Inside the cave, Hai Wuya felt relieved as he watched the rock cage making noises.

He had thought that his rock wall would not be able to trap it for long, but according to the current situation, there would be no problem in the short term.

In this case, Hai Wuya would no longer care about the situation here. He was going to use this free time to slaughter other monsters.

After all, there were quite a few dwarf monsters in the cave, and there would be no obstacles if he slaughtered them now.

Hai Wuya used space transfer to reach a high place, and then he scanned the surrounding situation. When he saw the dwarf monsters' faces were filled with fear again, he could not help but sneer.

This time, he would not have any mercy or unnecessary actions. He directly began to condense a huge thunder in his hand, ready to use the thunder to massacre the monsters on a large scale.

The rumbling sound of thunder continued to sound, and the lightning in Hai Wuya's hand was also growing stronger and stronger, and it was almost the same as the real thunder, which was awe-inspiring.

The dwarves and demons on the ground were all shouting and boiling at the thunder in Hai Wuya's hand. Needless to say, they also knew the power of thunder, so they all ran away from here.

But when the thunder was successfully condensed, no matter how far they ran, it would be useless. After all, the powerful power of thunder was not something they could avoid, and even if they ran away, it would not have any effect.

Crackling, the thunder had condensed into a complete form at this moment. Seeing this, Hai Wuya did not hesitate and launched an attack directly towards the most densely populated place of monsters.

The thunder exceeded the speed of sound and hit the monster group not far away in the blink of an eye. Then the thunder exploded, and many monsters around were immediately affected.

With a bang, a lot of dwarf demons were destroyed just by this thunder attack.

Seeing this, Hai Wuya didn't waste any more time, and continued to condense thunder and attack the fleeing monsters.

Facing Hai Wuya's thunder attack, those ordinary monsters certainly had no resistance, so they had no other way except to face death in fear.

Now Hai Wuya was facing those monsters, and he was completely slaughtering them one-sidedly, so the speed of gaining experience points by killing them could be described as fast.

In just this short period of time, he had gained thousands of experience points, and this did not hurt the foundation of the dwarf demon group at all.

So Hai Wuya estimated in his heart that if he slaughtered all of this race, he could completely upgrade a small level.

Just relying on this point, Hai Wuya's trip this time was not a waste of time at all. After all, every time he upgraded a level, Hai Wuya's own strength would increase exponentially.

If he can increase his strength two or three times after this upgrade, then Hai Wuya will be able to kill the Dwarf Demon Chieftain in seconds.

Hai Wuya has sufficient confidence in this.

Even this time, except for the slight disadvantage in the frontal attack, Hai Wuya is firmly suppressing the Dwarf Demon Chieftain in all other aspects.

While killing the Dwarf Demon, Hai Wuya was thinking about the plan in his mind.

At present, it will take a long time to slaughter the entire Dwarf Demon tribe, and it will take some time for the Dwarf Chieftain to get out of trouble.

After he slaughtered most of the Dwarf Demon tribe, the Chieftain will be able to come out.

But it will be useless to wait for it to come out, because most of its energy will be consumed, and then he will face it in full strength, which can completely achieve the effect of killing it in seconds.

After Hai Wuya thought about how to deal with the Dwarf Chieftain, he then accelerated the speed of attack.

Now that the dwarves and demons around him had been almost killed, Hai Wuya used space transfer to leave the original place and rushed towards the buildings.

There must be more dwarves and demons in the building complex. This was the place where he had fought with the dwarf chief before, so there were not many buildings.

Hai Wuya quickly left the original place and kept moving towards the building complex. He soon came to the top of the building complex, and then he looked at the faces full of fear, and directly transformed into a motherland and started to kill.

The Thunder Holy Flame was constantly waving, and Hai Wuya didn't worry about the consumption of the "blue bar" at all, so he was very happy to kill.

Blocks of buildings were destroyed. If there were no demons killed directly,The monsters will also be killed by indirect attacks, and all of this will become Hai Wuya's experience points and become the ladder for Hai Wuya's promotion.

Hai Wuya has now become a killing god. Facing the monsters that are constantly screaming and terrified, the corners of his mouth are slightly raised with a smile. After all, the prompt of the experience points rising up is simply too cool.

However, just when Hai Wuya was killing vigorously, a loud noise suddenly came from the back, accompanied by an angry curse.

"Cunning human!!!"

"You have committed a heinous crime for no reason. I must kill you to pay for the lives of my people!!!"

"Ahhh!! Human, come and die!"

The dwarf demon leader is furious at this moment. He looks at the scene of blood flowing along the way, and the monstrous hatred in his heart is almost condensed into substance.

In fact, he is exhausted at this moment. After all, the rock cage just now is too hard, and even his retreat place is not so solid.

But seeing the tribe being slaughtered, it immediately stopped caring about its own body and used a special secret method to restore itself to its prime, or even stronger.

Doing so would consume a lot of its lifespan. After this battle, it was unclear how long it would be able to live.

But none of this mattered. The Dwarf Demon Chieftain only wanted to do his best to kill the man who had invaded his territory for no reason and massacred his tribe!

Cunning human, despicable human, evil and sinful human!

You deserve to die! ! !

The Dwarf Demon Chieftain was furious, waving a broadsword in his hand and rushing towards Hai Wuya at the speed of sound. This time, it had used its ability to lock Hai Wuya, and was determined to defeat him!

The broadsword was raised high, and the impact along the way even produced a sonic boom.


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