They drove at lightning speed all the way, and soon Hai Wuya took Wang Yan out of the ancient city.

There were no treasures worth exploring in the ancient city, and even the supplies had been basically looted.

After looting the ancient city, their next goal was to go to the second city just now.

There were more monsters living in that city, and the supplies were also more abundant.

As long as all the living supplies in that city were harvested, Hai Wuya could end this trip to the secret realm.

After all the spoils had been harvested, there was no need to stay any longer, and they could leave here directly and set off to return to the base.

After returning to the base, there were more important things to do, such as planning the production development of the base.

Hai Wuya attached great importance to the development of the base.

You know, this is their long-term residence in the troubled times, and the environment must be pleasant and comfortable to live in.

At the same time, it is necessary to ensure a certain degree of safety to prevent accidents.

Otherwise, if Hai Wuya happens not to be in the base one day, wouldn't it be easy for the enemy to capture it?

It may even fall into an extremely dangerous situation!

So, the first thing to do after returning to the base is to strengthen the overall strength of the collective guard team, and then carefully plan various defense points.

But at present, no one in the base seems to be particularly good at these things.

Although Wang Yan and Jin Wei can still handle it more or less, Hai Wuya always feels that it is safer to do it himself.

After all, this is related to the safety and survival of his family, and there is no room for any mistakes!

Only by properly handling all the affairs of the base first can we continue to improve our personal combat power without worries and collect more resources.

And seize the opportunities in the hands of other strong people, so as to achieve a rapid rise in our own strength and level.

However, in this early period of the end of the world, Hai Wuya estimates that it is very difficult to upgrade to another level, after all, earth-level monsters are not common.

Moreover, the D-level experience Hai Wuya needed was an astronomical number, so he did not rush to achieve success and wanted to quickly upgrade his level.

Anyway, as long as he could take all the opportunities and materials that could be snatched, that would be enough.

As for other aspects, there was no need to pay too much attention.

For example, the so-called other destiny protagonist, Yongheng, could not pose a substantial threat to him at all.

Looking at Xiao Yan, his chariot was basically impossible to upgrade in the short term.

In this way, his real combat power might not be as good as driving the chariot to fight him directly!

After all, the protagonist who has the chariot upgrade system does not have much real strength.

In addition to Xiao Yan, the destiny male protagonist, there is actually a destiny female protagonist in this secret realm - the God of War of Light Gu Chenyan.

Hai Wuya had already made plans for this female protagonist.

He secretly decided that when this secret realm journey came to a successful conclusion, it would be the day for him to take action.

After all, time is running out. If we don't hurry up, when more protagonists with destiny appear one after another in the future, the situation may become complicated and difficult to control.

By then, it is inevitable that I will be overwhelmed and passive.

So, Hai Wuya led Wang Yan all the way, but he kept thinking about the next plan and arrangement in his mind.

About ten minutes later, the two finally arrived at the warehouse of the second monster city.

This warehouse is very easy to identify. It is still the huge and empty giant building.

However, unlike before, the scale of this warehouse is even more amazing. Its area is more than three times that of the warehouse in the ancient city before!

Such a vast storage place must have far more materials than the capacity of the ancient city.

Thinking of this, Hai Wuya couldn't help but look forward to the treasure that was about to be discovered.

Hai Wuya was also somewhat excited when he looked at the warehouse door. After all, after harvesting the vast amount of supplies here, he would not have to worry about the lack of food and other resources for the development of the lagging base.

As long as the food supply is sufficient, the base will surely develop rapidly.

While the population is expanding rapidly, the guards can also be trained to improve their strength to face the zombie army on the ground.

After all, the guards in the base cannot be kept for nothing. They must reach the highest strength as quickly as possible, so that Hai Wuya can continue to keep them guarding the base. Otherwise, there is no need to feed them for free.

After entering this huge warehouse, Hai Wuya did not say anything more.

He continued to absorb supplies directly to the front, while Wang YanThen he stood guard at the door and watched.

The monsters in this city did not suffer any damage, so there were so many monsters.

If they surrounded the warehouse together, it would still cause a certain defensive pressure on the warehouse.

In short, before Hai Wuya harvested all the supplies in the warehouse, Wang Yan would definitely not let any monster move forward half a step.

This was the only meaning of his coming here together, and a way to make his heart less impatient.

Hai Wuya did not care about Wang Yan's actions, he still harvested the supplies in the warehouse by himself.

About ten minutes later, a storage warehouse with an area more than three times that of the ancient city warehouse had been plundered by him.

Now the food supplies in Hai Wuya's space can be described as massive, so there is no need to worry about food shortages.

After all the supplies were plundered, Hai Wuya was still very satisfied.

Although there were no particularly important spoils, the plunder of so many supplies also made him rich.

Survival materials are very important in the apocalypse. After all, for a long time in the future, the world's supply cycle has been consuming the stock.

There will be no new increase, after all, 95% of the world's human beings have died.

The remaining 5% of humans only need to struggle to survive. When zombies become a new race in the later period and humans establish a new order, a new supply cycle will steadily emerge.

At that time, it can gradually return to the scene before the apocalypse, but how long will this recovery period take?

Even Hai Wuya couldn't explain it clearly. It could be as little as a few years or as much as a dozen years, so it is completely right to reserve as much materials as possible.

After all these materials were looted, Hai Wuya and others came to the door of the warehouse and patted Wang Yan on the shoulder, indicating that the other party did not need to look around, and then used the space to take the other party away.

This time he did not continue to go to other places in the city to harvest, because there was nothing to stop harvesting, so this time Hai Wuya directly moved towards the entrance of the secret realm, just asking to leave the secret realm as soon as possible.

