Compared with the quietness of the first floor, the upstairs was actually a little noisy.

In the living room on the second floor, the girls gathered together to play something.

Although it was already night time, their enthusiasm had not diminished.

They were all excited and noisy, and they did not notice Hai Wuya's arrival.

After seeing this scene, Hai Wuya did not expose himself immediately. He slowly walked towards the girls and then came behind them.

After coming closer, Hai Wuya saw what they were doing.

There was a chessboard on the ground.

The chessboard was full of animal patterns, and it was very easy to distinguish them, because these were just fighting chess.

However, although the chessboard was ordinary fighting chess, the girls were having a lot of fun.

They were very involved in the game. Although it was a game for two people, they had military advisors on both sides to help, so they were very strong in momentum.

Looking at their entertainment, Hai Wuya couldn't bear to disturb them. After all, if they were happy, he would be in a good mood.

However, some people still noticed Hai Wuya's arrival, such as Lin Yiyi who was standing on the periphery.

Lin Yiyi was more quiet, so she didn't directly participate in the battle of beast chess. She just watched from the side, and laughed when the girls laughed.

Of course, after seeing her sister Lin Rourou having fun, Lin Yiyi was also happy from the bottom of her heart.

After all, in this doomsday situation, they can still live safely without any life threat, she is very grateful.

As she spends more time here, she recognizes this place as a family.

Although she is still very worried about her parents who are far away, she is very satisfied to be able to live safely with her sister.

As for her parents, she can only wait for a chance to find them in the future. After all, the strength of the sisters is not good enough now, so they can't go out too far alone.

They knew in their hearts that they could only achieve what they wanted to accomplish after they became stronger, so even if she was very worried, she could only wait patiently.

Therefore, for now, the sisters were very concerned about living in the villa, and they had no intention of rushing out to find other relatives.

At this moment, Lin Yiyi raised her head slightly, because she had just noticed an outsider coming, of course, this outsider refers to the outsiders in their female group.

She caught a glimpse of the person coming from the corner of her eyes, and she immediately raised her head to look. When she saw that it was Hai Wuya, a hint of joy flashed in her eyes unconsciously.

At the same time, a sincere smile appeared on her face. She was about to say hello, but she saw the other party put his finger on his lips, indicating that she should not speak.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yiyi was a little stunned, but she still followed Hai Wuya's opinion and did not speak.

Hai Wuya saw that Lin Yiyi did not expose herself, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and a strange idea emerged in his mind, or a funny mentality.

Hai Wuya turned his finger towards Lin Yiyi, signaling her to go to the room.

He himself used space transfer and left the place immediately.

On the second floor, he could transfer to any room at will, and after about a few dozen seconds, Lin Yi still turned the door handle and pushed open the door, then entered.

After seeing Hai Wuya, her mouth corners raised and her face was full of joy. After all, she hadn't seen him for several days. He suddenly appeared at this moment, and she was the only one who found him. She thought it was her illusion.

However, I was the first to speak and chuckled when Hai Wuya looked at the other person's expression:

"Why, are you not happy to see your husband come back? Why don't you come up and hug him?"

Hai Wuya teased slightly, then quickly walked to the other person and hugged him.

After being hugged by Hai Wuya, Lin Yiyi just twisted slightly and didn't struggle anymore.

Then she also stretched out her hands and wrapped them around Hai Wuya's back. She leaned on Hai Wuya's arms and enjoyed the present time.

Hai Wuya had been gone for several days, and there was no news. It would be a lie to say that she was not worried, but she was worried alone and couldn't show it.

Although she knew that almost all the women in the villa cared about Hai Wuya, she still didn't show it and lived her life as usual.

But after meeting Hai Wuya again, she couldn't hold back her tears. She sobbed slightly, and then said with some blame:

"Humph, you haven't heard any news for so many days. Do you know that I care about you very much?"

"But everyone cares about you very much, so I can't show it, but youHe is a big bad guy, he only knows how to make us worry! "

Lin Yiyi said with a slight sob, and then broke free from the embrace. She looked Hai Wuya up and down, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with him, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she knew that Hai Wuya was very powerful, no matter how powerful a person is, there will be a moment when he accidentally gets into an accident.

Therefore, after confirming that Hai Wuya was not hurt, she was relieved, and then she pursed her lips and raised her head, looking at Hai Wuya and opening her mouth to say something, but she couldn't say it.

The main reason was that what she wanted to say was too There were too many things to say, and for a moment I didn't know where to start, so I was at a loss.

When Hai Wuya saw the other party's actions at this moment, he immediately chuckled. Of course, he knew what Lin Yiyi was thinking, but he didn't say much.

Hai Wuya was still a practical person. He lowered his waist slightly, and then the two of them went deeper.

Because Lin Rourou would come back later, Hai Wuya took Lin Yiyi to use space transfer and came to the attic to wait.

Although Lin Rourou was also his own person, he had no experience of coming together directly, so he would wait and explore slowly later.

In the living room on the second floor of the villa, Lin Rourou turned around and found that her sister had left here. She muttered that she should have gone to the toilet, and then she didn't say anything more.

Then she returned to the middle of the game place and played with the girls.

But in the same way, in the attic, Lin Yiyi was already a little tired. She really didn't expect that Hai Wuya had become much stronger in all aspects after just a few days.

But she could only grit her teeth and endure it without any dissatisfaction.


Lin Rourou slept alone that night. Although she didn't know what Lin Yiyi was doing, her intuition told her that her sister would be fine.

Therefore, Lin Rourou, who was tired from playing, fell asleep directly last night.

