Sunlight shines through the huge French windows into the spacious and bright living room of the villa.

Hai Wuya stepped into it and looked at the figure who was concentrating on exercising. It was Wang Yan.

In fact, with Wang Yan's current strength, it is no exaggeration to call him the strongest person in the base except Hai Wuya.

Not only that, his level is a whole level higher than others!

Moreover, because of his profound martial arts background, his combat ability is particularly strong and fierce.

However, since Hai Wuya always solves problems in person on weekdays, Wang Yan's amazing strength has not been fully demonstrated.

But now is not the past. At this moment, Wang Yan already has enough strength to take on the responsibility of guarding the base.

Whether facing invading enemies or surging zombies, he can easily keep the invaders out by relying on him to stay here.

Although the current situation is relatively stable and the possibility of encountering such a situation is very small, as long as Wang Yan is here to guard the base, Hai Wuya does not need to worry about it.

After Hai Wuya stepped into the living room, he did not make a sound to disturb Wang Yan who was concentrating on training.

It was not until Wang Yan completed a whole set of training movements that he realized that Hai Wuya had quietly come here.

Seeing this, Wang Yan hurriedly straightened his body, walked towards Hai Wuya, and then apologized softly: "Master, I was fully engaged in training just now, and I didn't notice your presence in time. Please forgive me!"

Hai Wuya waved his hand casually, indicating that it was okay, and then sat leisurely on the sofa and sipped a sip of fragrant tea.

At this time, Ma Guobao also heard the noise and hurried to the living room.

He first saluted Hai Wuya, and then quickly glanced at Wang Yan, as if he wanted to know the purpose of this meeting from him.

But Wang Yan just shook his head slightly, implying that he knew nothing about this matter.

After the two of them sat down on the sofa opposite, Hai Wuya looked up, his eyes slowly swept over them, and said calmly:

"You don't have to guess randomly. There is nothing important for me to find you today."

"It's just that I came here to tell you about my ideas for the development of the base because I gained a lot from the trip to the secret realm yesterday."

Hai Wuya knew very well that regarding the development of the base, he only needed to tell his plan and then let Ma Guobao implement it.

As for the specific details, he didn't need to worry at all. After all, Ma Guobao now has enough confidence, and he will naturally not be as hesitant and indecisive as before.

Moreover, Hai Wuya is also willing to hand over all these matters to Ma Guobao.

He still trusts Ma Guobao's ability very much, so there is no need to worry about it personally.

However, before that, Ma Guobao must be given the confidence support to dare to develop boldly.

Therefore, Hai Wuya decided to tell him about the fruitful trip to the secret realm.

In this way, when Ma Guobao goes all out and expands vigorously, he does not have to worry about the problem of lack of resources.

Of course, in the long run, the base will have to rely on its own strength to solve the food supply problem in the future, but at this stage, it is more convenient and efficient for Hai Wuya to use the inventory materials.

Now I finally understand that it is very likely that there are countless and extremely rich resources of various materials in the secret realm.

In this way, in comparison, the food and other items that I have stored in the space are no longer so rare and precious.

However, although these things are insignificant to me, if they are taken out for the construction and development of the base, it will surely greatly promote the entire base to take a big step forward!

After all, even if all the materials in my space are invested in the development of the base, it will not have any negative impact on me.

Anyway, there will definitely be more abundant resources in the future.

What's more, there is no need to use those supplies, because both the daily food needs of myself and my family are all provided by special supplies.

The reason why Hai Wuya chose to create and develop this base is that he hopes that everyone here can fully play their due role and value.

Even if the only thing they can do is to ensure that the human race can continue to survive, it doesn't matter.

But if Hai Wuya is asked to feed so many people in the base without reservation, how can he be willing to be a sucker?

He is not stupid, and he will never do such a loss-making business.

After that, everyoneAfter all the facilities are gradually built and improved, they will be made to work like slaves to repay their kindness.

This is a very good deal, Hai Wuya thinks they will definitely not refuse...

While Hai Wuya was secretly thinking about something in his heart, he looked at Ma Guobao and said to him: "In my opinion, what you just calculated should be related to the storage of materials in our base, right?"

"In fact, before going to that secret realm, I have already told everyone what to do to make the base better developed, but because all kinds of resources were too scarce at that time, we couldn't make the base grow rapidly."

"But now it's good, the things we brought back from that mysterious realm are terrifying, enough to support the survival of tens of thousands of people Several years."

"If you have the opportunity to explore the secret realm again in the future, you may be able to get more useful treasures. In this way, you don't have to worry about not having enough food, drink and other things when building the base in the future..."

"I came here to tell you this news today because I'm afraid you won't be able to do things freely in the future.

After all, with such sufficient supplies as a backing, what is there to be afraid of?"

Speaking of this, Hai Wuya slowly exhaled, but the matter has not been completely ordered, because in addition to the issue of developing the base population, there is also the issue of improving the combat power of the base guards.

Thinking of this, Hai Wuya continued to speak to Wang Yan:

"Now the safety of the base can be handed over to you. At present, you are the strongest person in the base except me, so you can train the others more often."

"The guards in the base are too weak. Apart from the most basic protection, they cannot fight any battles."

"So Wang Yan, you will stay in the base and train the guards with a very strong attitude. After the overall strength of the guards becomes stronger, you can take them to the secret realm to gain experience."

"In addition, when we find a secret realm for gaining experience, I will also take you there to improve your strength, but in the near future, you should keep training the overall combat power of the base!"

