The 10,000 places were distributed, and the group celebrated together.

“Trust Rothschild, we will bring the richest people in Europe to Paradise Island, and they will willingly empty their pockets here.”

“The parents of Bellini High School have always been interested in this island.”

“Italian collectors would love to visit the Uffizi Gallery.”

“The Cheshir family has many noble friends of the Ying Kingdom, and they will like it here.”

“I believe you all understand the identity of the guests of Puyu Group.”

The owners talked.

Being able to invite partners and friends to Paradise Island is a privilege that can not only expand your network, but also a very face-saving thing.

Likewise, the tourists they bring are, undoubtedly, the best in the world.

It will bring a steady stream of wealth to Paradise Island.

The reason why Su Cheng attaches importance to tourism, in addition to strong cash flow, the charm provided by tourism is higher than that of industry, commerce, education and other industries.

“I think the fluctuation of tourists this time is also disappointing.”

“Tourists are always half-hearted.”

“It’s shameful that they enjoy the pleasures of paradise islands, but they don’t give their loyalty!”

The owners began to criticize.

In this turmoil, their industry on Paradise Island was also affected, and they all felt worthless for Su Cheng.

“@Su Island Lord, you are too merciful, you should punish those disloyal tourists!”

Ms. Bellini suggested.

“I think the price here should be doubled, but it seems too cheap now.”

Rich second-generation Rockefeller Jr. proposed.

Su Cheng also had the idea of raising prices, but doubling prices, this is too exaggerated… The price of Paradise Island is almost the top in the world.

“@Rockefeller Jr., don’t use your pocket money to measure someone else’s lifetime income.”

Rothschild was speechless.


After careful consideration, Su Cheng decided to tax all visitors to Paradise Island!

Paradise Island has turned around a thousand times, and finally raised his happiness value to 9, and he must see the material benefits.

“A 20% happiness tax is levied island-wide, only for tourists.”

Su Cheng issued such an administrative order.

Well, for soldiers, housekeepers, students, teaching staff, employees of various companies, who have limited income and contribute to the paradise island, are exempt from the happiness tax.

And for wealthy tourists, a 20% happy tax goes up!


“System prompt: This administrative instruction of yours will make tourists see you as an insatiable island owner and reduce their happiness by 2 points, do you want to continue?”

The system suddenly reminded mechanically.

All right……

It seems that if you want to pay for tourists, you always have to pay some price.

“Keep going!”

Su Cheng replied without hesitation, he had already seen a large number of beautiful knives waving to him!


Paradise Island.

The island is much livelier than ever.

Several attractions, especially under the Colossus of Nuwa, gather tourists from all over the world.

It has become a new selfie mecca, and people like to take photos with the Colossus of Nuwa, whose loving face makes people find a moment of tranquility.

However, when it comes to seeing bills, people can’t be more serene.

“20% happiness tax, is there such a shameless tax in the world?”

“To use an ancient saying, this is called conquest and tyranny, it’s too much!”

“Even happiness has to pay taxes, well, the person who came up with this idea must be a tax genius …”

Many people complained.

With the 20% happiness tax, each of them would have to pay about two or three hundred dollars more, and it was every day.

“I swear that even if the scenery here is beautiful, I don’t want to pay a penny more in taxes, well, I will leave this island in the evening… What, the embassy area is open, there are European-style palaces, oriental gardens、…… I’m going to check it out! ”

“Go together…”

“A few hundred dollars a day should be a pressure money to the black-hearted Su Island owner.”

For wealthy tourists, spending more money a day is nothing, but it’s about honor.

Even many people, deliberately tense their faces, pretend to be a little unhappy, and claim that they are not happy and hope to avoid taxes!

And when tourists.

When I crossed most of the island and came to the embassy area south of the Thetis Art District, I thought I had entered the site of the World Garden Expo.

Bluestone flowing water, bamboo forest evening breeze, with green smoke, elegant silk bamboo, like a fairyland-like ** pavilion.

Magnificent and stately, neoclassical French embassy decorated in white marble.

The architectural styles of the East and the West are perfectly blended, like the dream palace of the embassy of the country, Diana Palace.

Classic colonial style, mixed with the strength of European architectural styles, simple and practical American embassies.

There are 35 embassies of all sizes.

Each one is different, fully reflects the architectural characteristics of each country, and is perfectly restored.

The embassy used to be the offices of ambassadors, but now, unknowingly, it has become a tourist attraction.

And as a tourist.

It’s a beautiful thing to see the architecture of your hometown in a foreign country.

At the same time, most of the embassies have banquet halls, lounges, entertainment rooms, etc., which can be regarded as a foothold for tourists from all over the world, which invisibly enhances the sense of belonging of tourists to paradise islands and improves loyalty.

For example, many nobles of the Ying country gathered in the Diana Palace very happily.

Indulge in fragrant afternoon tea and exquisite desserts.

As for the 20% happiness tax…

Well, they are really happy, and this tax is not unjustly paid!


On the coastal road in Nanyue Bay.

A blue limited edition Rolls-Royce sped by, even on the luxury car paradise island, this streamlined car is so dazzling.

The model, Rolls-Royce Huiying, is limited to three units worldwide, priced at 150 million yuan.

“Wife, this car has given you.”

Shen Yishi put on a thin body, put his hands on the steering wheel, and said to Luo Dan on the co-pilot.

They were rushing to the Colossus of Nuwa and to Su Cheng’s banquet.

“Old Shen, you…”

Rodan was wearing a silk low-xiong shirt, and the two snow-white long tui elegantly crossed together, looking very feminine.

Her husband Shen Yishi is too good for her now, making her overwhelmed…

“Wife, you are so beautiful now.” Shen Yishi looked at her.

“The old husband and wife…”

Rodan leaned back on the deerskin seat, his pretty face slightly red, and there was a hint of shyness.

In the past, Shen Yishi’s entire energy was on relationships, money, and cars, and he didn’t ask her anything. Recently, how to take a 180-degree turn in attitude and start to care about her so much.

However, the more she did this, the more uneasy she felt in her heart, and even a feeling of trepidation.

Especially, she was about to meet the man…

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