ps: The Colossus of the Sun God has been changed to the Colossus of Nuwa, and the content has been changed to chapters 180-183, which will be brushed out later, must see!

A week later.

“Glory of Heaven” has dominated the major domestic mobile game lists, with revenue of 15 million US dollars / day, which makes all game manufacturers embarrassed.

Paradise Island cash flow also returned to normal.

At the same time, several announcements attracted attention.

First of all, from the ** central bank gold reserve, it claimed to sell 40 tons of gold to Paradise Island for a total price of about 3.2 billion US dollars, and Paradise Island paid in 12 months.

Moreover, domestic giant enterprises.

Puyu Group claims that it will sell 10,000 pieces of high-quality Hetian jade from its reserves to Paradise Island, each at US$100,000, for a total of US$1 billion, to be paid in 10 months.

And one more.

From the famous De Beers company, they claim to have sold 200 5-carat “pigeon egg” rare blue diamonds to Paradise Island.

and 3,000 precious gemstones such as fine diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, pearls, opals and more.

The total value of the transaction is as high as $1.2 billion.

Moreover, Paradise Island pays all the payment in one lump sum and promises that all diamond jewelry will not enter the market for 10 years.

Other words.

In just a few days, Paradise Island spent $5.4 billion on a bunch of luxury items…

This is simply a bombshell for the luxury market.

“@Su Cheng, are you a descendant of the dragon clan, you like diamond jewelry so much, laughing and crying…”

“The man who buys pigeon eggs is the most handsome!”

“Male god @ Su Cheng, if you can be your woman, you will be so lucky…”

“As a player of “Glory of Heaven”, I am so speechless, it turns out that our players rush so much money every day, and we are bought pigeon eggs by the owner of Su Island…”

There was a joyful spit on the Internet.

“I used to think I was rich, until, I heard that someone bought 200 pigeon eggs at once.”

Panda CEO Wang Congcong also complained online.

As a top rich second generation, Prince Wan, he can only bow down in front of Su Cheng.

Of course.

There are also many people who express disdain for comparison.

“This young super-rich, a contemporary Bethune-level figure, is already falling!”

“He bought a batch of useless stones.”

“He is destroying the scenery of Paradise Island and building a project hundreds of meters high on the beautiful Hakuba Pond crater, is he building the Tower of Babel?”

“If God wants to perish first, he must first make him mad…”

One is to buy luxury goods, and the other is to overhaul civil engineering on Paradise Island, which many people cannot understand.

Some people even think that Su Cheng is degenerating and destroying his image.


Paradise Island.

Su Cheng finally got all the materials of the Nuwa Colossus.

This is really not easy, all in all, the cost of light materials is almost 9 billion US dollars.

The next step is to wait quietly for the colossus to be completed.

He also believes.

After spending such a big price, after the completion of the Nuwa Colossus, the attributes will definitely be amazingly high!

Among them, the 16-meter-diameter Heavenly Stone will feature a giant banquet hall. Nuwa’s bowl, after opening, can also produce clouds and mist, making Paradise Island like a fairyland.

These are very tempting.

Moreover, when completed, a black technology will be rewarded.

And, there are mysterious hidden attributes, which must not be bad!

Faintly expectant.

Su Cheng began to think about what was not perfect again… 40 tons of gold, 200 pigeon eggs, 3,000 precious stones, 10,000 pieces of Hetian jade, these are extremely rare items.

But he always felt like something was missing.

Well, he remembered what Princess Helena mentioned, the world’s four famous diamonds, namely, the Prince Regent, the Star of Africa, the Mountain of Light, and the Heart of the Ocean.

Among them, the Prince Regent is preserved in the Louvre in France.

The Star of Africa, and the Mountain of Light, are set in the scepter and crown of the British royal family, respectively.

All belong to both countries as priceless treasures.

As for the heart of the ocean, it was buried at the bottom of the sea with the sinking of the Titanic, and has not been discovered to this day.

And it made Su Cheng even more interested in this diamond.

This is because the Heart of the Sea, like the Star of Africa, is a rare blue diamond, and its sky-like brilliance makes it ideal for serving as the main diamond of the Heavenly Patching Stone.

The African star is don’t think about it, it belongs to the British royal family, and no amount of money can buy it.

But the heart of the ocean gave Su Cheng hope.

In the previous life, the wreck of the Titanic was discovered, 643 kilometers northwest of Newfoundland, Canada, 3765 meters deep on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, the coordinates were 41 degrees 43 minutes north latitude and 49 degrees 56 minutes west longitude.

At that time, the wreck of the Titanic attracted exploration companies around the world, and many people made a windfall on it.

So much so that later international legislation strictly prohibited the salvage of this ship carrying the painful memories of the family.

And this life.

The location of the wreck of the Titanic is still a mystery, and there is no international legislation.

All right……

In this life, Su Cheng is ready to strike first.

Due to the depth of 3765 meters, it is quite difficult to salvage, Su Cheng considered it and decided to ask the world’s three major salvage companies to jointly salvage, and pay 20 million US dollars for salvage costs.

It’s a sure-fire deal.

The Heart of the Ocean, one of the four famous diamonds, is priceless.

In addition, the Titanic also carries a large number of European nobles who go to the United States to find opportunities, and they carry a large number of gold bars, silver coins, etc., and they all sink to the bottom with the Titanic.

In addition, there are exquisite porcelain, aristocratic utensils and other crafts on the ship, which cost hundreds of millions of dollars in the previous life.

There are even some precious paintings on it.

But after more than a hundred years of sleeping at the bottom of the sea, the safe of these famous paintings has probably been soaked with seawater, and the paintings inside are almost waste paper…

He quickly instructed the secretary group to do this.

And a thought.

To set a “Heart of the Ocean”, one of the four famous diamonds, on the Heaven Filling Stone of the Colossus of Nuwa, Su Cheng’s heart was a little excited.

That will not only make the Colossus of Nuwa more holy and beautiful.

It will also bring higher attributes!


The mobile phone on the table suddenly lit up, and a bombshell news popped up.

It shows that at a royal celebration held at Buckingham Palace, the 69-year-old Crown Prince Ying, Prince Charles, suddenly fainted in public and was taken to the hospital.

Although the royal family claims that Prince Charles is simply unwell.

But this incident still caused a lot of concern among the people of Ying Country.

They believe that with Prince Charles’s body, he may not be suitable to be the crown prince at all, let alone the king of the kingdom.

And Su Cheng was also a little surprised.

Prince Charles, isn’t it the father of Princess Helena, he is ready to send a message to greet him.

Just then, Princess Helena’s phone called.

“Lord Su Island, the Ying royal family needs your help, and a poor daughter who is about to lose her father also needs your help!”

Helena’s somewhat hoarse voice came, apparently having just cried.

“What’s going on?”

Su Cheng hurriedly asked.

“Father, he, has cancer…”

Helena said with some despair, yes, now only the angel rays of Paradise Island can save Prince Charles.

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