Old Summer Palace, Hall of Diligence.

After Su Cheng sent Lin Shiying away, he returned here, and he had been busy with construction for a while, and he also happened to take time to sort out the attributes of the island.

Open the system background.

Island Name: Paradise Island (Famous)

Area: 1419 square kilometers

Valuation: $148 billion

Population: 200,000 (-2 happy)

Charm: 158,000

Happy: 10

Faith: 0

Impact: 5

Then, the system sound sounds.


“Congratulations! Thanks to your fruitful efforts, more and more people around the world have heard of the name Paradise Island, which now has a good reputation and its status has changed to ‘famous’! “

“In this state, you get: +10 charm/hour, +1 happiness.”

“You get rewards: Meidao X50 million, Engineer X1, Draw X4, Construction Pack X1.”

All right……

Let’s start with a reward to crush the shock.

The hard work of this section has finally paid off, and in the state of “fame”, there is not only a charm bonus, but also 1 point of happiness, which is very key.

Other beautiful knives, engineers, and lotteries are also popular rewards.

Regarding the “construction package”, it seems to be a good look.

Continue combing through the properties.

Below, the most important thing is the valuation, the last time the Old Summer Palace was built, it was still 26.5 billion US dollars, this time it has experienced many large-scale engineering construction, the valuation has jumped to 148 billion US dollars, which has increased several times, quite terrifying!

Among them, the main increase in valuation is.

Colossus of Nuwa: $19 billion.

Tianjing Super Solar Factory: 7 billion US dollars.

Taiji photovoltaic automobile plant: 9 billion US dollars.

Jurassic Labs: $9 billion.

Jurassic Park: $15 billion.

Among others, it includes the construction of the embassy area, the Old Summer Palace and the Uffizi Art Museum to store a large number of new works of art, the expansion of the ecological residential area, various technical patents with SSC as the core, and the expansion of Nanyang University.

The good environment of Paradise Island also drives the value-added of the buildings on the island.

For example, a luxury sea-view villa originally valued at $20 million may now be valued at $30 million, or even $40 million. Tourist buildings such as large shells, large jellyfish, and large theaters are also increasing in valuation.

In addition, there is the appreciation of equity in CBD companies, but these are already small and not as important as before.

Lan Fangguo’s ten-year mining rights, worth $10 billion, were also recalculated.

In this way, the valuation of 148 billion US dollars can be said to have shrunk a lot.

The system’s harsh algorithm has hacked many of Su Cheng’s assets.

Of course, Su Cheng still owes a lot of debts.

But even so, Su Cheng’s has become a billionaire, and in the Forbes rich list, he has successfully ranked among the top 10 richest people in the world, ranking 9th after Mexican communication giant Carlos Eero.

However, of course, Su Cheng will not believe that his wealth can be ranked in the top 10 in the world.

Because Forbes’ list is full of new rich people, such as the ancient ** big family, the old European aristocracy, the first rich families in the United States, etc., are not on the list.

It can be said that most of the owners of paradise islands have wealth far beyond this.

In the circle of Yanjing’s red three generations, this wealth, although not small, is definitely not the top.

Of course, when it comes to the speed of wealth expansion, Su Cheng is basically proud of the world.

It didn’t take much time for him to go from a small island with $400 million to a well-known island valued at $148 billion.

Look further down.

The population of Paradise Island has increased to 200,000, resulting in a social contradiction index of 2 points.

That is, deducting 2 points of happiness is very painful for Su Cheng.

The rest of the words.

The charm reaches 158,000, which is very satisfying.

The happiness value is finally set at 10 points under a series of calculations. This keeps everyone on Paradise Island in a relatively happy state, which is beneficial for work, tourism, scientific research, and vacation.

After reading this, Su Cheng was greatly satisfied.

Although it is still far from the world’s top islands, the military fortress “Scarborough Shoal”, the tourist attraction “Hawaii”, and the trade center “New Jiapo”, there is still a big gap in scale.

But in terms of quality, Paradise Island is not weaker than the downwind, and even better in some aspects.

Being a private island, it can be said that it was done perfectly.

Well, but Su Cheng will not be satisfied.

His goal is to build an island that transcends nations and becomes a beacon of civilization that guides humanity in the new era.

As an important part of the beacon of civilization.

He needs a voice media that can convey the voice of Paradise Island to every corner of the world without modification, which is also his original intention for forming Paradise TV.

Through this live broadcast of Jurassic Park, Paradise TV became a hit.

Although it has not been able to break into the Omi countries with strict media controls, the development momentum is gratifying in the development of the Celestial Empire. The number of countries covered by the signal has increased from 30 to 45, and in the country, there are also users in three provinces.

But in the next step, how to develop Paradise TV, Su Cheng is still carefully considering.

In terms of talent, it is not only possible to rely on the group of anchors of Douyu, but also needs more professional talents, at this point, Su Cheng considered seeking help from Huayang Xiaohuadan Luodan and CNN’s news director Hathaway.

They have worked in the media system for many years and should know many excellent media workers.

In addition, he considered building a new building for Paradise TV.

As for the specific television programmes, they also need to be redetermined.


Jurassic Hotel.

BGCI (International Union for the Conservation of Botanic Gardens), convening an extraordinary meeting on the main topics for and how to further cooperate with Paradise Island to save endangered plants.

The experts in attendance were a little excited.

Here, they saw too many amazing plants, including huge ginkgo biloba and iron trees, as well as endangered metasequoia, silver fir, and scales and reeds that have been extinct for 65 million years.

It can be said that Jurassic Park is a magical treasure trove of plants.

“We need to work closely with Paradise Island!”

“The environment here is suitable for growing some ancient plants, such as various ferns, cycads, etc.”

“The technology of the Jurassic Paleontology Laboratory is amazing, and if we cooperate with them, we may be able to resurrect many historically extinct plants, which is enough to return our planet to the era of greenery.”

The experts spoke in turn.

“Very good, I will personally communicate with the owner of Su Island, he is a person with a big heart and ambitions, he will definitely agree to our cooperation plan.”

Chief Scientist Ms. Barbara Nass concluded.


WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature).

A remote meeting was being held here, where Professor Morges of the delegation reported the results of the mission to the headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

“Mr. President, Paradise Island is a miracle place, dinosaurs can make their home here, why can’t we WWF?!”

Professor Morges said very seriously.

Paradise Island’s biotechnology is world-leading, and if they are willing to help, many of the world’s endangered animals can be protected, which will be a huge feat to protect the ecology of the planet, and the whole of humanity will benefit from it.


Similarly, this scene has also been staged at the meetings of international institutions such as the Global Challenges Fund, the World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the United Nations Environment Programme, and the World Biodiversity Conservation Union.

They all showed great interest in working with Paradise Island.

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