At the city gate battlefield, the zombie army at this moment was like a raging flood that broke through the dam, sweeping towards the city with overwhelming momentum.

These zombies were baring their teeth and claws, their faces were extremely distorted and ugly, and they exuded a disgusting stench and a strong smell of death.

They hysterically and frantically hit the city wall with their amazing speed and indestructible power.

Although the guards on the city wall tried their best to resist the enemy's attack, they gradually became powerless in front of the countless and fearless zombies.

The zombie army continued to advance, like rolling waves.

The fierce attack they launched was like a storm, which made the guards members flustered and exhausted, and the originally solid defense line became precarious.

The two sides were fighting fiercely, killing in the dark, and it was difficult to tell the winner. The whole battle was extremely tense, exciting and thrilling. Although the zombie army has not yet been able to break through the city wall.

But the exhausted and wounded guards are obviously unable to continue to hold on for too long.

If they cannot get reinforcements as soon as possible or find a good strategy to defeat the enemy, they may find it difficult to hold their positions.

At this critical moment, Hai Wuya made an important decision without hesitation.

He quickly turned and left the observation tower, and his figure flashed like a flash of lightning across the sky, landing steadily above the city gate.

Hai Wuya's eyes were firm and full of majesty. He knew that the situation was critical and he had to take action immediately.

He took a deep breath, mobilized the hidden power in his body, and stimulated his talent as the Holy Flame King.

In an instant, his whole body radiated a dazzling light, and an unparalleled powerful momentum surged from him, as if the whole world was shocked by it.

Then, Hai Wuya reached out and grasped the Flame Demon Saber.

This precious sword had accompanied him in countless battlefields and killed countless powerful enemies. Now it was unsheathed again, still shining with cold light and aggressive.

He took a deep breath, mobilized the true energy in his meridians, and gathered it in his palm like a surging torrent.

The endless internal force rushed into the Flame Demon Saber like a flood that broke through the dam. At the same time, it also incorporated a trace of the most rigid and masculine thunder power.

With the continuous infusion of powerful internal force, the Flame Demon Saber began to show amazing changes.

The originally dull lines on the surface of the blade gradually lit up, shining with dazzling lightning.

The electric light intertwined like shuttles, like a giant dragon with bared fangs and claws, roaring angrily swimming on the blade.

Every time the sword was swung, it would trigger a violent gust of wind.

The surrounding air seemed to be kneaded and torn by an invisible giant hand, making a sharp and piercing sound of breaking through the air.

The extremely violent momentum made people shudder.

The terrifying pressure was overwhelming, making everyone present feel awed, even the ferocious and brutal zombies were no exception.

They stopped one after another, instinctively felt an unprecedented fear, and their bodies trembled involuntarily.

At this moment, Hai Wuya's breath suddenly surged several times. He exuded a suffocating and powerful aura, like a god of war descending on the world.

He showed his true strength without reservation, holding the Flame Demon Saber tightly in both hands, raised it high, and pointed it at the dense army of zombies in front of him.

After a short period of preparation, he suddenly burst out with earth-shaking power, swung the saber in his hand with all his strength, and chopped it down at the zombie group with the power of destroying the world!

This shocking knife was like a lightning that cut through the sky, and like a meteorite hitting the earth. Its power was fierce enough to shake the world.

It seemed to split the whole world in two!

It rushed straight to the head of the enemy camp with endless power.

At the same time, there was a loud noise that shook the earth, like a nuclear bomb explosion, which hurt people's eardrums and seemed to tear the whole world apart.

Then, a dazzling light suddenly lit up, like lightning across the sky, with endless pressure and fierce momentum, and slashed at the surging zombie tide with overwhelming force.

In an instant, two extremely terrifying forces collided with each other, like two stars colliding with each other, stirring up smoke and violent energy waves.

This shock wave swept around, and everything was destroyed wherever it passed.

What was shocking was that in this lightning and stone, the front row of the entire zombie army seemed to be split open by an invisible giant battle axe, and a wide, deep, and shocking huge crack was forcibly cracked!

This crack is bottomless, as if it leads directly to the abyss of hell, emitting waves of death.

And in thisThe zombies in the gap had no power to resist and were annihilated.

They were cut in half by the extremely sharp and indestructible sword energy, their bodies instantly torn into pieces, and blood splattered everywhere. In the blink of an eye, these once ferocious zombies turned into a pile of lifeless meat.

A rough estimate shows that with this earth-shattering sword, the number of zombies killed by Hai Wuya was enough to match the total number of the entire guard team!

Such a terrifying lethality is beyond imagination and makes people shudder.

However, at this critical moment, Hai Wuya's fierce attack on the city gate was not a momentary courage, but a strategic decision made after careful consideration, with the purpose of relieving the huge pressure faced by the guard team.

In a flash, he unreservedly displayed several unique skills, each of which contained infinite power, making the zombie army embarrassed and defeated.

In a flash, the heavy pressure on the guards disappeared.

At this moment, thanks to Hai Wuya's desperate fight, an open area of ​​nearly 20 meters wide appeared in front of the zombie army.

Under such circumstances, the imminent danger of the guards was completely eliminated, and the pressure became insignificant.

In fact, Hai Wuya had already made up his mind. After the guards took a breath, he would rush into the core area of ​​the zombie army alone to find the culprit hidden in it.

After making up his mind, he did not hesitate at all. His figure flashed, and he rushed towards the depths of the zombie army like a ghost.

After seeing Hai Wuya's operation, Jin Wei was shocked and immediately understood Hai Wuya's intention.

He opened his throat without hesitation and roared to the surroundings:

"Don't be dazed! The young master has taken on most of the pressure for us with his own strength. Now he is rushing alone into the depths of the zombie army to destroy their leader!"

