On the Internet, there is a lot of noise about the relocation of the WHO headquarters.

** Netizens went to Twitter, fiercely argued with foreigners, and even cordially greeted each other’s female relatives.

But a report from the Paradise Island Atomic Center put an end to all the controversy.

The report was personally signed by Su Cheng.

According to the report.

Paradise Island, Harvard Roy Schweters’ research team, discovered a high-energy particle ray through the SSC accelerator that can kill 100% of cancer cells…

This ray is called “angel ray”!

Seeing this, all netizens are almost boiling…


They soon discovered that, like many of history’s great medical outcomes, the “angel ray” wasn’t perfect at first.

This is mainly reflected in the cost and output.

Currently, this ray can only be produced by SSC accelerators, 1,000 units a day, and production is extremely limited.

Moreover, according to expert estimates.

As the world’s largest particle accelerator, SSC has a total length of 273 kilometers, a conservative cost of 100 billion US dollars, and a maintenance cost of 5 billion US dollars per year.

With such an expensive machine, how high the cost of producing “angel rays” will be.

One cannot imagine.

At this time, most netizens were almost desperate.

Yes, this kind of “angel ray” that can conquer cancer will be the exclusive product of the rich and the upper class, and they will not be able to do so.

“Angel rays, the emergence of this new technology, not only will not save mankind, but will also push humanity to a more terrifying abyss!”

One sociologist tweeted immediately.

“Angel rays will save the rich from cancer and live a long life. And let the poor have no hope of struggling and die of sickness. It will tear society apart, it is simply a devil ray! ”

“Cancer is fair to all. But angel rays, it will only save the rich and eliminate the poor, it is scarier than cancer! ”

“Social Darwinism will play out again!”

As is known, these words are not alarmist.

In every progress of mankind, there will always be a sacrifice of one person, and now, it is time for some people to sacrifice.


Paradise Island didn’t worry people for long, and soon announced a “global cancer database” plan.

Plans announced.

Paradise Island will select 900 terminally ill patients from all over the world every day for angel ray treatment, and it is completely free!

Later, the quotas of countries around the world are attached.


**300 places.

There are 35 places in the United States.

20 places in France.

10 places in Ying country.


After the plan was announced, ordinary people who were originally in despair once again saw hope!

Completely free… Su Cheng’s plan is simply like sunshine, air, and rain, and it is absolutely fair to everyone!

Many netizens are also secretly ashamed.

I am ashamed that they spoke out against the WHO relocation earlier.

After the announcement of these two news, there is no doubt that Paradise Island will be the most suitable headquarters location for WHO!

And a large number of sociologists breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Cheng’s generous actions won their respect, and the world finally avoided a major turmoil.

Media that originally opposed WHO’s move.

Also lined up to apologize.

“Congratulations to Paradise Island, you are the heroes of all mankind!”

– The Times

“It is no exaggeration to say that this study on Paradise Island has greatly rewritten the fate of mankind.”

– The Sun Daily

“WHO’s relocation to Paradise Island is a very wise decision, and the City of Geneva and all citizens strongly support it!”

– Geneva International News

All right…… The speed of changing faces is comparable to that of a chameleon.

There was a lot of praise on the Internet, but it still caused some disputes about the 300 places in the ****.

“Why ** so many places, 300, my God, 30 times the size of our British Empire!”

Some people in the country said speechlessly.

“@Su Cheng, you are a great person, but the people of the United States need more places.”

“Oh my God, we only have 1 place for talents in Han country, and this plan is really unfair!”

“The stick upstairs, wait until your country can give birth to people like @Su Cheng, and then talk about fairness.”

“That’s right, even if there is a place, it is the kindness of the owner of Su Island, you should be grateful!”

“I, as a ** person, feel so lucky for the first time…”

After all, Su Cheng is a free place.

Netizens from all over the world complained, and it was not good to say anything, who let Su Cheng be the ** person!


They also gathered under their respective government websites to demand a major development of their national particle accelerators.


Paradise Island owners in the group.

This group of bigwigs in various fields, who have always been indifferent, can not be calm.

“I think I probably know the identity of the mysterious person who has been active behind the scenes in countries around the world recently. Well, he is our Sucheng Island master. ”

Rothschild said.

It is clear that the return of artifacts from the Old Summer Palace, the development of particle accelerators, and the support for the relocation of the WHO all originated from the “angel ray” and Su Cheng.

“@Su Cheng, you are such a generous man, and the whole world will appreciate your generosity.”

Miss Medici said.

“In fact, I admire @Sucheng’s philanthropic spirit, and I see the qualities of those great people in him.”

Rockefeller Jr. came out.

“This time, the news blockade of various countries is strict enough, even I didn’t hear inside information last night.”

Shen Yishi said bubbly.

The owners talked about it.

Even if these big guys were not shocked, after knowing that Su Cheng was the mysterious person, they still couldn’t calm down.

You know, Su Cheng is still just a young man in his early twenties…

Chat room.

Mr. Morgan, who has rarely appeared recently, suddenly appeared, and as soon as he made a move, it was a super red envelope of 2 million US dollars.

“Recently, I shorted several major anti-cancer companies and made a small profit of 1 billion US dollars, and everyone had fun together. Three tooth expressions. ”

Old Morgan said proudly.

At this moment, the group immediately became lively.

Due to the advent of “angel rays”, chemical anticancer drugs have been considered to have extremely limited prospects, and high-energy particle ray therapy is the future.

Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Bayer, Roche and other well-known anti-cancer chemical companies, stocks plummeted.

This made the Morgan consortium, which took the opportunity to short, make a lot of money.

“I remembered that the Lord of Su Island mentioned this a few days ago…”

Little Rockefeller said with some regret.

Su Cheng’s news made the Morgan consortium earn 1 billion US dollars in a few days, which is comparable to a money-printing machine.

The others are no better.

A little negligence, and hundreds of millions of dollars of knives passed, is a person will not feel too good.

In short, they all regretted it.


And at this time.

Su Cheng was in the Hall of Diligence, handling official business.

On the sandalwood table, the mobile phone suddenly lit up, it was a few text messages.


“SMS Reminder: Your account 3799 was remitted to 5,0000,0000 today. (ICBC)

“Sender: Morgan Consortium.”

All right……

Old Morgan called 500 million US dollars in one breath, and it was the return of Su Cheng’s disclosure last time.

In this regard, Su Cheng could only sigh that Old Morgan’s vision was vicious.

That day, so many people in the owner group saw his investment proposal, and only the old Morgan chose to believe it, and used tens of billions of dollars to short several major pharmaceutical companies.

“Lord Su Island, if you have any investment suggestions here, please inform the Morgan Foundation.”

The elder Morgan sent a private message.

“It depends.”

Su Cheng replied lightly, and then accepted the 500 million US dollars unceremoniously.

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