With the sound of prompts, Su Cheng noticed that a female worker flashed with light and changed her outfit.

If she was a beauty before.

Now she is a beautiful woman who wants to make people sin.

The holy face is like an angel, the long black hair is shiny, the falling hair, and the muscles are flawless like CG animation. Even more exaggerated is the dress, the upper body is an artistic translucent silk garment, and the bottom is a black wrap skirt.

This is probably an avant-garde artist…

Su Cheng fixed his mind.


Noticing Su Cheng’s gaze, the female artist immediately stepped forward.

Unexpectedly took the initiative to step forward to say hello, it seems that the intelligence level of female artists is much higher than that of ordinary workers and engineers, Su Cheng nodded and asked: “What’s your name?” ”

“Muse One.”

The female artist replied.

Unexpectedly, there was really a name, Su Cheng was secretly surprised, and then tentatively said: “Report the height, weight, and measurements.” ”

“Height 180 cm, weight 55 kg, measurements 96, 65, 102.”

The female artist replied with a wink at Su Cheng.

From this gaze, Su Cheng actually felt a hint of being hooked up, which was too much like a real person.

He asked a few more questions.

Unfortunately, Muse One could no longer answer, and it seemed that he could only have a simple conversation.

“In the future, in front of outsiders, wear more clothes.”

Regardless of whether she understood or not, Su Cheng instructed again.

Then, open the background and view the properties.

Name: Female artist.

Features: Possess superb and extraordinary skills to transform any item into beautiful artwork, and have junior smart permissions to unlock more permissions by completing more artwork.

After reading it, Su Cheng couldn’t help but touch his chin in surprise.

Judging by the introduction of the system.

All infrastructure workers have high intelligence, but this intelligence is limited to the construction field.

The female artist, on the other hand, has “primary intellectual privileges”, which is why she has her own name and can have simple conversations.

And, you can unlock more permissions later…

Well, Su Cheng is also looking forward to it!



Su Cheng came to a major attraction in the Shennong Mountain Range, Shennong Nine Eyes Spring, located a few hundred meters behind the Shennong Temple.

According to legend, these nine-eyed springs appeared with the birth of the Shennong clan, and their spring water, which irrigated the earliest grains and nurtured the Shennong clan, had incredible power.

The Nine Eyes Spring Water is arranged in a ring, forming a circle, with an area as large as more than ten acres, and this is also the “Divine Pesticide Field”.

Su Cheng had ordered people to transfer the “super herbs” that the Qiu family could not grow alive to here, including “purple whisker ancient ginseng”, “blue leaf dodder seed”, and “seven-star gentian grass”, which had been planted for a few days, but there was still no sign of germination.

He was also not in a hurry, he was waiting for the spring water to really emerge from the Shennong Nine Eyes Spring, and that was when the miracle was born.

Other than that.

When Su Cheng had previously drawn a lottery, he had obtained the spores of “Ice and Snow Ganoderma lucidum”, and he found a large stump in the medicine field, carefully sprinkled the spores, and covered them with a layer of fine wood chips.

I don’t know how effective this Ganoderma lucidum is, but the reward drawn by the system should not be too bad.


Do this.

Su Cheng received a report from the secretary about Jiangcheng 701.

Roughly speaking, although 701 is very grateful for the favorable conditions provided by Paradise Island, they belong to the military system, and once the military uniform is worn on the body, it cannot be taken off for the rest of their lives.

Moreover, most of them have vowed to design the most advanced military equipment for the country and the nation.

Even if you spend your whole life, you will not hesitate.

Although he was rejected by righteous words, Su Cheng did not have a trace of irritation, but admired the technicians of the 701 Institute very much.

They are the backbone of military science and technology.

But at present, the bold and aggressive design style of 701 has surpassed the level of military development, belongs to the high and low, and has no market in the military system, which is why the military has been snubbed 701.

Therefore, within the military system, 701 can also be said to be useless.

Well, he is ready to use Plan B and invite Academician Zhu Hongguang and everyone else from the 701 Institute to come to Paradise Island for a vacation. He did not believe that this group of stubborn old technologists would not be impressed by the infinite charm of Paradise Island.

The time is set for ten days later, the day when the Shennong Temple project is officially completed.

In addition, he contacted Natalia, a flight attendant in Ukraine, to ask her how things were going there. Natalia, on the other hand, replied with a name that surprised Su Cheng.


Ukraine, the city of Nikolaev, Black Sea shipyard.

It was one of the most important shipyards in the Soviet era and the only aircraft carrier assembly plant in the Soviet Union.

Several aircraft carriers of the Soviet era, “Moskva”, “Leningrad”, “Kiev”, “Minsk”, “Novorossiysk”, “Gorshkov”, “Kuznetsov”, etc., were all built here.

It can be said that the Black Sea Shipyard created the once brilliant Soviet Navy.

But since the collapse of the Soviet Union, shipyards have been transferred to Ukraine, a country of 45 million people that cannot afford to maintain a shipyard of this magnitude.

It was also a few days after flight attendant Natalia arrived in Ukraine.

This legendary Black Sea shipyard, which was built in 1897 in the era of Tsarist Russia, declared its official bankruptcy!

When Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia announced this news on TV, countless Ukrainians, Russian Luo, and the people of the former Soviet Union allied countries could not help but burst into tears.

A generation of legends, the curtain is over!

Many ** people of the older generation were also greatly embarrassed.

In the early days of the founding of the Republic, the main destroyers of the North Sea Fleet, the “Four Donkey Kongs”, came from the Black Sea Shipyard.

**The first modified aircraft carrier, the Varyag, also came from here.

At the same time, representatives of the military of various countries also flocked to this gloomy city on the Black Sea coast.

Well, they came to divide the talents!

The Black Sea Shipyard has the core warship design talents of the former Soviet Union, and each of them is a sweet potato in the eyes of the navies of various countries, and they desperately want to grab it.

Natalia, a flight attendant from Paradise Island, quickly contacted a key person with her familiarity with the local area.

Valery Vasilyevich Babich.

That is, the chief designer of the Black Sea Shipyard, he led the design and construction of the former Soviet aircraft carriers, “Kiev”, “Minsk”, “Novorossiysk”, “Gorshkov”, “Varyag”, and participated in the design of all other former Soviet aircraft carriers.

Because of his glorious resume, Valery Babich also has a more resounding title – the father of Soviet aircraft carriers.

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