Although Thomas has no idea what this seed really is he felt it must be something incredible.

And his doubts are confirmed after hearing it's a small explanation about the seed, [ It will help you create your own personal world or refuge. It can be your secret base of operation where you are the ruler of All.

If you manage to get enough power of origin, you may be able to create your own personal universe and manipulate it to your whims. ]

This seed was actually capable of this. To rule a universe, this is something which can make even the kindest person greedy let alone Thomas who wished to become strong and reach Archmage as soon as possible so that he can get that.

But System defused all excitement he has and destroyed his beautiful dream of owning a personal universe.

[ Firstly, Power of origin is something which can be gained only in the world tour. You aren't at that level yet.

And before all these, you must clear the mission of the Archmage level. Although I cannot reveal what your task may be but does the host think you can survive in Azeroth or any other plane with Gods as you are now. ]

' Azeroth, wait for Gods? What is all this? Why do I have to face Gods as an Archmage?' Thomas was livid at the neigh impossible task the system threw his way.

Not only did it destroy his beautiful dream, but it also threw him to his own death, it is inconceivable. Here he thought, System was finally being helpful but in the end, he is throwing him into the fire pit, no not fire pit as it won't harm, but a volcano instead.

[ That's why I stressed your luck will be an important factor in the future. If not then you will never get the origin seed and miss this once in a lifetime opportunity.] System stressed on luck once more.

These words calmed Thomas. If he was a normal teen he may not be able to calm down so soon but he was as old as hos parents now of all his life in the real world before his death, in this Dc world and the Sorcerer's apprentice world is taken into consideration.

' Ok, so what world do you offer for this test of yours?' he wished to know the world he may enter in order to make preparation firsthand.

He was now strong enough to de with the threat at Gotham and was ready to have some leisure time to himself and enjoy but it seems like System won't let him rest.

[ If you are lucky it will be Narnia, Man in Black and even Harry Potter.

Hearing them Thomas still have some hopes of winning should he prepare. The first part is easy, too easy and any mission in that world can be child play for him.

As for the unlucky category, he will face many life death scenarios but in the end he has hopes of surviving that entire ordeal.

Only Lord of the Ring may give him some trouble but if given enough time and status he can make things work. At least until and unless the witch king himself target him, he has hopes of survival and getting victory for his side.

[ But if you are really really unlucky, like the type where you may trip on completely flat ground and break your neck type, you will be in Clash of Titans verse, and Azeroth to name a few.

In these world, your chance of success is less than 5 percent. So please use whatever trick you have in your hand and increase your luck, or loss this opportunity. ]

Hearing the list of names whoch System spoke just now, all the colour of his face was drained.

These two worlds are the only ones System spoke but he has no hopes of survival there. Azeroth is more dangerous but he has higher chance of survival in that world than in Clash of Titan verse.

Here, he will only be a sitting duck with no chance of success.

[ what are the probability for the world then?] A terror filled Thomas asked the system. He will be facing actual gods in some of these world but he won't be alone. In the Clash of Titans only Perseus can battle Gods others are cannon fodder.

[ bzzzz... Bzzzz. Commuting the rate of probability each world. Bzzz...

Here are the probability rate.] The probability was displayed in front of him.

[ The rate of probability are -

Narnia: 2%

Man in Black: 2%

Harry Potter: 4%

Pirates of Caribbean: 11%

Percy Jackson: 8%

the Mummy: 7%

Resident Evil : 5%

Terminator: 5%

Godzilla: 6%

Middle Earth of Lord of Rings: 11%


Hell boy:7%

Star Wars:5%

Clash of Titan: 2%

Azeroth: 3%

The system probability showed he has greater chance of entering Transformers, Lord of the Ring, or Pirate of Carribean world.

This was reassuring to say the least. But he discovered instead of the original ten, six more worlds are added.

These world aren't that difficult except for the Star Wars which may belong to the bat shit unlucky category for sure.

With nothing better to do except for prepare himself for the upcoming adventure, Thomas resigned himself to his fate.

It suddenly clicked to him, the system was being way too friendly with him today and even answered his doubts. This is something in contrast to his normal behaviour where he did the most basic function without any customer care service.

He felt something fishy was going on behind his back. Even though he felt he won't get anything he still inquired, " hey, why are being so awfully helpful today? Is there something going on?"

[ You are about to enter the level 6 which will offset the limitations set on my creation. In that stage I cannot talk with you or even offer any advice to you, but now I can do it.

The best thing is I can help you and provide advice about the world you may enter before the tour or mission starts.

But be warned, should you ask for help too much and I helped you, you will find the difficulty level of certain task will increase by a grade or two, making it very difficult.

This is a setting The Creator has set in case you don't become too dependent on me or I baby you a bit too much.]

This made everything clear, the system wasn't helping him in the past, was because of the restriction set up. Although it cannot help him too much, at least he can help him now.

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