Hai Wuya was very satisfied after looking at Wang Yan's information panel.

Now Wang Yan's loyalty value has reached 100, which is the maximum.

A loyalty value of 100 means that no matter what Hai Wuya tells Wang Yan to do in the future, he will complete it without any doubt.

Even if Wang Yan is asked to do a mission that will surely lead to his death, Wang Yan will not even frown.

Therefore, Hai Wuya was very satisfied with Wang Yan, and then patted him on the shoulder, indicating that he should lead the brothers who were completely trustworthy to live in the upper floors.

Then Hai Wuya checked Jin Wei's loyalty again, and was quite satisfied with the conspicuous number of 96.

When the end of the world really comes, if he treats his family well, then the loyalty value will definitely be full.

Then Hai Wuya nodded to Jin Wei, indicating that he could organize people.

After the other two left, Hai Wuya's eyes naturally fell on Manager Ma.

Hai Wuya didn't have any special impression of Manager Ma before.

During the stay in this hotel, he only met the other party a few times, and he didn't even know his name.

Manager Ma wore gold-rimmed glasses, and his figure was thin but not skinny. He was about half a head shorter than Hai Wuya.

At this moment, Manager Ma bowed his head very respectfully, waiting for Hai Wuya's next instructions.

Although the matter had been ordered, Hai Wuya did not signal him to leave, so he continued to wait.

If Hai Wuya wanted to build a base, he must have management personnel, and the manager Ma in front of him was obviously able to manage trivial matters for him.

Therefore, Hai Wuya used the detection eye on him, wanting to know the other party's comprehensive information.

[Name: Ma Guobao]

[Race: Human]

[Talent: Hunyuan Huajin, B-level (not awakened)]

[Identity: Hai Wuya's subordinate, 80 loyalty points (very loyal, this person is very utilitarian, and hopes to get a higher position. After the end of the world, he can be recognized in terms of status and position, and this person will be more loyal.)]

[Strength evaluation: F- (immune to primary catastrophe virus.)]


This person actually has B-level talent?

B-level talent is not very common anymore, and it is about one in a few thousand to awaken a B-level talent.

Hai Wuya thought for a while and felt that Ma Guobao was actually not bad. At present, it is completely enough to manage more than 400 miscellaneous personnel.

Thinking of this, Hai Wuya smiled at Ma Guobao, and then patted him on the shoulder, indicating that he could go to organize people.

Ma Guobao was stared at by Hai Wuya, and sweat broke out on his forehead.

After receiving the signal, he left quickly as if relieved.

Hai Wuya looked at the busy hall and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

All kinds of things for so many days were finally dealt with.

The apocalypse that was extremely terrifying in his heart, now he didn't feel much pressure when he thought about it again.

Although the apocalypse crisis is still very dangerous for him, he still has to fight for survival.

But now he is fully prepared, and the pent-up anger in his heart has been smoothed out.

Thinking of this, Hai Wuya didn't stay any longer and went directly to the 28th floor.


After arriving at the 28th floor, Hai Wuya went directly to Ye Xue and Xia Xiaoyu's room.

At this moment, Xia Xiaoyu was playing a mobile game in the living room, and didn't notice Hai Wuya who had arrived behind him.

Hai Wuya had no interest in mobile games, but after seeing Xia Xiaoyu's record of 1-8-1, he couldn't help but say, "What a loser."

"Ah, Mr. Hai?" Xia Xiaoyu reacted and turned to look at Hai Wuya, "When did you come back?"

"Just now, where's Xiaoxue? Didn't she play with you?"

Hai Wuya turned to look at the door, and when he saw that it was still closed, he gave up the idea of ​​asking.

"Xiaoxue went back to her room after dinner and hasn't come out since."

After Xia Xiaoyu finished speaking, she turned back to fight, and her excellent operation made Hai Wuya's scalp numb. .

Soon, as their base exploded, Xia Xiaoyu couldn't help but complain:

"What are you playing? You don't know how to cooperate at all!"

Hai Wuya smiled and said to Xia Xiaoyu in a very affirmative tone:

"You are really good at it. If your teammates are willing to cooperate with you, the base will probably explode faster."