Jin Wei's voice exploded in the crowd like thunder, awakening the people who were originally somewhat confused.

They all widened their eyes and looked at the figure that was gradually moving away, and a feeling of admiration surged in their hearts.

"We can't let the young master's efforts go to waste!" Jin Wei continued to shout loudly, "Before the young master returns, we must guard the city gate at all costs and never let the zombie army break through!"

His words were full of firmness and determination, as if a fire ignited the fighting spirit deep in everyone's heart.

The members of the guard team responded one after another, and the passionate roars came one after another.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!!!"

"Resist the zombies! Defend the base!!!"


For a while, the atmosphere on the entire battlefield was extremely warm, and everyone was full of blood boiling.

Although they had experienced a long and arduous battle, their physical strength and energy were exhausted, but at this moment, their morale reached an unprecedented peak.

These brave and fearless warriors held their weapons tightly, with a firm light in their eyes.

They knew that only by holding on to this last line of defense could they protect their homes and loved ones from being harmed.

In this life-and-death contest, they will do their best to fight the zombies to death.

But at this moment, their momentum has reached a new height. For them, the fighting spirit is very strong at this moment. Even if the zombie army comes again for a large-scale attack, it will not be able to break through the barriers they have built!

And at this time, Wang Yan has also come to the city gate area with a small team of people.

The guards here are already in high spirits. At this moment, with the arrival of Wang Yan, it will definitely create a stronger incentive effect.

Wang Yan rushed to the city wall with a very solemn face, and then he quickly found Jin Wei, and then he asked Jin Wei about what happened.

When he learned that Hai Wuya had eliminated most of the zombies and charged forward alone, he immediately said to Jin Wei:

"Old Jin! It is too dangerous for the young master to go deep into the zombie army alone. Although he is so powerful that we can only look up to him, I still need to go with him!"

Wang Yan's words were very serious, and he was not joking at all.

After hearing this, Jin Wei was also shocked, and then he directly persuaded:

"Old Wang! Just now, the young master gave us an order, saying that we must stop the zombie army and must not let the base be breached, and he himself will definitely be fine."

"If you leave now, our defensive pressure will double directly, and then we will no longer be able to support the city base!"

Jin Wei was anxious at this time, and even a layer of sweat oozed from his forehead.You know, they are shouldering a vital mission to ensure that the base is safe and sound and not harmed in the slightest.

However, the situation suddenly changed, and Wang Yan actually planned to leave alone!

In this way, it would be difficult for them to resist the surging zombie army alone, let alone keep it out of the city!

After all, among many people, Wang Yan is a peerless strongman second only to Hai Wuya, and no one can compare to him.

If such a fierce general leaves the city, it will undoubtedly make the already difficult battle situation worse.

Knowing that Wang Yan's powerful combat power is of great significance to defending the city, Jin Wei firmly opposes him to take the risk of going deep into the heart of the zombie group.

There is no doubt that in Jin Wei's eyes, Wang Yan's risky move is tantamount to seeking his own death.

It is true that Wang Yan is extremely powerful, but when facing the huge zombie army that is pouring in like a tide, even a strong man like him can hardly retreat unscathed.

Once Wang Yan is surrounded and unable to escape, the only thing waiting for him is death.

It should be noted that Hai Wuya still has the magical skill of space transfer, which can instantly escape from the predicament at the critical moment, but Wang Yan does not have such magical power, so if he insists on breaking into the enemy camp, he will definitely die!

Jin Wei did not hesitate, and the current situation did not allow him to hesitate, so he directly told Wang Yan his thoughts.

"Old Wang! Now, to be honest with me, the young master has already penetrated deep into the zombie army. Even if you go in now, you will not find him."

"And as long as you go into the zombie army, you will definitely be surrounded. When you are surrounded and cannot break free, then there is only one way to die!"

"If you want to give the young master some help, then I suggest that you can only stay at the city gate guard base, otherwise all the young master's efforts will be in vain!"

Jin Wei's voice was full of anxiety and urgency, because the zombie army in front of him was still advancing continuously, and they were about to launch a fierce siege again.

At this moment, it was crucial to persuade Wang Yan not to act impulsively and not let him make a stupid decision.

After listening to Jin Wei's reprimand, Wang Yan fell into a brief silence. After a while, he finally stopped being stubborn.

After all, he knew that there was a huge gap between him and Hai Wuya. If he ventured into the encirclement of zombies, he would undoubtedly be trapped to death.

And what Jin Wei said was unreasonable. In fact, as long as he could hold on to the base, he could give Hai Wuya the strongest support.

So Wang Yan said no more and nodded without hesitation to agree to stay at the city gate and defend it.

"Well, under the current situation, guarding the city gate is indeed my unshirkable responsibility, and I will not act on my own."

"However, since the young master is fighting alone outside, we must not relax at all and must do our best to stop all the zombies!"

"Otherwise, how can we live up to the young master's good intentions!!!"

Wang Yan's eyes were firm and resolute, as if he was ready to face any difficulties.

Wang Yan spoke in a very serious tone. At the same time, he glanced at the people present. Seeing that the guards were all very solemn, he nodded and expressed his satisfaction.

"Next, we will work harder and do our best to protect the base, otherwise we will all be sinners!"


Wang Yan and everyone present all spoke loudly at this moment.

Just when they made a decision at the city gate, Hai Wuya had already come to the interior of the zombie army to investigate.

Because he used the Hurricane Walker talent and kept using space transfer, he was not surrounded by zombies.

Hai Wuya didn't care about this. These zombies were ordinary, so Hai Wuya didn't care about it.

Moreover, these zombies didn't care about their value, so Hai Wuya skipped them and continued to go deeper into the zombie army.


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