
The honking of countless cars penetrated the tall buildings and echoed faintly in Hai Wuya's ears.

Hai Wuya turned around in annoyance, but he felt that the honking became more and more intense and harsher.

Suddenly Hai Wuya thought of something, he woke up suddenly, and immediately lifted the quilt, stood up, and went to the window to look out.

Donghai City was still in sight, but Donghai City was in chaos now. The prosperity and order of the past were gone at this moment.

The streets were full of various cars that collided with each other in a chain.

In the gaps between the cars, countless humans screamed in fear. They rushed forward one after another, regardless of whether there was a road or not.

And around these humans, there was a kind of monster that looked like a human, but whose body had undergone a small-scale deformation.

These monsters roared and frantically chased the surviving humans. They regarded humans as food and would bite and devour them as long as they caught up.

The roads in the city have become hunting hells.

No one can escape, and all of them have become prey and food passively and actively.

In addition to the chaos on the ground, the sky in Donghai City is also very uneasy.

Countless flocks of birds have been deformed into strange beasts. Although the individual strength is not strong, the whole flock of birds gathered together and still caused serious damage to many places.

Smoke was everywhere in Donghai City, and the wreckage of the plane was even seen in several places in the city. It must have fallen from the sky last night.

Seeing these scenes, Hai Wuya knew that the world had changed at this moment.

The previous order will be gone, and the future world will be determined by its own strength.

The weak will be persecuted and eroded more nakedly, and the strong will only have more absolute power, thus establishing new rules in the end times.

From now on, the end times officially begins!


Hai Wuya took a deep breath and quickly accepted this cruel but long-prepared fact.

"What's wrong with Master Hai?"

"What are you looking at?"

Xia Xiaoyu also opened her eyes in confusion at this moment, and asked casually while looking at Hai Wuya's back.

"The apocalypse has broken out, and there are monsters everywhere outside."


"Master Hai, are you kidding me?"

Xia Xiaoyu's eyes widened, and there was a hint of confusion in her eyes when she looked at Hai Wuya.

But Hai Wuya didn't respond, which made Xia Xiaoyu curious about what was so good outside.

Putting on a pajamas, Xia Xiaoyu also stood up and came to Hai Wuya's side.

Looking outside along Hai Wuya's gaze, Xia Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, and then her limbs became stiff and unable to move.

The hellish scene was vivid, which made Xia Xiaoyu even unable to breathe.

The scene outside was very similar to the movie. Xia Xiaoyu couldn't believe it, but she couldn't say anything to refute it.

Hai Wuya stroked Xia Xiaoyu's back and said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything." "By the way, do you feel any changes in your body now, such as being particularly sensitive to water?" After the apocalypse, not all talents awaken immediately, it may take one day or two days. But at the latest on the third day, all people with talents will awaken their own talents. Therefore, Hai Wuya specifically reminded Xia Xiaoyu at this moment, wanting to know whether the other party's talent has awakened. However, Hai Wuya used the Exploration Eye to check Xia Xiaoyu at the same time. Seeing Xia Xiaoyu's talent panel showing that it has awakened, Hai Wuya knew that Xia Xiaoyu should not have reacted yet. "Ah? Especially sensitive to water?" Hearing Hai Wuya's reminder, Xia Xiaoyu went to feel it carefully, but there was no special feeling out of thin air. It was not until Xia Xiaoyu turned her eyes to the bedside table, or rather the glass of water on the bedside table, that she finally felt something strange.

When she saw the glass of water, Xia Xiaoyu's body and mind suddenly became very happy, and she even had the urge to play with the water.

However, when she stared at it for a longer time, Xia Xiaoyu felt that her understanding of water seemed to be deeper.

The water in the glass seemed to have some kind of connection with herself, and it also wanted to be controlled by herself, and... to play with it?

When this thought came to her mind, Xia Xiaoyu suddenly stretched out her hand and then grasped the glass of water in the air.

Soon a magical scene happened. The water in the glass, which was originally motionless, was actually caught by herself?

Seeing this, Xia Xiaoyu showed surprise on her face, and turned her grasp into a finger to guide the water to shuttle through the air.

Then she controlled the water flow to change it into various shapes, and finally Xia Xiaoyu'sTransformed into a short sword.

After swaying left and right and looking at the items in the room, Xia Xiaoyu decided to shoot the water sword at the wall.

With a bang, the water sword pierced into the wall in the blink of an eye.

However, the power of the water sword was not good enough, and it could only penetrate the wall to a depth of one centimeter before it fell with a bang.

After doing all this, Xia Xiaoyu's face suddenly turned pale, and he felt that most of his strength had been drained.

