These 3-second videos, which have about dozens of frames, were cut by netizens frame by frame and made into a picture book.

Countless people looked through it over and over again.

Hanshi white jade, zhengda bright, bright hall majestic. In the past, the emperor would hold a birthday banquet here, feast the courtiers, watch the dragon dance, and test Han Zhan.

All over the world, Kyushu Yanqing, Kyushu Qingyan Hall is located on the lake and water, is the emperor’s residence. There are a total of nine small islands on the water, symbolizing the meaning of the nine states under the world and the unity of the four seas.

Pengdao Yaotai, praying for heaven’s fall, this is a fairy mountain pavilion located in the middle of Fuhai. Symbolizes the rumored fairy island Penglai, in order to seek immortality and the well-being of all people.

Mountains and rivers depend on each other, smoke and rain, imitating the beautiful scenery of West Lake Ping Lake Autumn Moon.

A pavilion with red walls and tiles was built in the northwest of Houhu Lake, taking the charm of Dongting Lake in Fan Zhongyan’s “Notes on Yueyang Lou”.

Tianxin water surface, sea open placket…

Smoke clouds, ten thousand Buddhas dynasty…

Finally, there is the Western architectural view, the wonder of the Great Water Law. This is a stone niche European-style fountain building, the base is marble, embellished with copper lions, sika deer, hunting dog fountains, commonly known as “hunting dogs chasing deer”.

On the left and right is a huge fountain tower, square, 13 stories high, with 88 copper spray pipes.

When all the fountains spray water together, the great water law is like a flash flood, and the momentum is shocking. The envoys of the State of Ying, Mazarni, who came to meet the Qianlong Emperor, and the victory of the Dutch envoys, all “admired” the wonders of water law here.

People have imagined 10,000 prosperous landscapes of the Old Summer Palace.

But when you really see its true appearance, you will sigh at the poverty of your imagination and the skills of the ancients in gardening.

“Perhaps, this is the wisdom of the ancients…”

“I can’t help but cry, may I see you in the world in my lifetime…”

“Greece has the Parthenon, Egypt has the pyramids, Rome has the Colosseum, Paris has Notre Dame, and in the East there is the Old Summer Palace …”

At the end of the video, the light of the Great Water Law gradually dissipated and turned into black and white.

The exquisite bronze heads, majestic water towers, and baroque Western buildings are gone, leaving only dilapidated marble arches, and lonely stone pillars remaining, telling the glory of the past.

This picture is the most famous picture of the ruins of the Old Summer Palace and the remains of the Great Water Law.

And Paradise Island was officially announced.

The Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens, the Old Summer Palace, this magnificent garden, is about to be completed in half a month.

In addition to the perfect restoration of the antique architecture, the treasured cultural relics of the Old Summer Palace such as the “Nu Shi Zhentu”, the Western Zhou Kanghou Gui, the “Forty Views of the Old Summer Palace”, “Yushan Forest Map”, the cloisonne blue unicorn, the Kangxi Yu Ruyi and other national treasure-level cultural relics will all return and be placed in the pavilions of the newly completed Old Summer Palace.

And the 12 beast heads that netizens have been concerned about have been donated by domestic and foreign museums such as the Palace Museum and Fontainebleau Palace, and have also returned to their hometowns, the Old Summer Palace Western Building Jinghai Yan Hall.

They will be arranged in front of the Haiyan Hall in a left-right figure-eight shape, and every day and night they will spray water in turn, one hour each, and by noon, the 12 beast zodiac signs will spray water together, commonly known as “water clock”.

And then.

Paradise Island will invite museums, collectors and global media to donate artifacts. Ask them to witness the return of the first batch of 80,000 precious cultural relics of the Old Summer Palace and the official inauguration of the Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens and the Old Summer Palace.

Weibo exploded all at once.

The whole news, before and after, was too shocking.

Netizens were originally still looking forward to the domestic rich coming out and buying back 12 beast heads. Paradise Island, far away in the South China Sea, has quietly recovered 80,000 cultural relics of the Old Summer Palace, and in an extremely decent way.

“@Su Cheng, when will the male god come to marry me, the wedding will be set at the Kyushu Qingyan Hall in the Old Summer Palace.”

“23333, it seems that you still can’t hope for Fuji Xun, after all, it will only plagiarize, or my male god @ Su Cheng is reliable!” Three cute expressions. ”

“Say yes to give the player an explanation @Ma Huateng , it’s really muddy and can’t support the wall!”

“@Ma Yun dad, I want to break off the father-son relationship with you, now @Su Cheng is my dad, Su’s dad hurts me!”

In addition to being excited, netizens couldn’t help but ridicule Xiao Ma and others.

Well, their slogans were shouted loudly, but not a single cultural relic was recovered, but they failed everyone’s expectations. Especially compared with Su Cheng, he was simply killed ten streets in seconds.

And the gambling king Ho Hongrong, who is far away in Macau, also has a trace of embarrassment on his face when he is worried about the country and the people.

As a patriotic rich businessman.

He naturally hopes to see more national treasures and cultural relics returned to China, and he himself has paid a lot of energy and money for this. Well, in exchange, the result was that the “pig’s head” and “horse’s head” and other cultural relics of the Old Summer Palace that he gave to the country were given to Paradise Island.

It was difficult for him to accept it for a while, and a sour feeling in his heart also arose.

It is clear that he first bought back cultural relics from the state, whether it was the head of a pig, the head of a horse, or other cultural relics. But in the end, the limelight was all taken away by Paradise Island and Su Cheng alone. It made him feel half a life of hard work and tasteless in an instant.

That’s when it was there.

The long-haired secretary came in and delivered an invitation.

From Paradise Island, Mr. He solemnly invited Mr. He to go to the opening ceremony of Paradise Island Old Summer Palace half a month later, and cut the ribbon for the 12 zodiac beast heads gathered in front of the Western Building Haiyan Hall.

In an instant…

This gambling king, who has experienced countless storms in his life, couldn’t help but rub his sour red eyes, he worked so hard for so long, didn’t he just want to see this moment when the 12 beast heads reunited.

Well, he didn’t have tears, just sand blew into his eyes.


Paradise Island, Palace of Nations area.

In the huge construction site of the Old Summer Palace that stretches for ten kilometers, there have been Peony Pavilion, Bamboo Courtyard, Wutong Courtyard, Xinghua Village, Peach Blossom Dock, Lotus Xiang, Junzixuan, Songfeng Luoyue and other scenic spots.

These idyllic sights, as the name suggests, are surrounded by mountains and waters, surrounded by flowers and covered with greenery.

In addition, there are Yuquan Fish Watching, Flower Lane Fish Watching, Wanzhen Garden, Western House Thousand Birds and so on.

At its peak, the Old Summer Palace was also the Royal Botanical Garden and rare zoo.

The so-called “24 winds and salts, 360 days of blooming and competition” refers to the endless blossoms and lush green trees of the Old Summer Palace, and the layers of gangfu, babbling water and birds singing, intertwined into a beautiful picture of nature, which is intoxicating.

At present, the buildings, scenery, and cultural relics are almost complete, just like these grasses, trees, flowers, fish, rare birds and animals.

In this regard, Su Cheng had already arranged for the secretary group to deal with it, and now was the time to check the results.

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