Puff, puff, wind blades bombarded the shield.

At this moment, the dwarf demon chief was hiding behind the shield very cautiously. He held an ordinary long sword in his hand, but did not make the next move.

From the previous battle, he already knew what kind of enemy he was facing.

Although the opponent was definitely not his opponent in a head-on battle, the cunning human's body movements were also very cunning, and he could only passively defend.

And his current physical condition, even if he was passively defending, he could not last long.

So it was impossible for the dwarf demon chief to say that he was not panicking at all at this moment, but after all, his strength was there, so he thought that the humans who were constantly attacking in front would definitely not last long.

Once the cunning humans made any mistakes, it would be his chance!

Thinking about how to deal with Hai Wuya, the dwarf demon chief was also slowly testing. He pushed the shield forward and kept paying attention to whether the humans had any weaknesses.

The Dwarf Demon Chieftain was very concerned about the possible weaknesses of cunning humans, and could even be said to be waiting with full concentration.

However, compared to its cautiousness, Hai Wuya, who was constantly attacking at this moment, still had no intention of stopping the attack.

Although Hai Wuya's current wind blade attack did not seem to cause much damage to the opponent, in fact, in his perception, the breath of the Dwarf Demon Chieftain was constantly weakening.

So if nothing unexpected happened, it must be being consumed by itself, but it was not very obvious.

Although Hai Wuya's own strength at this moment could not suppress the Dwarf Demon Chieftain, he could still suppress the opponent steadily with the help of various skills.

Therefore, Hai Wuya was not in a hurry at all. Anyway, if he could not kill it instantly, he could also consume the opponent to death.

Compared with continuous consumption, Hai Wuya was really not afraid of anyone, anyway, his "blue bar" was almost inexhaustible.

However, looking at the Dwarf Demon Chieftain's actions at this moment, it was no different from a turtle shell. Hai Wuya suddenly thought of a way to humiliate.

That is to use the talent of the King of the Earth and bury it directly. This way, the opponent will surely be helpless and furious, right?

Hai Wuya's mouth corners slightly raised, and he didn't want to suppress the playful heart in his heart anymore. Then he stopped using the wind blade attack, and quickly controlled the ground, ready to directly wrap the opponent up.

As Hai Wuya's wind blade attack stopped, the dwarf demon chief hiding behind the shield immediately showed joy, because this meant that the cunning human finally had no energy!

At the same time, his own opportunity has come, and he must seize this opportunity to kill the human directly!

The dwarf demon chief was overjoyed, and then without any hesitation, he directly withdrew the shield to the side, and then his hands changed into double knives at this moment.

The dwarf demon chief held double knives, and his eyes looking at Hai Wuya at this moment were full of unbearable joy.

Because it felt that its opportunity had come, it must not miss this opportunity to kill humans!

With a bang, the dwarf chieftain jumped up, almost reaching the speed of sound, and rushed directly towards Hai Wuya.

This time he was confident that he could kill Hai Wuya with one blow, but just as he was about to kill Hai Wuya, a rock wall suddenly rose from the ground.

The moment he saw the rock wall, the dwarf chieftain was very disdainful, but when he rushed forward with his two swords, ready to destroy the rock wall directly, his whole body collided with the wall with a bang.

And the two swords in his hands had become pieces of fragments at this moment.

Because of the inertia of almost the speed of sound, the dwarf demon chieftain was almost a meat pie at this moment. The impact was so painful that it felt that all his internal organs had moved.

But before he could react, walls rose up in the other three directions around him at this moment.

The wall tightly surrounded the Dwarf Demon Chieftain, almost trapping him in the cage. Except for the top which was still slowly sealing, the rest of the place had become a dead corner.

With a pop, the space encircling the Dwarf Demon Chieftain was completed, and the entire semicircular cage covered it, leaving it with no possibility of escape.

But there is actually another way to escape from the rock cage, which is to break it with one's own hard power.

After all, the wall created by oneself is not indestructible. As long as there is that strength, it will be like a paper wall with no blocking ability.

However, with the strength of the Dwarf Demon Chieftain, if he wants to break his own wall,It will still take a lot of time to break through, and it will definitely consume a lot of energy.

If the Dwarf Demon Chieftain was in his prime at the beginning, then the effect of his wall might be worse, but fortunately, it can trap the opponent for a long time.

Hai Wuya thought in his heart, and at the same time, the Dwarf Chieftain, who was knocked unconscious just now, has gradually recovered at this moment.

It opened its eyes at this moment, looked at the dark environment around it, and immediately recalled the scene just now.

What's going on? Why can't I even break through a stone wall directly? Is there something strange about the stone wall just now?

The Dwarf Demon Chieftain looked surprised. He was still feeling uncomfortable. He coughed lightly and coughed up blood.

At the same time, his internal organs felt dislocated. For a while, he even forgot the pain. After all, he hadn't been injured so badly for a long time.

The Dwarf Demon Chieftain looked serious. After he reacted at this moment, he also began to observe the surrounding environment.

But it was too dark here, and I couldn't find anything else.

But according to my perception, I knew I was trapped in a cage, and it was a cage made of rock walls.

The Dwarf Demon Chieftain understood his situation, and then he took a deep breath and began to attack the rock walls around him.

It would have been fine if he didn't attack, but once he launched the attack, he found that there was actually no change.

But being trapped here was not a solution, so the Dwarf Demon Chieftain gathered his strength and continued the next round of attack.

In any case, he was still confident in his strength. He didn't believe that he couldn't even break this rock wall, let alone kill the cunning human.

The sound of rumbling rang out, and the entire closed space was filled with the sound of the Dwarf Demon Chieftain's attack.


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