While Thomas was happy to get the help of System, he ignored two things which are something he should have taken note much earlier.

His reputation points are nearly depleted to three figure digit from it's previous six figure digit and he ignored the presence of Camelot in his inventory.

While he was at it, he got a message which made him forget everything he was doing and rushed towards the Gotham City Airport with his entire entourage.

His high profile action once again become the center of attraction for every significantly powerful inhabitant of Gotham.

As such they once again discuss the cause of this level of action.

Batcave Wayne Manor,

A large monitor showed the escort of cars which Thomas is also a part of. The monitor displayed multiple images at the same time, as every single car and it's the front and rear image is also displayed.

This image is the focus of attention of Bruce Wayne and his most trusted aide and Butler, Alfred.

He looked at this video intently while thinking of all the possible destination his current target will head for.

He has some idea but he still asked for his Butler advice, " What do you think this brat us up to now? Is he going to create another ruckus here in Gotham?"

Alfred looked at the young boy who is 18 years of age and sighed. He spoke out his view, " Knowing his actions so far, I don't think he will do anything like that willingly. The official inaugural ceremony of his first Hospital will take place three days from now. His entire energy must be on that.

He didn't come out after the incident with Roman means he can't afford to escalate the matter. It is well known fact that he is very protective of his family and the only reason Roman suffered that fate is he touched his bottom line. " he then pulled out some folders which has some documents. There were also some bank transactions among these papers.

Bruce looked over them once but didn't say anything letting Alfred continue, " He has already made preparations to negotiate and prepared enough credits for some people to support them or at least not create problems for his group.

Roman destroyed them with his brazen action thinking he will succumb to him and he can drain everything off Thomas." He sighed remembering his outcome.

Bruce ended the matter for him, " In the end, it was his empire which became nourishment for Thomas growth. It also made others aware that while Thomas Allens is willing to bow down his head and negotiate, should his bottom line be touched, he no longer consider the possible catastrophe his actions may lead to.

All in all, he is a dangerous guy who can do dangerous things when agitated or cornered. "

" Master Bruce, you seem to like him. Are you going to pull him in this fold?" Alfred asked seeing how his young master took interest in this young genius inventor.

Bruce gave him a look as if doubting his sanity and ignored ot all together.

But he did have that idea, ' If he was calmer and not let his emotions reign his actions I may consider him to be the White Knight of Gotham this city needs.

He isn't too ruthless ( unaware of the merciless killing he has done so far) and is willing to let law take care of things, unless his family is directly involved. '

" He is heading for the airport. " he saw the turn this escort took and started to look at all the ago which had arrived at Gotham an hour ago to the next couple of hours.

He looked through the details of the possible people who are at the airport and could be the reason for him to arrive personally.

Similar to Bruce, Talia was also keeping track of Thomas and was curious about his shocking actions.

She hoped to make him join the League of Shadows and help her father and herself in achieving their goal. Unlike how she felt about him years ago, she knows that he is qualified to be their member and if necessary an equal partner( only as long as he is useful).

She called her loyal psychiatric, Dr. Hugo for the input. He has been in this city for a long time and knows the situation better than most as such his intel will be valuable to her cause.

" Ms. Talia how may I help you?" Since he called her by her real name, she felt he is alone and didn't do anything to hide or encrypt their conversation further than need be.

Her phone signal cannot be hacked and the only way out is if someone hear them talk privately.

" Thomas has left his Hotel room. Do you have any idea what might be the reason?" She asked him directly not willing to take time.

" yes, I found from my sources that someone important is arriving at Gotham today. I also discovered that his men has already made preparation for this person arrival for a week time.

They secure the perimeter and make sure no disaster happen in this duration.

As for who it might be, I have no idea but this person is important to Thomas. "

After saying that he turned quiet letting Talia make her decision.

He did add his own advice, ' If necessary, we can take away the package and make him join our cause. " he is fully aware of her goal for him and ȧssured her.

But she rejected it directly.

" No, he is a very emotional person. If we threaten him like that, he may deal with us like he did with Roman. Although he cannot do much, it won't be a problem for him to create obstacles for us.

He hasn't done anything to make thongs difficult so far and we won't be doing it. " she said and put down the phone.

While this action is confusing she wasn't as involved in this action like Bruce. She does not wish to put a bad impression on him and is willing to wait.

In fact the thing which she was really looking forward to was her first face to face meeting with Thomas at the party.

Thomas is aware of the eyes gathered on him since he left the Hotel yet he isn't worried. He knows that as long as he didn't do anything in this trip, no one will annoy him abd create trouble.

When Thomas was about ten minutes away from the Gotham City Airport his phone rang. Looking at the name of the person who called his face revealed a smile.

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