When the delegates arrived at Paradise Island, they saw a beautiful tropical island that resembled paradise.

The sun is shiny and the air is refreshing.

Seagulls fly between the blue sea and sky, the waves rustle on the soft white sand, beautiful coconut groves in the distance, rivers rushing into the sea, and towering craters covered in greenery.

Su Cheng sent a team of helicopters to pick up the delegates.

When in the air, seeing the beautiful big shells, large jellyfish, and the Grand Theater of Nanyue Bay, the delegates could not contain the excitement in their hearts.

“It’s so beautiful!”

“It’s a paradise island, I can’t imagine a more beautiful scenery than here.”

One delegate said fondly.

“I always thought Cuba had the prettiest beaches, but the fact that the beaches here are even more beautiful is amazing!”

“I want to tell the people of Tanzania what I see here, and tell them that there is a fairy island in the far east.”

Also among the delegates was Mrs. Brundtland, WHO Director-General and former Prime Minister of Finland. When her bright eyes looked at the paradise island, she couldn’t help but be conquered by this beautiful island.

The delegates were first housed at the Hilton Hotel.

Three days later, delegates from various countries arrived, and they arrived by helicopter to a busy construction site in the dense forest southeast of Nanyue Bay.

This is probably one of the largest construction sites in the world, stretching 10 kilometers long and full of transport helicopters, cranes, transport vehicles, excavators, marble, white jade, goldenrod, rosewood and so on.

And from the silhouette.

This is a huge garden with a lake, including a splendid palace, exquisite pavilion pavilions, the beautiful scenery of the lake and autumn moon in Pinghu, the idyllic scenery of the mountains and countryside, and the poetic water fairy island.

In terms of style, there is not only the grandeur of the oriental royal garden, but also the euphemism and beauty of the Jiangnan garden.

It is also mixed with Western classical Baroque style.

It can be said that there is a combination of south and north, east and west.

In a Biwa pavilion backed by a mountain pond, Su Cheng shook hands with representatives of various countries one by one, and prepared a good West Lake Longjing for everyone.

Mrs. Brundtland sipped the tea and asked gracefully:

“Mr. Su, are you preparing to build the most magnificent garden ever, the scale here is really amazing.”

“The architecture here is really artistic.”

“It’s more than ten times bigger than the Grand Palace of our Tai Kingdom, it’s really magnificent!”

The other delegates nodded.

“Dear Lady Brundtland, this is not the most magnificent garden ever made, for it has been built in 1709 as a royal summer retreat.”

Su Cheng briefly introduced the history of the Lower Summer Palace with a magnetic voice.

When they heard that ** had built a garden of this size more than 300 years ago, their eyes showed incredulity.

And when I heard that the Old Summer Palace was finally destroyed in the war, it was even more regrettable.

“You are such a great person, you have rebuilt a great garden, the Old Summer Palace.”

Mrs. Branrent held Su Cheng’s hand with some excitement, and she was moved.

On the sidelines.

The representatives of Britain and France are almost green.

It was the Anglo-French army that set fire to the Old Summer Palace, a crime that could never be washed away.

“I only rebuilt the building of the Old Summer Palace, but I couldn’t rebuild its soul, that is, antiques, calligraphy and paintings, curiosities, and exotic treasures passed down from **5,000 years.”

Su Cheng said with pity.

“That’s a shame.”

Mrs. Blanrent nodded thoughtfully, cultural relics represent the memory and inheritance of a nation, and can be said to be part of the soul of the nation.

Next, we also began to enter the topic of this meeting.

Angel Ray quota.

The delegates all brought patient data from various countries, and when Su Cheng gathered it together, an extremely terrifying number appeared.


A person’s lifetime chance of getting cancer is 1 in 3 to 1 in 4.

In **** alone, about 6 people are diagnosed with cancer every minute and 5 people die of cancer every minute. In some less developed countries, the situation will be even worse.

“The situation is very serious, and the world needs your help, Mr. Su Cheng.”

Mrs. Branrent said very sincerely.

Su Cheng promised to provide 500 units of angel rays per day, which could save the lives of about 18 patients in a year.

They want more places in their country.

If his gaze had a weight, Su Cheng would probably be crushed by this weight at this moment. It is no wonder that more than 100 national representatives in the audience divided 500 places, and some small countries could only get 0.001 places.

“I need to change my commitment to 900 places a day instead of 500.”

Su Cheng said after thinking deeply.

Global patients need more angel rays, and 100 units of strategic storage for himself for Paradise Island itself and important partners is enough.

“Even, you are really a great oriental man, you will save more than 300,000 lives a year!”

Mrs. Branrent couldn’t help but hug Su Cheng.

The production cost of angel rays is simply unimaginably high, but Su Cheng gave 90% of it for free to save patients around the world, what can she say except deep respect.

“Sir, your internationalist spirit is admirable!”

“Patients all over the world will thank you!”

“I think of a doctor in our Canada, who is not self-interested, he specializes in benefiting people, he broke away from low-grade tastes, traveled far and wide, traveled thousands of miles from Canada to ****, to support the people here.”

“Well, he is Dr. Bethune, you are the same kind of person as him, you are the contemporary Bethune!”

The representative of Canada said excitedly.

And first.

Su Cheng announced the quota of **, which originally had 100 places, but now it has been raised to 300 places.

Exclusive 1/3.

All right…… The representatives of various countries can only agree that who let their own country not give birth to a figure like Su Cheng.

Next is Cuba.

The country has a population of 11.4 million, and the level of medical care is acceptable, and it has been allocated two places.

Then there is Ethiopia, once an ancient African civilization with a history of 3,000 years and a population of 100 million, but now it is not good and has been allocated 8 places.

There is also the newly established Lanfang Kingdom, with a population of only 900,000 and 0.2 places.

In a word.

When allocating places, three main points are considered: the relationship with paradise islands, the number of patients, and the country’s contribution to the world.

“Lord Su, we in France have provided the world with excellent literature, film, painting, architecture, and 45 Nobel laureates, and we need more places.”

The representative of France said confidently.

Historically, France was the most central center of continental Europe. Even in modern times, it has a huge global influence, which also gives the French an innate sense of pride.

Well, France has a population of 67 million, how can it be allocated 20 places.

“Sorry, for France, I can only offer 1 place.” Su Cheng stretched out a slender finger and responded very coldly.

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