In the crater of Hakuba Pond.

A huge rig rig is digging holes into the mountain in preparation for the installation of the colossus base.

The height of Colossus Mountain is 1250 meters, so the depth of the mountain is at least 200 meters, which is basically equivalent to hollowing out a large area of the mountain.

Reinforced concrete and an inverted V-shaped Edelmann alloy skeleton will be poured here and firmly fixed together with giant steel plates at the bottom.

In the process of excavating the mountain, explosives are also used.

Taking into account the complex topography of the crater.

The explosion of explosives has the potential to cause tremors and shrill sounds throughout the island.



The tremor has caused a panic.

When it was learned that this was a manual construction, panic turned into anger.

“What is Paradise Island doing, I almost thought there was going to be an earthquake!”

Someone left an angry online message.

“I was still in my girlfriend’s body just now, and now, I’m looking for the little blue pill, well, just a little bit closer…”

“Is Paradise Island doing a nuclear test?”

“Oh my God, I’m watching an opera at the Aeschylus Theater, but this harsh sound makes me feel like I’m watching a pantomime.”

Although the tremor stopped, the huge explosion sound was heard from most of the island.

“Listen to me, Su Cheng is a tyrant, he is rudely ruling this island!”

Others said angrily.

Since the strictest “car restriction order” in history, there has been a lot of opposition on the island.

This incident made them all vent.


Paradise Island also made an official response.

Solemnly said that the noise time is controlled for 1 hour a day, and the tremor is controlled within 3 times, and everyone will be informed in advance.

As for the cause of the tremors and noise, Paradise Island did not say.

After that.

Paradise Island’s increasingly erratic behavior has been noted.

With the exception of a few embassies, all construction sites on Paradise Island have come to a standstill. Including most of the embassies, new supporting facilities in the tourist area, university town expansion project, half of the road surface repaired, etc.

For a while, Paradise Island was full of unfinished construction sites.

The lunar engine plant, which has some prestige in the field of engines, also stopped work at the entire plant and announced the suspension of all orders.

There are even Paradise Island college students who claim that officials have temporarily reduced his scholarship by half.

All the signs.

It shows that the paradise island is a little different from the beautiful island of tranquility, comfort and relaxation before.


Inside the Old Summer Palace.

Su Cheng hung up Princess Helena’s phone.

On the phone, he politely refused the other party’s offer to dine together, no way, the project has slowly begun, he has too many things to deal with.

At this time, the system prompt sounds.


“System tip: The huge tremors and noises caused by your huge project have caused severe discomfort to the people on the island and deeply affected their mental state.”

“You get status: noise pollution X1, visual pollution X1, mental pollution X1, until the end of this project.”

“Noise pollution: -1 happiness value.”

“Visual pollution: -1 happiness value.”

“Mental pollution: -1 happiness value.”

A large row of tips brushed down, and 3 happiness points were deducted at once!

He quickly opened the system panel and checked the current happiness value, showing that it was no longer 5 happy points, but 2 happy points.

Su Cheng instantly felt the urge to vomit blood…

The project just dug the foundation, and it came to a happiness value of -3, which is also too ruthless!

If you superimpose a few more states, wouldn’t Paradise Island have a negative happiness value… In that case, the paradise island he worked so hard to build would be empty in an instant!

Miracle misled country!

Su Cheng finally understood the meaning of this sentence.

If you don’t go deep DIY and honestly build the 33-meter-tall Nuwa Colossus, it won’t cause so many incidents at all. But he wants a 1250-meter-tall colossus…

But there is no way to rush.

In addition to the attributes of the Colossus of Nuwa, as well as black technology.

As a Chinese person, he also has the responsibility to build the magnificence of the Nuwa Colossus and let the light of Nuwa Niangniang shine on the world,

He remembered those great buildings in history, which one was not completed under earth-shattering pressure!

In 1887, when the designer Gustave Eiffel built the Eiffel Tower, he encountered fierce opposition from 300 celebrities led by French novelists Maupassant and Alexandre Dumas.

But Eiffel withstood the earth-shattering pressure.

Two years, two months and five days later, the Eiffel Tower was successfully built and became one of the most recognizable landmarks in France with the success of that year’s World Expo.


Mr. Bei Jinming, a famous Chinese designer, also encountered the same experience when designing the glass pyramid of the Louvre.

It turns out.

The greater the project, the more setbacks and trials it will experience.

This Colossus of Nuwa must also go through many tribulations if it wants to become a veritable miracle building of the 21st century.


Inside the Hall of Diligence.

Su Cheng convened a team of flight attendants’ secretaries to discuss the procurement plan for the materials needed for the Colossus Project.

“Here is the ****, the steel and concrete produced by real estate developers in order to build a house are enough to build a room for everyone in the world, so purchasing 200,000 tons of steel bars and 700,000 cubic meters of concrete is not a problem.”

Grand Secretary Valentina said with a proud double jade peak.

“It must be the highest quality.”

Su Cheng instructed.

In the past, building materials were provided by the system, but this time it was a realistic procurement, and he was very uneasy.

“Dear island owner, 80 tons of gold is a huge problem, and if it is purchased in large quantities on the open market, it is likely to cause market volatility.”

Dé flight attendant Trau said worriedly.

“We found rubies in the mines of Lanfangguo, but it takes a while to mine.”

“40% of the world’s diamond market is controlled by Delbis, and we have to make an agreement with them, and the top diamonds are mostly in the hands of royalty.”

“There is still a batch of Afghan jade in stock in the warehouse, but I think the island owner is not satisfied with their quality…”

“The shutdown of the lunar engine plant has dealt a serious blow to our credibility and cost us a lot of revenue!”

“The Coast Guard has a great opinion on the Stranded Navy warship renovation program, and the morale of the army has been greatly affected!”

Various reports poured in.

Finally, Valentina added: “Dear owner, we have a huge funding gap, and if you insist on this project, when the Colossus is built to the waist, our funds will collapse. ”

In an instant, all the flight attendants looked at Su Cheng on the throne in unison, revealing a deep look of concern.

This man is their only reliance.

Faced with this ambitious and almost impossible huge project, they were really worried that Su Cheng would fall.

“Funding issues, I’ll find a way.”

Su Cheng said very calmly.

And he arranged things one by one, and at the end, he said:

“Whether it’s the Uffizi Gallery, the Big Shell, the Old Summer Palace, they’re all nostalgic for the past. And they are great because of their historical significance. ”

“But the Colossus of Nuwa is different, it is a product of paradise island, it represents both ancient and modern superb architectural craftsmanship.”

“A hundred years later, when people talk about the miracle architecture of the 21st century, the first thing they talk about will be the Colossus of Nuwa…”

“Yes, Paradise Island is making history.”

Su Cheng said, and all the flight attendants were silent, and their eyes flashed with excitement.

They seem to see the future…

At that time, people would compare Su Cheng’s construction of the Colossus of Nuwa with the great feats of the Egyptians in building the pyramids, the Greeks building the Temple of Artemis, and the Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar II in building the Hanging Gardens.

Undoubtedly, Su Cheng is making history.

And they will witness this period of history with their own eyes!

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