Hai Wuya's eyes were as sharp as a hawk, sweeping around without any intention of stopping.

His figure flashed like lightning, passing through the turbulent zombie group at an astonishing speed and heading straight for the depths.

These zombies with distorted faces and disgusting smells could only watch Hai Wuya flying over their heads.

But they were completely unable to react, as if he was just an illusory ghost illusion.

At this time and place, Hai Wuya, who was gifted with extraordinary talents, was like a fish in water.

His movements were extremely agile and light, and at the same time extremely concealed. He easily avoided everyone's attention and detection, and even did not reveal a trace of his breath.

But it must be pointed out that this level of hiding method is indeed quite effective for those ordinary zombies.

But if there are still intelligent creatures present, then they are still very likely to see through Hai Wuya's whereabouts.

But all this didn't matter to Hai Wuya.

In his eyes, these ordinary zombies were too small and humble, and they were not worth his attention at all.

He had only one firm goal in mind, to continue to go deep into the enemy camp and find out where the mastermind behind this huge zombie army was hiding.

By observing the situation in front of him, Hai Wuya knew that this place was definitely not the hiding place of the mastermind behind the scenes.

After all, this place was not far from the gate of the base. How could the mysterious existence that could control such a large zombie army easily expose himself?

Hai Wuya used the skillful space transfer technique, and his figure flashed deep into the hinterland, and soon arrived at the place with tall buildings.

He secretly hoped to find clues that would be beneficial to him here.

Hai Wuya's figure was agile and shuttled between the surging zombie tides, like a ghost, without any hindrance.

After a long and arduous journey, he finally arrived in front of a dilapidated and crumbling high-rise building.

He used space transfer to directly climb to the top floor, his eyes as sharp as a hawk, and he could easily penetrate the smoke and fog that filled the surroundings.

His right hand tightly grasped the Flame Demon Saber, the blade flashed with a fiery red light, like a blazing flame, and seemed to contain endless fighting will.

This precious sword is not only a weapon for him to slaughter zombies, but also a symbol of his powerful strength.

Hai Wuya has a clear and unwavering goal in his heart, to find the mastermind behind this huge zombie army and uncover the real purpose of the zombie siege of the base.

He took steady and powerful steps, and every step stepped hard on the broken tiles and gravel, making a series of dull and sonorous sounds.

Hai Wuya stood steadily on the edge of the towering rooftop. His eyes were as sharp and fierce as those of an eagle foraging for food, looking down at the chaotic streets below.

Thousands of zombies were surging forward like a tide, their hideous and twisted faces and smelly bodies were creepy.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. After calming down, he stepped forward with a firm look.

Suddenly, a low and deafening roar exploded like thunder.

This sound was like the roar of evil spirits from the bottom of hell, breaking the deathly silence around.

Hai Wuya was startled and trembled all over. He turned around and saw a zombie that was so huge that it was beyond imagination suddenly jumped out of the compartment on the top floor!

The zombie's eyes flashed with a strange red light, like a blazing flame.

It opened its bloody mouth, revealing its sharp, razor-sharp fangs that exuded a foul stench, making people shudder and feel extremely sick.

Faced with such a horrifying scene, even the well-informed Hai Wuya could not help but feel a little surprised.

You know, it is incredible that such a huge mutant zombie would appear on the top floor of such a towering building.

But the situation was extremely critical at this time, and he could not afford to hesitate or hesitate at all.

So he decisively used his most proficient space transfer technique, and in the blink of an eye, he successfully avoided the zombie's fierce attack like a tiger descending from the mountain.

Then, he held the Flame Demon Saber in his hand and swung it with all his strength. A blazing flame blade whistled out and hit the huge zombie's head accurately.

In an instant, a raging fire suddenly broke out, sparks flew everywhere, and hot blood gushed out like a fountain.

At this thrilling moment, the seemingly powerful and invulnerable zombie was actuallyWu Ya slashed with a knife, and the huge body fell down with a bang.

Looking at the lifeless corpse in front of him, Hai Wu Ya knew in his heart that there must be countless little-known secrets and crises hidden in this building.

Perhaps in some hidden corner, there is a more powerful and treacherous enemy lurking, waiting for him to fall into the trap.

Therefore, Hai Wu Ya made up his mind to embark on a comprehensive and in-depth exploration journey in this mysterious building.

If there are any discoveries, especially those unique clues or evidence, it is very likely to reveal the true face of the mastermind behind the zombie army.

After Hai Wu Ya stepped into the compartment, he could enter the interior of the building through here.

He took a deep breath, and then activated his "Hurricane Walker" talent without hesitation, and walked into the dark and deep corridor without hesitation.

The corridor was filled with the smell of dampness and decay, which seemed particularly gloomy and terrifying.

The walls were covered with moss and exuded an unpleasant musty smell.

In such an extremely harsh environment, Hai Wuya knew that he had no choice but to rely on his innate talent to ignite a raging fire with difficulty.

After the flames burned, the surroundings were illuminated by the faint firelight. He took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to continue to move forward slowly and cautiously.

Suddenly, a low and creepy roar broke through the silent night sky and resounded throughout the space.

This sudden sound made Hai Wuya nervous and immediately alert.

He stopped and listened attentively, trying to determine the direction of the sound source. With his keen hearing and ability to perceive danger, he began to grope forward in the direction of the sound.

Not long after walking, Hai Wuya was shocked to see several haggard and skinny figures hiding in a dark corner with trembling in the light of the fire.

After careful observation, it was discovered that these people were not ordinary humans, but a group of zombies emitting strange breath!

At this moment, they kept roaring in their bodies, but their eyes were closed and there were no other unnecessary movements.

Facing the scene in front of him, Hai Wuya did not hesitate at all, and decisively waved his hand to throw out a ball of burning holy flames.

