Hai Wuya swung his arm vigorously, as if he wanted to completely shake off the bloodstains on the blade that did not exist at all.

Along with his action, a powerful force that was invisible and intangible but real suddenly erupted.

And quickly spread to the surroundings, and at the same time, it also set off a slight sound of wind and waves.

After doing this, Hai Wuya glanced at the gecko zombie corpse that had turned into a pile of bones and left no residue with a look of contempt and disdain.

Facing such a low-level and weak zombie, he didn't even have the slightest desire to fight it.

After all, how could an opponent of this level stop his courageous and unstoppable steps forward?

At this moment, Hai Wuya's mouth corners suddenly curled up slightly, outlining a smile full of contempt.

The next moment, his figure flashed as fast as lightning, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

His speed was so fast that it was like a ghost reappearing in the world, which was jaw-dropping.

His body was extremely light and flexible when he moved, like leaves blown by the wind, swaying and changing unpredictably, making it impossible to track him.

After making such a big noise, I didn't see a large number of other zombies coming out from every corner. What on earth is going on?

While Hai Wuya was thinking secretly, he quickened his pace and ran downstairs...

From this, it can be inferred that there are probably no other zombies alive on this floor.

In this case, Hai Wuya certainly won't stay here for too long. He advances to the lower floor without hesitation.

His eyes are firm and cold, as dazzling as cold stars, as if he can see through all the secrets hidden in the depths of this chaotic world.

At this moment, he held the Flame Demon Saber tightly in his hand. The blade was bathed in the cold moonlight, emitting a mysterious deep blue light, as if it was integrated with the surrounding darkness.

Like a burning flame, or an enraged beast, it was ready to attack and devour anyone at any time!

Hai Wuya took a deep breath, trying to calm his restlessness, and tried to feel the strong breath of death in the air around him.

He knew very well that the mission he was carrying out this time was no less difficult than when he went deep into the secret realm to explore.

However, he also knew very well that if he wanted to stop the disaster from spreading further, he was probably the only one in the world who had the ability to do so.

Hai Wuya's eyes were firm, his steps were steady and powerful, and he moved forward step by step.

Not long after, he came to an extremely spacious and empty floor.

Unexpectedly, the number of zombies gathered in this floor was staggering, simply countless, as if there was no end.

What was even more strange was that for some reason, all these zombies fell into a deep sleep, just as silent as the mutant zombie team they had encountered before.

However, this time, because Hai Wuya did not deliberately hide his tracks, when he stepped into this place, the zombies that were still sleeping were instantly awakened.

I saw that this group of zombies opened their eyes, which were empty and lifeless, but emitted a gloomy and strange green light.

And accompanied by deafening, sharp and piercing roars, they rushed towards him like a surging tide.

Facing such a large-scale enemy, Hai Wuya's face did not show any fear.

Instead, his figure flashed, and his movements were as agile as a cheetah, and he easily avoided their attacks.

He held the Flame Demon Saber tightly in his hand and swung it violently, and a raging flame suddenly gushed out.

Instantly, the zombies that rushed forward were burned to ashes and scattered.

Hai Wuya shuttled through the dense crowd of zombies like a ghost, and his movements were as fast and agile as the wind and lightning.

The dancing flames in his hands seemed to have life, constantly changing their form and intensity as his mind changed.

The power of this flame attack was astonishing. Every swing could bring up a sea of ​​​​hot fire, allowing him to occupy an absolute advantage in this thrilling battle.

As soon as he moved his mind, the blazing flames obeyed his command like an obedient child.

Sometimes it gathered into an extremely sharp flaming blade that was enough to cut off all obstacles.

Sometimes it turned into an indestructible fire shield that could withstand any attack.

Sometimes it would even bring about a violent, scorching, and devastating firestorm!In the face of such a terrifying might, the zombies that were originally ferocious and fearless became vulnerable at this moment.

They were as fragile as paper dolls, and they would turn into ashes with just a slight touch.

However, despite such a brilliant victory, Hai Wuya did not feel the slightest satisfaction or complacency in his heart.

Because he knew very well that the enemies he was facing were just some of the most ordinary low-level zombies. If he was complacent and stopped moving forward with these guys, he would definitely suffer a great loss in the future!

After all, the terrifying existence that was really hidden in the dark and ready to give a fatal blow at any time has not yet surfaced.

So when the last zombie fell at his feet, Hai Wuya was too lazy to even look at it again and continued to walk forward.

For him who had easily defeated similar enemies countless times and was extremely experienced, it was not difficult to get rid of these minions.

The real difficult challenge was actually far behind waiting for him to conquer.

