These three blessings can be said to be quite strong!

The success rate is increased by 500%, basically 6 or 7 dinosaur eggs, you can successfully resurrect a dinosaur. And as experience increases, the success rate rises further.

Now he has more than a thousand dinosaur eggs and prehistoric amber in his hands…

More critically.

The cultivation speed is increased by 5000%, this is another bug-level bonus, a velociraptor originally took 1 day to cultivate into an adult, and with the blessing of the goddess, it only takes about half an hour!

What concept…

If all goes well, he could even resurrect hundreds of dinosaurs within the 25-day limit.

As for the “dinosaur good feeling imprint”, Su Cheng is also looking forward to the effect.

Of course.

Now the key is this little Tyrannosaurus rex.

This is the first dinosaur resurrected in the laboratory, and the success or failure will greatly affect morale and affect the subsequent dinosaur resurrection plan.

In the breeding laboratory.

This little Tyrannosaurus rex seems to be very tenacious, and with the blessing of the goddess’s blessing of 500% success rate, has been struggling to get up, trying to gnaw on the broken eggshell to fill its hunger.

And the 20 happiness value also made the little Tyrannosaurus rex’s spirit begin to improve, and its physical fitness seemed to be gradually increasing…

Everything seems to be slowly getting better.

An hour…

Two hours……

Three hours…

Su Cheng has not closed the Breath of Nuwa, because once the happiness value falls from 20 points to 10 points, the little Tyrannosaurus rex is likely to die immediately!

As soon as its condition was slightly stable, it was sent to a “cultivation capsule” up to 100 meters high.

The cultivation cabin is full of science and technology, in the shape of a silver-white cylinder, which contains black technology “biological culture fluid”, which can make dinosaurs grow and develop rapidly.

In a few hours, it can grow from a larvae to an adult.

And during this period.

Su Cheng has been looking at the background data, showing that this little Tyrannosaurus rex has not been out of danger, and as a last resort, the breath of Nuwa has always been open.

That’s $10 million an hour.

I hope that this little Tyrannosaurus rex can hold on, otherwise, Su Cheng will really lose to his grandmother’s family.


A total of one day passed, and the hundreds of thousands of people on the island spent an extremely happy 24 hours.

In the breeding laboratory, the countdown on the hatch ends, indicating that the cultivation has been completed.

Through the glass, everyone’s eyes widened, faintly expecting…

The hatch also slowly opened…

A thick white fog erupted and shrouded the titanium tantalum glass, and the sight of the entire laboratory became white.

“Start the infrared camera.” Dr. K immediately ordered.

However, his voice just fell.

On the other layer of the glass, a blood-colored giant eye suddenly opened, the size of a lantern, looking bloody, eerie, and terrifying, and one look made people shudder.

Then, a huge silhouette more than six meters high and more than ten meters long appeared little by little from the white mist.

This is the adult Tyrannosaurus rex, which has a layer of black phosphorite-like skin, giant eyes like a blood basin, thick hind limbs, well-developed shoulder blades, pelvis, cervical vertebrae, and an oversized skull, and two rows of large white teeth.

It is worthy of being a prehistoric monster 65 million years ago, and its appearance highlights a fierce and brutal one!

On this side of the glass, Zhang Lao, Dr. K and others did not have time to show a trace of excitement because of the success of the experiment.

Because they are already scared stupid alive!

At this time, the sound of the system machinery sounded.


“Congratulations! Your lab has successfully resurrected a dying prehistoric Tyrannosaurus rex, and all researchers have gained a lot of experimental experience, improving the level of experimentation, and the probability of successfully resurrecting dinosaurs is increased by 20%! ”

“Congratulations! In the fight against the Grim Rex, this Tyrannosaurus rex relied on its tenacious will to stimulate its physical potential and obtain hidden attributes: Primary Swiftness, Evolution Star. ”

“Beginner Speed: 150% speed, flexibility.”

“Evolution Star: You can obtain hidden attributes by devouring other creatures.”

Su Cheng almost petrified.

He had already expected the professors to gain a lot of experience.

As for the hidden attributes of this dinosaur, it is too bizarre, with 150% speed and flexibility, this Tyrannosaurus rex is afraid that it will meet God and kill God, meet Buddha and kill Buddha?!

And what the hell is the “Evolution Star” …

Could it be that this Tyrannosaurus rex will continue to evolve, and will also have the evolution of strength, physique, and even intelligence, which is too exaggerated!

If you let it continue to evolve, wouldn’t it turn into a super battle monster.

Well, Su Cheng is looking forward to it!

It seems that it took 240 million US dollars to revive it, and it was really a loss!

Of course, such a Tyrannosaurus rex must also be used by himself, at least under his own control, Su Cheng decisively opened the system space and used the “dinosaur good feeling mark” in it.


“System tip: You have gained a lot of favor from this Tyrannosaurus rex, and it will completely submit to your will!”

The system sound sounds.

Then, the fierce gaze of the Tyrannosaurus rex suddenly became gentle, and the lantern-sized eyes glowed with a soft red light, beautiful like two giant rubies, and blinked at Su Cheng.

Well, it is an expression of goodwill to Su Cheng.

Others also suddenly felt a light pressure on their bodies, and they couldn’t figure out what was going on.

This is the extremely fierce Tyrannosaurus rex, how did it become so gentle, and even “eyebrows” with the owner of Su Island.

“Open the lab door and let me in.”

Su Cheng ordered again.

Now, this huge Tyrannosaurus rex is like a pet to him, and there is nothing to fear.

The others were shocked, all thinking that Su Cheng was crazy!

And when he saw that Su Chengcheng walked into the cultivation laboratory and gently slapped the huge head of the Tyrannosaurus rex lying on the ground, Zhang Lao, Dr. K and the others dropped their jaws.

This Su Island Lord, is it really a “creator”, even the Tyrannosaurus rex respects him.

They are really worried.

“From now on, you will be called ‘Black Star’, and you will usually be called ‘Little Black’.”

Su Cheng thought about it and said.

However, this Tyrannosaurus rex didn’t understand what Su Cheng was talking about at all, just shook its head, as if hoping that Su Cheng could focus on it, well, its skin was too thick, and he couldn’t feel Su Cheng’s touch at all.

At the same time, its stomach was still grumbling, presumably hungry.

It naturally did not eat Su Cheng, but opened its blood basin and looked at the professors outside the glass, the meaning was obvious, and these two-legged beasts in white coats were regarded as delicious food.

Involuntarily, all the professors stepped back in fear.

Being targeted by a hungry Tyrannosaurus rex is quite scary!

“Ready to feed.”

Su Cheng couldn’t help but smile bitterly, gave an order, and then added: “Don’t feed pork, it’s best to feed some fierce beasts, such as crocodiles, bison, giant pythons and the like.” ”

Well, he didn’t want this Tyrannosaurus rex to evolve some pig habits because it ate a lot of pork.

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