At the same time, he exerted all his strength to launch a fierce attack containing the power of thunder and lightning.

The attack turned into a dazzling lightning and struck directly at the center of the group of zombies, followed by a loud "boom".

The shock wave generated by the explosion instantly killed several strange zombies and fell to the ground, leaving them no room for resistance.

Hai Wuya was very satisfied with this, and then he didn't care anymore, and then continued to go deeper.

At present, he has not found anything abnormal, but he suddenly remembered one thing, that is, if he wants to know the situation around him.

Then he must attract the surrounding zombies, otherwise he will be with the hurricane walker, and he will definitely not be discovered by ordinary zombies.

For example, the small wave of zombies just now, they must be stronger than normal zombies, but because Hai Wuya used his talent, the other party did not find him.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, Hai Wuya directly removed the Hurricane Walker talent, and then he continued to descend.

However, this time he will deliberately create noise, so that those hidden zombies can automatically come out to attack Hai Wuya.

At present, Hai Wuya needs to find the mastermind behind the control of the zombie army, so he does not know that he must lead out as many zombies as possible, so that it is possible to lead out the zombie master in this building.

Of course, Hai Wuya was very happy after seeing this scene in front of him, and his face showed satisfaction, but he did not pay too much attention to this matter, but continued to move deeper.

Along the way, nothing unusual happened, but at this moment, a thought suddenly flashed through Hai Wuya's mind. If he wants to understand the situation around him, he must lead out the nearby zombies.

Otherwise, if he was always in the "Hurricane Walker" state, ordinary zombies would certainly find it difficult to detect his existence.

Just like the small group of zombies he encountered just now, they were obviously stronger than ordinary zombies, but Hai Wuya failed to detect their traces because of his talent.

In view of this situation, Hai Wuya made a prompt decision and resolutely removed the "Hurricane Walker" talent blessing, and then continued to slide down openly.

However, this time, he deliberately made a sound, so that the hidden zombies would take the initiative to show up and attack him.

At this moment, Hai Wuya only wanted to find out who was the initiator behind the manipulation of the zombie army.

It is possible that there is no mastermind behind the manipulation of the zombie army in this building, but no matter what, he still had to investigate it first to prevent anyOmission.

Hai Wuya marched forward with a firm step, and suddenly, a piercing laugh echoed in the passage, making people shudder.

His nerves tensed up instantly, and he watched the movements around him with high alertness.

He tightly grasped the blazing flame demon sword in his hand, ready to face the impending crisis at any time.

At this moment, a black shadow passed by him like a ghost.

Hai Wuya reacted very quickly, turned around and swung a knife, but surprisingly, the blow missed!

Not only that, because of his actions, the laughter of the black shadow seemed to become more and more mocking and teasing.

Faced with this situation, Hai Wuya knew it well: this was obviously a well-designed trap!

However, he did not panic, but tried to keep himself calm and composed.

After some thinking, he suddenly realized that he didn't need to be so cautious at all.

With his current strength, it is enough to easily crush these enemies.

After all, he had successfully killed many of the extremely powerful monster masters.

Thinking of this, Hai Wuya's confidence doubled. He did not hesitate to activate his own Holy Flame King talent, and his whole body exuded dazzling flames.

Then, he waved the Flame Demon Saber and slashed countless blazing flames around.

In an instant, the entire space was illuminated by the flames, and everything that was originally hidden in the darkness was exposed.

And at this moment, on the wall in front of Hai Wuya's left side, a strange zombie that looked like a gecko appeared!

It was tightly attached to the wall, as if it had merged with the wall, quietly dormant, waiting for an opportunity to move, ready to give its prey a fatal blow.

However, just when the zombie was secretly delighted and thought that he could escape the disaster without anyone noticing, suddenly, a ball of hot and dazzling flames suddenly rose into the air!

In an instant, the raging fire seemed to turn into a bright beam of light, illuminating the zombie's figure clearly, leaving it nowhere to hide!

Faced with this sudden change, the zombie was obviously unprepared and was frightened.

The playful and contemptuous smile on its face seemed to be cut off and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

At this moment, its eyes were wide open, with a look of fear and surprise on its face, as if it was at a loss for what was happening in front of it.

What exactly did this mysterious uninvited guest want to do?

How did he find his hiding place?

What puzzled the zombie even more was that the other party could so easily see through his carefully arranged disguise, which was really incredible!

However, since his tracks had been exposed, there was no point in continuing to hide.

So, the zombie made a prompt decision and immediately restrained his previous frivolous and arrogant attitude.

Instead, it had a ferocious and ferocious look on its face, its eyes wide open, and it roared at Hai Wuya in anger!

It knew very well that the current situation was extremely unfavorable to it.

If it could not quickly get rid of this tricky intruder, it would be in big trouble, and even its own life would be in danger.

So, at this moment, it must go all out and fight a life-and-death battle with the enemy!

Although it knew nothing about the intentions of this mysterious intruder, now that the other party not only understood its position, but also put itself in such a passive situation, this game has obviously become boring.

So, this zombie shaped like a gecko made a quick decision and decided to take the initiative. It pounced on Hai Wuya without hesitation, trying to defeat the enemy with one move.

Unfortunately, such an offensive was nothing to Hai Wuya, who had experienced many battles.

The corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a disdainful smile, and his figure flashed, easily avoiding the fierce attack of the zombie.

Hai Wuya raised his right hand, and then a ball of angry flames attacked, hitting the gecko zombie.

Because the opponent did not care about the flame attack, the fireball attack could directly hit its body.

After the opponent's body and the fireball collided face to face, it was instantly blown apart like rotten meat.

Hai Wuya did not take a second look at this kind of stuff, because he had no need to waste time. For zombies of this level, no matter how many came, he could kill them with one blow.


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