And in the early morning of the next day, Lin Yiyi slowly returned to the room by holding the wall.

At this moment, Lin Rourou had woken up. When she saw Lin Yiyi walking back trembling, she was immediately shocked and shouted:

"Sister! What's wrong with you? What happened! "

Lin Rourou stood up with a somersault, and just as she was about to stand up and help Lin Yiyi, she was left there by the other party's words.

"It's okay, Rourou, I just have a stomachache, I'll go to the toilet to relieve it, you continue to sleep..."

Lin Yiyi looked a little shy, because she had a little smell on her body now, if Lin Rourou came over, she would definitely find out.

After all, she didn't sleep last night, it can be said that Lin Yiyi was extremely tired at the moment, she needed to wash off the fatigue on her body as soon as possible, and then have a deep sleep.

Therefore, you must not let Lin Rourou rely on Close, otherwise it would be hard to explain.

After hearing these words and the other party's rejection, Lin Rourou did not move forward. After all, she was very sleepy now. After seeing that Lin Yiyi was indeed fine, she turned her head and fell asleep again.

However, compared with the embarrassment here, Hai Wuya was very comfortable and relaxed.

Although Hai Wuya hardly stopped for a moment last night, his strong strength made his physical strength almost inexhaustible, so Hai Wuya is still full of energy now, without any fatigue at all.

Hai Wuya is standing in front of the window sill at this moment. He looks at the scenery in other places in the base. The corners of his mouth showed a very comfortable expression.

There are no secret realm missions for the time being, so he can relax for a while. At least before the plundering mission appears again, he can arrange the affairs of the base well.

Now the base development does not need to worry about anything else. The food is completely sufficient. As for whether the newly recruited personnel will rebel, there is no need to worry at all.

After all, the ability of the thought stamp is not to be underestimated. It can be added to people's hearts at will, so that they will not have any resistance.

Hai Wuya currently has several executable plans.

Because it was discovered The only problem left for the base was population, so he thought he could directly recruit people from the wild.

Although the apocalypse has been going on for a while now, and the survivors' bases have formed a certain order, this does not affect recruiting them into the base at all.

Because there is sufficient food and thought sensing ability, Hai Wuya is not worried about accidents at all. After all, except for the problem of lack of population, other problems are not a problem.

The current population of the base is about 1,200 people, but the base covers a very large area, and it is problematic to have only so few people living there.

After all, according to the capacityIn terms of area, the base can accommodate 10,000 or 20,000 people.

However, because it is difficult to manage a large population, it can only be expanded to 10,000 people for the time being. After the complete rules are established among 10,000 people, it can continue to expand.

By that time, the base's combat power will be improved as a whole, so the base will officially embark on a steady strengthening.

If Hai Wuya's idea is carried out, it will not take too long to dominate the entire East China Sea and bring the entire East China Sea under his rule.

Thinking in his heart, Hai Wuya took a deep breath and then turned to go down the attic.

Starting from today, Hai Wuya did not want to waste time. He had too much energy to use, so he needed to arrange the development of the base today.

Because Hai Wuya had planted the ideological stamp on the base personnel before, it was very easy for him to not resist if he wanted to order them to do things now.

Hai Wuya was very satisfied with this. It can be said that the ideological stamp is indeed a very powerful skill.

It can even make people who originally did not submit to him not have a rebellious mentality towards him.

Of course, Hai Wuya didn't care about this, because for him, there was nothing that couldn't be solved by strength.

The role of the thought stamp was only auxiliary. For Hai Wuya, the most reliable thing was still his own strength.

Even if he didn't have the ability of the thought stamp, he could play the role of a tyrant and calm the situation to ensure that no unexpected situations would occur.

Although the results were not so good, no matter which method was used, he had the ability to control the base.

Therefore, for Hai Wuya, he was not worried about the situation getting out of control. He only needed to arrange things, and then they would naturally proceed in an orderly manner.

Hai Wuya thought in his heart and walked towards the center of the base. Although it was just early morning at this moment, it did not prevent Hai Wuya from giving orders.

After all, people like Wang Yan, Jinwei Ma, and the national security guards were not slack at all.

Except for Wang Yan, the three of them all managed the base very seriously. Of course, this was because Wang Yan and himself went to explore the secret realm. Normally, they would definitely train with the guard team to strengthen their own strength.

Hai Wuya rushed all the way to the center of the base, and after about a few minutes, he arrived at the villa of Wang Yan and others.

However, at this time, Wang Yan and Ma Guobao had already gotten up. One of them was exercising in the living room, and the other was writing something at the door.

The two were in the same position, and Hai Wuya could see them at a glance.

Looking at the actions of the two, Hai Wuya didn't say much. He slowly walked in front of Ma Guobao. The other party's attention was completely focused on writing, and he didn't see Hai Wuya coming at all.

Hai Wuya walked closer to check and found that the other party was writing something about personnel allocation at the moment, and many people were divided into several levels.

For example, work, guard, management...

There are not many divisions of labor, but you can roughly see what category it is. In addition to these, there are also normal material distribution classifications.

Hai Wuya had some guesses about Ma Guobao's operation. He guessed that he was sorting out the work categories for the personnel, and he also found talents that could be employed.

In fact, Hai Wuya had authorized Ma Guobao to do similar things before, but he didn't force it because of time constraints.

But now the base has been a little relaxed for a while, so these talents can be gradually searched.

Hai Wuya watched Ma Guobao sorting slowly without interrupting him, and then he directly passed Ma Guobao and walked into the living room.

At this moment, Wang Yan was exercising, and his panting sound was also very trembling.


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