After a few more brief chats, Zeng Shengshou and the others left, and left Babiqi five bottles of Shennong powder and three bottles of Shennong oral liquid.

Babić carefully put these away, and his mood was very mixed.

He is over seventy years old, and if he wants to continue his career as a warship designer, he must pay attention to health, and there is no doubt that Shennong Chong is very important.

For his little granddaughter, although her condition is temporarily better, she still needs to continue to consolidate treatment, so Shennong oral liquid is also very critical.

However, these two health products are not sold on Paradise Island.

Unless, he works at the South Sea Shipyard.

The technical backbone and employees of other Black Sea shipyards are also mostly bright-eyed, Shennong Chong Agent, the temptation to them is too great!


In the Shennong Temple.

Academician Zhu Hongguang also felt that his physical condition was much better.

He worked on a desk for a long time, lacked exercise, and his liver function has not been very good, often dizzy, dizzy, and weak, but in Shennong Temple, he felt that his condition had eased a lot.

This is also because.

Shennong Temple has +1 health, Shennong statue provides +1 health, Shennong statue provides +1 health, and Chinese culture believers +1 health.

A total of +4 health.

This is already a great improvement in a person’s health, and even, it can directly cure small diseases such as colds, fevers, and inflammation.

The tourists on the side also noticed this amazing point.

“Oh my God, my blood pressure dropped to 140, and it actually returned to normal!”

An obese tourist glanced at the watch-type blood pressure monitor on his arm and said incredulously.

“My heart rate is also much more stable, and it is performing almost the same as when I was 20 years old, I think, this must be Shennong’s protection of me!”

A CBS reporter pointed the camera at the Apple Watch on his wrist and said excitedly.

“My personal doctor told me that my blood sugar was dropping… I will even live a few more years because of this, thanks to the Shennong clan, I am now your most faithful believer! ”

A wealthy tourist said.

He was followed by three personal doctors, who looked more surprised than he was, diabetes is the most notorious chronic disease, and it can take people’s lives little by little.

But here, the blood sugar turned out to be lowered on its own …

This is simply a miracle in medicine!

“Yes, there is a magical oriental power here that can make people healthier, I think I should take my grandmother for a few days, this is really suitable for her to recuperate!”

“Even, if I could open a nursing home here, I would be willing to spend $100,000 a day!”

“Shennong, manifested!”

The tourists said in shock.

Many people sat cross-legged in front of the statue of Shennong, praying silently, and some took out their mobile phones, Kindles, etc., and flipped through the e-books of Chinese classics.

Whenever they are immersed in the ancient and vast Chinese culture, they will experience more happiness and healthier bodies.

The looks on their faces were as sincere and firm as the most devout believers.

The whole scene is also like a pilgrimage.

“Shennong, Chinese culture, has become my unwavering faith!”

“Here, you can experience the joy of faith.”

“This is not a superstitious worship, it is a cultural cult…”

Tourists from all over the world said in an interview.

In the major live broadcast rooms, the barrage also brushed non-stop, and they all wanted to go to Shennong Temple to experience this magical feeling.

Many foreign news commentators are keenly aware that after more than a hundred years of Western culture, this ancient Eastern culture may set off a shocking storm in the world.

And Paradise Island, Shennong’s, may be the butterfly that caused this storm.


Shennong Temple, the central square, has a limited area, and it is impossible to accommodate 20,000 tourists at once.

So, Academician Zhu Hongguang, with some reluctant tourists, continued to move to the next attraction.

Out of the back door of Shennong Temple, there is a lush pine forest.

A gentle breeze blows, and the pine forest gusts.

In the air, there is also a rich fragrance, which makes people smell it and can’t help but follow the fragrance forward.

Not for a moment.

Everyone looked for the fragrance and came to a clear mountain spring, a total of nine eyes, arranged in a ring, in the middle of which was more than a dozen acres of land, wrapped in a thick fog, unable to see the true face inside.

The scent comes precisely from the land in between.

From the stone tablet on the side, the nine-eye spring is called “Shennong Nine-Eye Spring”, and the land in it is called “Shennong Pesticide Field”, and these two attractions, separated by a layer of glass, are not open to tourists.

Many tourists stop here to smell the smell.

Some people smelled wild ginseng and claimed that it was a ginseng medicinal field that was at least ten years old.

There are also people who smell a very strong taste of Ganoderma lucidum.

Some people also claim that it should be planted with anti-poisonous herbs, gentian grass, and judging from the taste, it is much richer than ordinary gentian grass!

These medicinal herbs are very rare.

Even the smell of it is good for health, and many tourists refuse to leave for a long time, breathing heavily.

See this picture.

A lot of media, as well as the audience, are very funny, this place is almost like the scene of performance art.

And Academician Zhu Hongguang also said with emotion to the camera: “It seems that the Shennong Mountain Range is full of treasures, and even the air here makes people can’t help but breathe a few more breaths!” ”


Bid farewell to the Nine Eyes Spring and the Divine Pesticide Field.

Tourists continue to shuttle through the beautiful mountains and forests, and finally, they come to a thousand-meter-high cliff, from which the spring water of the Nine Eyes Spring rushes down, thousands of meters long, flying flowers and broken jade, and the momentum is endless.

In terms of height alone, this Shennong Waterfall has surpassed the Angel Waterfall in Spain and is the world’s first waterfall!

Forty sets of glass elevators, built on both sides of the waterfall.

The elevator is very large, and the decoration is very luxurious, just like a private room, tourists can be in it, leisurely enjoy the thousand meters of waterfall, and the beautiful scenery inside the cliff.

While the crowd of tourists were amazed, the elevator came to the ground.

Academician Zhu Hongguang kept his eyes on the water flow of the waterfall, as well as the Shennong Lake below, which came from the Shennong Nine Eyes Spring, which looked clear and transparent, reflecting diamond-like sparkles in the sunlight.

This water is also so beautiful!

He squatted by the pool, sighed greatly, couldn’t help but hold it in the palm of his hand, and drank it…

As soon as the water entered his mouth, Academician Zhu Hongguang’s face immediately changed… This water is also so delicious, it is simply the legendary jade liquid!

Knock, goo, goo… He drank the water clean in a few large gulps!

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