Hai Wuya spoke slowly, because for him, it was enough for Wang Yan to guard the base, and there would be no accidents.

In fact, Hai Wuya wanted Wang Yan to improve his strength as soon as possible, but the reality did not allow it.

Because there is no suitable secret realm for them to practice now.

You know, even Hai Wuya himself has not found a satisfactory secret realm yet.

It is already quite difficult to obtain E-level experience points, and if you want to pursue a large amount of E-level experience points, it is simply as difficult as ascending to heaven.

After all, in the secret realm today, E-level monsters are regarded as small bosses, and the experience points they provide are simply insignificant to Hai Wuya, not to mention taking Wang Yan to upgrade together.

However, when dealing with Ma Guobao, the standards are not so harsh.

After all, Ma Guobao is still at the F-level at this stage, so it is a good choice to take him out for some experience.

As long as the level is improved, his personal strength will naturally increase a lot.

When he becomes stronger, he can better contribute to the development of the base!

However, for now, Ma Guobao must focus all his attention on handling the development affairs within the base, and it is difficult to split himself to upgrade externally for a while.

At the same time, Hai Wuya has no intention of going out. In fact, he wanted to take his wife and family to the secret realm to upgrade his level, but considering that he had just returned, it would be okay to delay it for a day or two.

Thinking of this, Hai Wuya turned to Ma Guobao again and said:

"Old Ma, you don't have to worry. After two days, I will take you to the secret realm to upgrade your level.

By then, you can all practice and gain experience. But before that, you still need to properly arrange the base affairs."

After Hai Wuya finished speaking, Ma Guobao immediately showed joy.

Since Ma Guobao entered this base, he has not taken a single step.

One reason is that his talent is not as good as Wang Yan and Jin Weiqiang, and the other is that he is responsible for the management of the base.

This time, hearing what Hai Wuya said, he actually wanted to take him to get experience points to achieve the goal of upgrading, and it was hard to hide his excitement.

This made Ma Guobao very excited immediately, because although his talent was not strong, it was at least enough.

It was a pity that he thought he could not leave the base before, otherwise he really wanted to go out and try his luck, so that he could become stronger.

After all, although Ma Guobao was very good at management, he was not good atHe was also looking forward to improving his own strength.

Therefore, after Hai Wuya reminded him, he was very happy and excited.

"Okay, young master! I will arrange the base as soon as possible so that I can go out to improve my level and perform better!"

Ma Guobao's tone was very excited. After all, for him, being able to go out for training was already very exciting.

What's more, this time going out will definitely improve his level and become stronger.

Whether it is people with outstanding talents or those with slightly inferior talents, the desire to improve their own strength is similar.

Even those who are not outstanding in talent still have an ardent expectation to become stronger in their hearts.

For them, the growth of strength means a higher social status and more abundant material resources.

However, for Ma Guobao, what he expects is not just the improvement of his personal strength.

More importantly, he can better manage the base through the improvement of level, thereby reducing his own pressure and fatigue.

In addition, Ma Guobao does not have any other overly strong desires.

For him, being able to continue to work for Hai Wuya has made him feel extremely excited.

What's more, this job allows him to fully display his talents and realize his life value, so he is not only tireless, but full of eager yearning.

When Hai Wuya saw Ma Guobao so actively pursuing progress, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and satisfaction in his heart.

He knew that a person who wanted to become stronger would often make more efforts to achieve his goals. And Ma Guobao is such a talent worthy of training and trust.

From Hai Wuya's perspective, he believes that every gifted person in the base should have a heart that pursues excellence.

Only in this way can he give these people proper guidance and support to help them grow continuously.

Hai Wuya is very tolerant of the gifted people in the base. As long as the other party has the heart to make progress and become stronger, he will help them.

"Very good, Lao Ma, then you should arrange the affairs of the base well in the next two days. When I take you out to gain experience later, I hope you can do well!"

Hai Wuya said with a smile, and at the same time encouraged Ma Guobao.

He also valued Ma Guobao very much. After all, it was no exaggeration to say that he was the pillar of the base. Apart from himself, his prestige was probably the highest.

And the other party's loyalty was 100%, and there was no possibility of rebellion, so Hai Wuya also trusted him very much.

Ma Guobao nodded heavily, and then without much nonsense, he directly assured Hai Wuya that there would be no mistakes.

And Hai Wuya had almost finished his instructions at this moment, and it was time to leave here and take a look at other matters in the base.

"You can tell Jin Wei about the situation, but wait until he gets up, don't worry too much."

"I'm leaving now, just relax, everything in the base is very good, don't worry at all."

Hai Wuya stood up slowly, his voice was calm and firm, as if everything was ready.

After saying the last sentence, he turned around without hesitation and walked towards the door steadily.

It seemed that for him, since the matter had been explained, there was no reason to stay any longer.

And the two people behind him silently watched Hai Wuya's back gradually going away, with a trace of awe in their eyes.

They didn't say much, but just bowed slightly to show their respect and obedience to Hai Wuya.

They stood up after Hai Wuya walked out of the room, but they didn't exchange a word with each other.

Hai Wuya performed the space transfer technique with ease and disappeared in the living room of the villa in an instant.

The next moment, he appeared on a street that was shining brightly in the morning light.

At this moment, the golden sunlight fell on the ground like a veil, bringing people an endless sense of warmth and comfort.

Such an atmosphere made people feel relaxed and happy. Hai Wuya couldn't help but close his eyes and quietly feel this beautiful moment.

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