In the cave of the dwarf demons, Hai Wuya has already made up his mind to kill them all.

Although these dwarf demons have good racial talents, if they can be subdued by him, they will be a very powerful helper.

However, he can only contract a few monsters at present, so it is not very useful. In this case, he will kill all the dwarf demons.

After killing them, he will definitely be able to provide himself with a lot of experience points, and maybe he can directly upgrade to the next level.

Hai Wuya still has some ideas about the maximum value of developing monsters. After all, for him, being able to kill monsters and then gain experience points is the best value.

Apart from this, Hai Wuya doesn't care much about other functions.

Now if he upgrades from E level to E+ level, he needs 50,000 experience points, and killing a dwarf demon will provide five experience points, so as long as there are more than 10,000 monsters in this cave, it will be enough for Hai Wuya.

Fifty thousand experience points. If you want to enter the secret realm for the first time, you need to repeat it five times, and you don’t know how long it will refresh.

If there are only ten thousand dwarf demons in this cave, Hai Wuya doesn’t mind killing them all.

Thinking in his heart, Hai Wuya didn’t hesitate at this moment. He first summoned the slime lord and asked it to protect the two women.

Although the slime lord is also a monster, the hostility between the various races is actually similar to that of humans.

After all, the demons are also divided into several categories: evil, neutral, and kind, but the most common category of demons is still evil.

After Hai Wuya instructed the slime lord on a series of matters, he rushed directly to the front. He planned to try his hand with the first few monsters first. As for the task given to the slime lord, it was just to let it protect the two women.

In addition, for things like killing monsters, Hai Wuya must do it himself, after all, he has to absorb all the experience.

Although the two women also need to absorb experience to upgrade, Hai Wuya is still the main person at present, and he will take them to the first permanent secret realm later.

This time, Hai Wuya went to kill the monsters, and he did not let the two women follow him. After letting the slime lord protect them, he went forward alone to hunt.

At this moment, Hai Wuya has quickly arrived in front of a monster. He holds the Flame Demon Saber in his hand, and he casually swings it to shoot out the Holy Flame, and then kills a monster in one encounter.

The dwarf demons are doing their own things. Before this, they did not notice the arrival of Hai Wuya and others at all, so this sudden situation really scared them.

However, when they noticed that the one who came to kill their companions was actually an alien species, they instantly changed from astonishment to anger. They roared and rushed towards Hai Wuya at once.

Whether they were men or women, they picked up any items around them that could be used as weapons and rushed directly towards Hai Wuya.

But they obviously didn't realize how powerful this enemy that suddenly broke in would be. Even before they could react, a red knife light flashed by.

Along with the knife light, of course, almost half of the monsters' heads flashed by. Among the dozen monsters that just rushed over, half of them were killed directly.

The dwarf demons obviously didn't react. Those who were not killed were still rushing forward, but just when they reacted, a hot knife light burst out again.

With a puff, the remaining monsters were all killed directly in an instant.

With only three knife lights, these dozen dwarf demons were completely killed, and the experience points were also increased by dozens.

Hai Wuya looked at the corpses on the ground, and didn't understand why their strength was so low. Didn't they say they could operate machinery?

It seems that we have to go deeper and encounter the dwarf demon army to make the battle a little more interesting...

Although killing them directly can gain experience points faster, Hai Wuya still has the intention to have a slightly stressful battle.

Hai Wuya thought in his heart, and at the same time, he quickly went deep into the cave. After all, if he wants to encounter more powerful dwarf demons, he must go deep to meet them.

Using space transfer, Hai Wuya also quickly moved towards the depths. This cave is very large. As he goes deeper, the buildings inside gradually increase.

Hai Wuya looked at these scenes and was also quite moved.The skills of the dwarf demon tribe, after all, can build such facilities in such an environment, which is really admirable.

But it doesn't matter. Anyway, these things have no added effect on the current human civilization, and they can't be used by themselves.

So it's a pity. Hai Wuya's killing them is their greatest value to himself.

Hai Wuya's movements are very fast, and he only stays for one or two seconds each time, so now he has come to a deeper place.

The number of dwarf demons here is gradually increasing. At this moment, they can be seen everywhere. If Hai Wuya hadn't disappeared in the blink of an eye, they would probably have surrounded him.

Hai Wuya found a high point to stand, and then he scanned the surrounding environment. After seeing the existence of dwarf demons wherever he looked, he stopped moving forward.

As long as he could attract more dwarf demons to attack him, Hai Wuya would not need to go to find them one by one.

And the reason why Hai Wuya appeared in this place with such a big fanfare was to lure out the leader of the dwarf demons. After all, according to the prompt, the leader could have a D-level combat power.

Presumably, D-level combat power could also provide some fun for himself, at least he would not be killed instantly by himself.

Just as Hai Wuya was thinking, the dwarf demons who reacted finally began to organize and attack Hai Wuya.

Hai Wuya stood on a high place and looked at them, with a slight smile on his face, not feeling a bit panicked, after all, this was the effect he wanted.

At this moment, Hai Wuya held the Flame Demon Saber in his right hand and the Hurricane Blade in his left hand. He crossed the two swords in front of his chest and swung them forward at the same time.

With a puff, the knife light cut through the air, and then burst into the dense group of monsters.


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