After leaving the Puyu Sanatorium, Su Cheng went down the road and went to the “Shennong Temple” project that surrounded the west side of Nanyue Bay.

It’s a huge undertaking.

Stretching for 8 kilometers, the mountain filling project has also been carried out to a height of more than 100 meters, and when viewed from a helicopter, the outline of the huge mountain has loomed.

Moreover, this is a miracle project, and the Shennong Mountain Range is obviously much more exquisite than the Jurassic Mountain Range. Every detail is perfect. Every patch of grass, wood, and stream is a landscape in its own right.

On the north side of the project, a huge excavator is also busy with construction.

They are digging a river, the Shennong River.

Well, on the Shennong Mountain Range, there will be nine springs to form a waterfall, and Su Cheng is ready to introduce these mountain springs into the water system of Paradise Island, cross with the White Horse River and Thetis River, and indirectly connect with the water system of Jurassic Park.

In the future, he plans to build a water factory here.

Presumably, Shennong Nine Eyes Spring, the spring water produced must taste very good!


Jurassic Park.

In the western area, on a plain surrounded by mountains and waters, there are tall fern medicinal herbs, including “bone crushing supplement” and “golden sea sand”, covering an area of 1,000 acres, which is the largest medicinal field in the park.

Zeng Shengshou of the Chinese Medicine Association, as well as other doctors, strolled through it and were overjoyed.

Based on ancient recipes, as well as modern biological technology, combined with the powerful medicinal materials here, they are developing several proprietary Chinese medicines, as well as a health care product that strengthens the body and strengthens the body.

It will take a while for proprietary Chinese medicines to have results.

The health care products are relatively simple, all kinds of large tonic medicinal materials can be configured in a certain proportion, and they have been produced in small batches, and the effect is very significant, better than the health products on the market such as “brain gold” and “platinum partner”.

This is also thanks to the medicinal herbs here.

However, what made Zeng Shengshou even more envious was a medicinal field of about five hundred acres next door, surrounded by a fence, but through the gaps, it could still be seen that it was planted with extremely precious medicinal herbs such as ginseng, American ginseng, dendrobium, saffron, and He Shou Wu.

Those medicine farmers, one by one, are also dragon and tiger spirit, not like ordinary people.

Their planting methods, fertilizers, equipment, etc., have never been seen by Zeng Shengshou… Based on his experience, he could naturally see that this should be the means of the hidden family.

With the natural environment of Paradise Island, it is not surprising that the hidden family has come to grow medicine.

While thinking, the sound of a huge propeller came.

It was the island owner Su Cheng who arrived.

“Elder Zeng, come with me to the medicine field next door to take a look.”

After Su Cheng briefly understood the work of the federation, he took Zeng Sheng’s hand and knocked on the door of the medicine field fence next door.

Well, this is exactly the medicinal field of the Qiu family, and Qiu Yiying asked him to take a look at the transplanting of medicinal herbs.

Zeng Shengshou followed behind, brushing his beard, looking quite excited.

The medicine field of the hidden family, which is forbidden to outsiders, can enter it with the light of the Su Island Lord today, which is a very surprising thing.


Qiu family medicine field.

Qiu Yiying was wearing a small bun, holding the cuffs, revealing two white arms, and was carefully inspecting the medicine field.

Without medicinal herbs, the cultivation methods are also different, and only a family like the Qiu family has the ability to plant different medicinal materials in the same medicinal field.

In the very center of the medicinal field, there is a separate isolated area, which is planted with five super herbs that the Qiu family relies on for survival: “white flower licorice grass”, “dendrobium aureticum”, “purple whisker ancient ginseng”, “blue leaf dodder”, and “seven-star gentian grass”.

Each super herb, its medicinal effect, is enough to cultivate ordinary people into super special forces.

Even, a strong person who surpasses the first limit!

But at present, only “white licorice grass” and “dendrobium goldenrod” can be planted, and the other three, perhaps because they cannot adapt to the current climate, or because they have not mastered the planting skills, have not been able to successfully cultivate for hundreds of years.

On Paradise Island, these three herbs could not escape this curse, and the seeds and rhizomes planted showed no signs of germination.

“Hmph, you lost!”

Qiu Yiying thought faintly.


At the same time.

Su Cheng and Zeng Shengshou were also walking towards this side, and behind the two, they were followed by several members of the Qiu family, wearing green horse coats, stepping on the bottom of a thousand layers, all with a healthy posture and cold eyes.

They were making sure that the two would not steal the herbs here, especially the five super herbs.

Zeng Sheng’s palms were sweaty and nervous.

However, the herbs on both sides that he paid more attention to, such as ginseng, dendrobium, saffron, etc., were quite good in color, and their growth was also quite gratifying, and Zeng Sheng’s eyes were hungry.

He has the reputation of “Xinglin Holy Hand”, naturally understands what these herbs mean, if formulated into Chinese proprietary medicine, it is likely to overcome some incurable diseases; And if it is made into health care products, the effect will also be immediate, very obvious.

Then, the two walked into a heavily guarded quarantine area.

Inside, about an acre in size, is divided into five areas. Two of them, one green on top, grew seedlings of herbs, and the other three areas had nothing.

“This… Is this the white flowered licorice grass recorded in the ancient Han Dynasty…”

“This, this is Dendrobium, but it is not copper, nor is there an iron pattern, but a circle of golden patterns, is this the golden thread dendrobium recorded in the Shennong Materia Medica?!”

Looking at the seedlings of the two herbs, Zeng Shengshou’s eyes widened instantly, and both big eyes were about to pop out.

These are all miraculous herbs that are only recorded in ancient medical books!

He had long heard that the major hidden families had some herbs in their hands that could not be seen in the world, but he didn’t expect it to be true… For a while, Zeng Sheng’s hand was completely messy.

Compared to Zeng Shengshou, the other two were much calmer.

“A total of five kinds of herbs, only two have been cultivated and lived, according to the gambling agreement, Paradise Island will open up another 500 acres of medicinal fields to the Qiu family, moreover, it is free!”

Qiu Yiying waved his powder fist at Su Cheng and said in a victorious tone.

Finally let this greedy man suffer!

Unexpectedly, Su Cheng did not show the slightest surprise, but said indifferently: “I think that the Qiu family is too anxious, in 20 days, Paradise Island will open up another medicinal field, you might as well try again.” ”

Well, 20 days later, it is also officially the day of the inauguration of Shennong Temple.

“Hmph, hard mouth!”

Qiu Yiying couldn’t help but glance at Su Cheng, and said in his heart that this man was really honey and confident, and when the time came, he cried!

The rest of the Qiu family members also exchanged heads and ears, with joyful eyes in their eyes.

In their opinion, the Qiu family has won!

Many people also secretly flattered Qiu Yiying, all kinds of “Miss is wise”, “Miss, you are a great hero of the Qiu family”, “Paradise Island is not your opponent at all, Miss! Whispering beside Qiu Yiying kept talking, which made this little aunt even more proud.

Su Cheng shook his head, ignored them, but turned his gaze to Zeng Sheng’s hand and said:

“Half of the herbs outside belong to Paradise Island, see if you can consider it, add some of those ginseng, American ginseng, He Shou Wu, etc. to health products, and must ensure the best quality.”


Zeng Shengshou was shocked again.

The news that half of the herbs in the medicinal field of the hidden family outside belong to Paradise Island is too shocking.

Moreover, if those precious herbs are added to the newly developed health care products, the effect… It will be unimaginable, it will be a super health supplement!

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