick me up Washington.”

Faced with such a crisis, Modo Suratto’s only option is to get help from the United States. After all, his opponent this time is too strong, on the surface is a Su Cheng, but secretly is **, is the tens of millions of Chinese who control the private economy in Southeast Asia.

After the call was connected, lawmakers in Washington were first comforted.

Then said that the United States is deeply trapped in the Middle East battlefield, and hopes that God can bless the Suratto family and help them through this crisis.

Hang up the phone…

This character who has dominated Indonesia for many years has experienced for the first time in many years what helplessness is!

If events are allowed to develop, even if he can pass through the army, he can firmly keep Pontianak on the Indonesian map. But for the Surator family, it is likely to face the fate of collapse.

Defeated by political enemies, sentenced by international organizations, spurned by the domestic people, and discredited.

Well, he can also force all this through the army …

Just between the entanglements, a message was delivered, it was from the center of the vortex, Pontianak Port, Su Cheng.

Su Cheng expressed hope for a peace talks with Modo Suratto to calm tensions in Pontianak as soon as possible.

Then the UN peace team, as well as major world bodies, sent letters urging Modo Sulatoto to agree to the talks, saying that it was the only way to resolve the current crisis.

In the face of so many urging voices.

Modo Suratto didn’t have a choice at all, even if he went through the form, he had to negotiate with Su Cheng.

And for this peace talks.

He is not prepared to make the slightest concession, he will be tough to the end!

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