Time passed quickly. About ten minutes later, Hai Wuya and Wang Yan passed by, and the Flower Demon Tribe came to the intersection where they entered the secret realm at the beginning.

The secret realm intersection was still not closed, and it was still as shining as when they came.

Looking at the shining light at the secret realm intersection, Hai Wuya did not stay for too long, and directly took Wang Yan into it.

As they passed through the entrance of the secret realm, Hai Wuya and Wang Yan's bodies flashed, and when they opened their eyes again, the surrounding environment was completely different.

Unlike before in the secret realm, Hai Wuya and Wang Yan have returned to the real world now.

In the real world, it seems that even the spiritual energy in the air is not so sweet.

I don’t know why, anyway, for Hai Wuya at this moment, there is a little comfort all over his body.

Hai Wuya didn’t know why this feeling was, but to sum up, it’s actually better in the real world.

Even if there are zombies everywhere in the city, the feeling it gives people is different.

Hai Wuya looked around, and the surrounding environment was a primeval forest.

Before entering the secret realm, the environment here was like this. Hai Wuya and Wang Yan entered the secret realm in a primeval forest park.

Hai Wuya still had an impression of this, so he didn't delve too much into it. Then he turned to Wang Yan and said:

"This is inside the primeval forest park. Let's leave here directly without staying too long."

Hai Wuya said slowly, and Wang Yan nodded quickly after hearing it.

Because the current location is still inside the forest, the chariot cannot be deployed.

When we get to the wide road outside, we can deploy the chariot and drive it slowly home.

Hai Wuya acted very quickly and left the forest area with Wang Yan in a few minutes.

When we arrived at the road in the park, Hai Wuya deployed the invincible chariot, and then he asked Wang Yan to get in the car with him without any nonsense.

After getting on the chariot, I felt very relaxed immediately.

After all, the secret realm does not allow him to relax for a moment, but now that he has entered the chariot, there will definitely be no danger to disturb him.

Therefore, in order to have a better rest, he handed the task of moving the chariot forward to the chariot system.

"Jarvis, set off for home!"

As Hai Wuya's words sounded, a mechanical voice suddenly came from the chariot.

"Okay, master, please have a good rest, Jarvis will set off for home now."

After hearing Jarvis's promiseHai Wuya didn't say anything more, and just lay down and fell asleep.

The rumbling sound of the chariot sounded, and the invincible chariot took Hai Wuya and Wang Yan and slowly moved towards the base.

There was still a long distance from the base, and at this moment, the sky was gradually dusking. It was estimated that after arriving at the base, the whole sky would fall into darkness.

The chariot moved forward quickly, and after about two hours, it had left the wilderness area.

At this moment, driving on the road, the outline of the city wall of the base could be vaguely seen in front.

It was hard to imagine that the city wall was built entirely by Hai Wuya alone, which was as high as 20 meters.

However, there was no time to sigh, and soon the chariot had arrived under the city gate.

Today's city gate has always been in a semi-open state, and it can just accommodate the entry of the chariot.

There was a guard team standing guard at the city gate. Because they had known about Hai Wuya's chariot before, the guards did not stop it.

After all, apart from the giant chariot of their leader, who else in the end times can have such strength?

The members of the escort team watched the chariot enter the base, and then returned to the guarding state.

The chariot moved forward steadily all the way, and soon brought Hai Wuya to the central area. Of course, before passing by Wang Yan's villa, he let him get off first.

In fact, Hai Wuya had not been away from the base for a long time, but for some reason, he always felt that he missed him.

This is probably the so-called, one day is like three years apart, right?

Hai Wuya was excited and soon came to his villa, then he got off the chariot and put the chariot into the space.

At this moment, he stood in front of the door and took a deep breath, and then knocked on the door.

When the door was knocked, there was no immediate response. Hai Wuya waited for a while, but still no one came to open the door.

This made Hai Wuya sigh slightly, and then he still used the old method and directly used the space transfer to enter the villa.

As he entered the villa, Hai Wuya felt relaxed all over.

In the living room, Wei Anqi, Su Qiao, Xia Xiaona, and Luo Danxia were sitting around playing mahjong.

They were having so much fun playing mahjong that they didn't notice Hai Wuya's arrival at all.

Hai Wuya's mouth slightly raised when he saw this scene. It's been a long time since we last met. I don't know if they missed me...

Hai Wuya came to the mahjong table with a smile on his face, but when he got closer, he was discovered by Wei Anqi from the opposite direction.

"Hey? Mr. Hai, you're back?"

Wei Anqi's tone was a little surprised, and as she said this, the other three women turned their heads.

The four women stopped playing cards and looked at Hai Wuya with smiles on their faces. There was a little surprise and excitement in their eyes, but they were still very reserved.

If it was Xia Xiaoyu, she would definitely hug him.

Hai Wuya nodded slightly and smiled at them in response.

"I'm back. I didn't disturb you because you were having so much fun."

Hai Wuya said as he walked forward and soon came to the mahjong table.

At this time, Su Qiao stood up very tactfully and said to Hai Wuya shyly:

"Mr. Hai, why don't you come and play? I found that I'm not good at playing mahjong..."

Hearing this, Hai Wuya smiled and shook his head. Then he didn't intend to continue disturbing them. Then he said directly:

"You continue to play. I'll go upstairs to see Ye Xue and the others."

Hearing Hai Wuya's words, the four girls all nodded and had no objection. After all, their mahjong was indeed more fun, and it was right to continue playing mahjong.

Hai Wuya saw the actions of the four girls and immediately shook his head slightly and walked upstairs. If they continued to play later, he could join in.

Or, wait until the evening to find them to play mahjong alone...

Thinking in his heart, Hai Wuya soon came to the second floor, where it was a different scene...


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