But she still showed joy at the first moment, looked at Hai Wuya and said to him excitedly:

"Look, Master Hai! Did I just get superpowers!?"

"I can actually control water and make it obey my command!"

Hai Wuya looked at Xia Xiaoyu's actions, nodded with a smile, and then slowly said in a gentle tone:

"Yes, after the outbreak of the apocalypse, some people will awaken their talents and abilities."

"And you are very lucky to have awakened a very good talent."

Hearing this, Xia Xiaoyu nodded thoughtfully, and then said to Hai Wuya:

"By the way, Master Hai, I seem to have a message in my head. Remind me, tell me what the awakened talent is, as well as the introduction of my talent and the use of my ability. "

Hearing this, Hai Wuya pondered for a while and then said seriously:

"Your awakened talent is 'Water Control Messenger', A+ level, and the ability is to control water to do whatever you want."

"Am I right?"

Xia Xiaoyu was shocked when she heard this, and said to Hai Wuya in a very firm tone, but questioningly:

"Ah, Master Hai! How do you know everything! ? "

"Did you also awaken the same talent?"

Xia Xiaoyu's understanding of the end of the world is completely blank, or she knows very little about Hai Wuya.

That's why she mistakenly thought that Hai Wuya had awakened the same talent and ability as her.

Hai Wuya smiled and didn't explain when he heard this. Who knows, maybe he will really awaken the talent of controlling water in the future?

Without dwelling on this issue, Hai Wuya turned to Xia Xiaoyu and said:

"Let's go check on Xiaoxue's current situation and see if she's awake."

Hearing this, Xia Xiaoyu nodded in agreement, and then turned around and walked out the door.

After opening the door, Xia Xiaoyu suddenly felt a chill.

This chill felt like being next to an ice storage room with its door open, so cold that it made people shiver.

And Hai Wuya, who came out behind Xia Xiaoyu, also felt the chill.

However, Hai Wuya soon found out the source of the chill, which came from Ye Xue's room!

It seems that Ye Xue has also awakened successfully.

It's worthy of being an S-level talent, and it's so powerful just after awakening!

Hai Wuya thought in his heart, and at the same time bypassed the shivering Xia Xiaoyu, opened the door of Ye Xue's room directly, and observed the situation in the room.

At this moment, the room was frozen in all directions, and all the objects were fixed in the ice.

On the bed in the middle of the room, Ye Xue squatted with her knees hugged.

Her eyes were a little dull, staring blankly at the bed that had turned into an ice sculpture, and herself reflected in the ice.

Now some frost has formed on Ye Xue's face, and her eyebrows and hair are gradually showing a hint of silver.

Her face is as white as snow, but it doesn't feel like a sickly pale, but a natural white.

Although Ye Xue seems to have no problems at the moment.

But Hai Wuya knows that this is because Ye Xue has exhausted her own energy and physical strength, so she is motionless like a sculpture.

This is actually normal. After all, Ye Xue has just awakened her talent and ability, and the whole room has turned into a big ice sculpture.

It would be strange if she didn't exhaust her energy and physical strength.

However, seeing this scene, Hai Wuya has a deeper understanding of the level of talent.

Ye Xue's S-level talent ability can create ice and snow out of thin air, and it does not need to be used in a specific scene to be effective.

Although Xia Xiaoyu's A+ level talent is only a small stage behind Ye Xue, she can only use the ability of water and cannot change water out of thin air.

This is a huge gap, and it also indirectly proves that only S-level talents are the real top talents and the real leaders.

Hai Wuya thought in his heart, and at the same time used the talent of the hurricane walker.

Using the airflow in the air, Hai Wuya formed a turbulent flow of wind blades around him.

Then he used the right measure to cut and crush the ice in the room.

As the ice broke, Hai Wuya also walked to Ye Xue's side.

After picking up the other party by the waist, he took out a supernatural crystal from the space and put it in Ye Xue's arms to let it absorb energy.

Soon Ye Xue's state recovered, and Hai Wuya held herAfter putting it on the sofa, she turned her head and looked at Hai Wuya and said:

"Just now, a strange energy suddenly emerged in my body. I couldn't control myself, so I froze the whole room..."

Before Ye Xue finished speaking, Hai Wuya put his index finger on her lips, and then Hai Wuya spoke softly:

"I know your situation. It's normal to have trouble controlling your powerful talent when you first awaken it. Just control it well next time."

"Okay, now you take some time to understand your talent and accept the fact that the end of the world is coming."

"I have to deal with other things."

Hearing Hai Wuya's words, the two women nodded thoughtfully, and then Hai Wuya didn't stay here any longer.

He also had to comfort his parents and elders, and go to the lower level to take control. It was likely that the situation was in chaos.

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