"You!" Xia Xiaoyu's eyes widened, and after realizing what Hai Wuya meant, she was a little annoyed.

"Hmph, anyway, my skills are online!"

Hai Wuya chatted with Xia Xiaoyu for a while, and then went to the 29th floor to visit the four elders.

Hai Wuya wanted to tell them to close all the doors and windows,To prevent possible danger.

It was already eleven o'clock, and grandparents were already asleep and did not respond to Hai Wuya.

So Hai Wuya went directly to the other side, which was the suite where his parents lived.

At this moment, both parents were awake, and they were watching the same mobile phone on the sofa.

They frowned tightly, and watched the same picture repeatedly and seriously many times, until Hai Wuya walked in front of them, they did not come back to their senses.

Seeing that his parents were so fascinated, Hai Wuya also stepped forward to look at the content of the video.

When he saw the video of the rock wall built outside the Haoyue Hotel shot from the perspective of passers-by, Hai Wuya finally knew the source of his parents' frown.

"Mom and Dad, I built the rock wall outside the hotel."

"The end of the world is really coming, and I am here to tell you to close the doors and windows and not leave the room again!"

Until Hai Wuya finished speaking, his parents came back to their senses from their disbelief.

After a long silence, Wang Yanyu finally spoke tremblingly:

"Ya...Ya, what should we do?"

Hearing this, Hai Wuya sat in front of his parents, took their hands and said seriously:

"Don't worry! I'll take care of everything!"

"Don't think too much about it later, just go to bed."

"Everyone will be unconscious at midnight, but when you wake up tomorrow morning, you must not go out unless I knock on the door in person!"

"And you go to sleep in your grandparents' room, and make sure they do what I say!"

Hai Wuya's tone was serious, and he had no intention of discussing it with his parents.

When his parents saw Hai Wuya's expression, they also realized the seriousness of the matter, so they all nodded.

"Okay, your dad and I will go to find your grandparents now!"

"But what about you, Yaya, aren't you with us?"

Wang Yanyu looked anxious and asked Hai Wuya what he meant.

Hai Wuya shook his head upon hearing this, and then he spoke to comfort her:

"I'm on the lower floor, don't worry, there will be no danger as long as you don't come out tomorrow."

Wang Yanyu and Hai Guangtian looked at each other, and finally both nodded, indicating that they would act immediately.

Hai Wuya watched his parents get up, and then watched them knock on the door on the other side.

Until he took the two into the room amid the complaints of his grandmother, Hai Wuya left here and returned to the lower floor.

It was already late, and there was only half an hour left until midnight.

When Hai Wuya returned to the living room, Xia Xiaoyu was gone.

Turning around, he saw Xia Xiaoyu preparing to enter the room next to Ye Xue.

Seeing this, Hai Wuya followed, and then closed the door in Xia Xiaoyu's pitiful eyes.

"Go to sleep first. I know you are exhausted today."

"Oh, okay, Mr. Hai!"

Xia Xiaoyu said and lay down on the bed obediently, then closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

Hai Wuya didn't care about this. After lying on the other side of the bed, his thoughts had drifted to other places.


Ye Fan, Ye Fan, I don't know what surprises you can bring me after the end of the world?

As the male protagonist of the rebirth domination, you should bring me a lot of opportunities, right?

Hai Wuya thought in his heart, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Now he has conquered two important female protagonists, but this is far from enough!

Not only does Ye Fan have to conquer the future female protagonist himself, but Hai Wuya also wants to plunder all the opportunities that Ye Fan has!

In Hai Wuya's view, Ye Fan must be very cruel to himself in his heart, so he can't be slack in treating Ye Fan, and must pay the most attention to him!

As he was thinking, Hai Wuya suddenly felt sleepy, and he couldn't resist it no matter what he did.

Hai Wuya knew that this was a sign of the beginning of the end of the world.

Then Hai Wuya stopped resisting the sleepiness and fell into the darkness of chaos.

It's midnight, the end of the world is coming!

The era of the rise and evolution of all things has officially arrived!

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