Hai Wuya and the three girls stood outside the cave. Those hidden mechanisms would not actually cause any harm to them.

The only thing they needed to worry about was whether there would be traps after entering the cave.

After all, the distance of their space transfer was only about fifty meters, so after crossing the trap at the door, they had to pay attention to the situation inside.

Now that they were outside, they could not see the situation inside the cave, nor did they know what abilities the monster race inside had used. Anyway, apart from seeing a thin layer of earth-colored barrier, they could not see other situations.

Hai Wuya narrowed his eyes slightly, and then directly summoned the slime lord. After all, this kind of dangerous work of testing was the most suitable for it to do.

With a flash of black light, when the three opened their eyes again, the huge body of the slime lord had already appeared on the ground.

"Master, what's the matter again?"

The slime lord's tone was a little confused, after all, it was just about to go to bed.

Hai Wuya smiled and nodded, and then told the slime lord about the dilemma he encountered.

After hearing this, the other party nodded in understanding. Isn't it just using the tentacles to explore the way? That's not difficult.

The slime lord confidently agreed, and then quickly stretched out his tentacles and carefully probed forward.

After all, this is the style of the slime lord. When facing the unknown, it will also be cautious.

As the slime lord probed forward, Hai Wuya and the other two watched from behind without interrupting. Soon the tentacles passed the mechanism normally, and then slowly penetrated the barrier and entered the cave.

The slime lord can see the scene outside the tentacles, so it is now concentrating on exploring the situation in the cave.

After it saw that there was nothing unusual in the cave, it slowly retracted its tentacles, then shifted its sight back to its body and explained to Hai Wuya:

"Master, there is nothing unusual behind the barrier, but I didn't investigate deeply, but there are no other building mechanisms within a short distance."

Hearing the reply from the slime lord, Hai Wuya nodded in understanding. It seems that his current location is probably equivalent to the 'entrance' position of the cave, so there is nothing worth noting.

As long as you pass the first mechanism safely, there will be no danger or abnormality.

Hai Wuya thought in his heart, and at the same time, he had already planned to enter it.

"Okay, let's go in now. Those monsters are so perfect, they must be a race with a very high degree of intelligence."

Hai Wuya recovered the slime lord into the companion space, and then took the two women to use space transfer, directly passed the hidden mechanism trap, and came to the 'entrance position'.

After arriving at the entrance, Hai Wuya casually observed the surrounding environment, and then found that there were actually two entrances, one on the left and the other on the right.

It was already late, so Hai Wuya didn't waste any more time and casually moved to the right.

After about a kilometer of passage, he finally came to a real gate with flashing lights.

Although the gate at this moment was also a huge hole, without any decorations, it was different from the previous place just by looking at it.

After all, not only was there a lantern light here, but there was also some craftsmanship?

Hai Wuya raised his eyebrows, and his interest in this place increased sharply.

It seems that the monster races inside are not only very intelligent, but have even developed skills.

This is very rare and valuable among the monster races. After all, the monster races that can develop skills will definitely not focus on killing.

But it doesn't matter whether to kill or not, because Hai Wuya will not be lenient. The only thing he wants to get from the monsters is the experience points after killing them.

After all, even if they don't kill, monsters are different from humans after all, and they can't be treated the same.

A few thoughts flashed through his mind, and Hai Wuya immediately came to the gate and looked inside.

Not far ahead, there were really two or three humanoid monsters, each doing their own thing.

And in the distant land, there are even small bungalows, which are probably the residences of these demons.

The monsters in front are not tall, but they have male characteristics. Their muscles are very strong. The upper body of the male is naked, and the upper body of the female is in bikini-style clothes.

Their skin is khaki, their ears are sharp, and they have two exposed canine teeth. They look kind but intimidating.

But if you look closely,After observing these monsters for a while, Hai Wuya immediately associated them with a certain race.

That is the dwarves, who are famous for their skills, but these creatures in front of him can be said to be demonized dwarves.

The two races are really very similar, and both are outstanding in skills.

But why are there monsters similar to the dwarves in this trial field?

Hai Wuya was a little confused, but he was too lazy to think about it. He directly used the exploration eye to check the information of the monster in front.

[Name: Dwarf Demon]

[Race: Demon]

[Introduction: This monster is very good at building "technology", but the combat power of a single unit is not strong, but the machinery they build is very powerful. It is recommended to kill them before they control the machinery, otherwise it will be more difficult. 】

[Strength rating: F+ (after controlling the machine, it can reach E level, but the top limit is D level, because their leader can control a powerful machine.)]

[Kill to gain experience: 5 (Note that there is also an experience bonus for E-level talents, but it will be reduced to 1.)]

After reading the information about this monster, Hai Wuya showed a clear look on his face. Although the individual strength of this monster is not strong, it can provide him with relatively good experience anyway.

Each individual can provide 4 experience, and looking at the scale of the cave here, there must be a lot of monsters, so this is a refreshing process for him.

Although Hai Wuya feels very good about this dwarf demon race, and even has some psychological desire to conquer it, but given the current situation, he can't do this.

This secret realm is not a permanent secret realm, and I don't know when I will come here next time.

So the biggest role these monsters can provide to me is to dedicate them to my own experience points.

Thinking of this, Hai Wuya finally came to his senses, and then prepared to start killing.


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