On the way through the building, he encountered many mutated zombies' stubborn resistance.

These mutated zombies were stronger and more cunning than ordinary zombies, but Hai Wuya relied on his extraordinary strength and wisdom to kill them one by one.

After a hard battle, Hai Wuya successfully broke through many obstacles and finally arrived at a different world in the middle floor area.

There, he was surprised to find some unusual scenes. In the center of the floor, there was a strange space that seemed to have just been built.

This space was filled with a disgusting evil breath, as if it was made of countless flesh and blood.

Hai Wuya slowly walked to the huge door made of flesh and blood, and he knew clearly in his heart that there was a crucial secret hidden behind this door.

He took a deep breath, and then pushed the heavy door open with all his strength.

With a loud bang, a strong and disgusting stench came like a surging wave.

Hai Wuya couldn't help but frown and cover his mouth and nose tightly, but he didn't retreat at all.

Behind the door was a vast underground space, dark and deep, like an ancient tomb that had been sleeping for thousands of years.

In the center of this huge underground world, stood a majestic altar.

The altar was filled with a strange and mysterious atmosphere, which made people shudder.

There were some strange runes and items on the altar, which exuded a burst of evil and terrifying breath, as if they were messengers from the abyss of hell.

Hai Wuya's heart was shocked, and he understood instantly: this is the core place to control those irrational and cruel zombies!

At this moment, a low and hoarse roar suddenly came from the underground space, like an angry beast, warning and provoking the enemy.

Hai Wuya's nerves immediately tensed up. He tightly grasped the flaming sword in his hand, and was alert with full concentration, ready to deal with the fierce battle that might come at any time.

Then, a huge figure slowly emerged from behind the altar.

It turned out that this was a mutated zombie king!

It was several feet tall, mighty and majestic, with muscles as hard and strong as steel, and a thick layer of scales all over its body.

The blood-red eyes flashed with a fiery red light, as if they could see through the truth and falsehood of all things in the world.

Facing such a powerful and terrifying opponent, Hai Wuya forced himself to calm down, took a deep breath again, and tried to calm his nervous emotions.

He knew that his opponent must have unique skills and super strength, and at least he must be a secret realm BOSS-level existence, so he did not act rashly.

The mutant zombie king took the initiative, swinging his huge fist and smashing towards Hai Wuya like a mountain crushing an egg.

In a flash, Hai Wuya dodged the thundering blow, and at the same time, he swung the Flame Demon Saber and chopped the zombie king's arm fiercely.

In an instant, the fire shot up to the sky, and the raging flames rushed along the blade to the zombie king's arm, making it scream in pain and instinctively retract its fist.

Seeing the opportunity, Hai Wuya made a decisive move, and rushed towards the zombie king like an arrow from a string, leaped up, raised his hand and stabbed the Flame Demon Saber deeply into the zombie king's chest.

For a moment, the fire was everywhere, and the surging flames instantly engulfed the zombie king.

However, what was unexpected was that the zombie king was not knocked to the ground!

It struggled to crawl out of the blazing fire, and the flames on its body gradually died out.

In anger, it opened its bloody mouth andWith a deafening roar, he pounced towards Hai Wuya with his fangs and claws bared.

Hai Wuya did not dare to be negligent and retreated quickly, while waving the Flame Demon Saber in his hand, and drew several red flame barriers in succession to resist the fierce attack of the zombie king.

In this way, one man and one corpse started a thrilling and desperate fight in the dark and deep underground space.

Hai Wuya's figure was as agile as a ghost, and he shuttled easily and freely in the dense attacks like raindrops.

His body was covered by a layer of blazing flames, as if it was integrated with it.

Every time he narrowly avoided the fierce attack of the zombie king, he would quickly counterattack and send out a ball of blazing flames, causing the zombie king to suffer.

However, the zombie king was not willing to be outdone. Its huge and hideous body contained incomparable powerful strength.

Every time it swung its huge claws or sprayed out dark fog, it was accompanied by earth-shaking power, and even caused the surrounding space to distort.

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate and it was difficult to determine the winner, Hai Wuya keenly noticed something strange. Before each attack, the zombie king's right shoulder would tremble slightly!

This is probably its weakness!

Hai Wuya seized this fleeting opportunity and used all his strength to stimulate the energy in his body. The Flame Demon Saber in his hand instantly burst into dazzling flames.

His figure was like lightning, like a meteor across the sky, rushing straight towards the zombie king.

Its speed was so fast that it was like an arrow from a string, dazzling!

In the blink of an eye, he saw that he held the sword flashing with cold light in his hand and stabbed the flaw on the zombie king with lightning speed...

In an instant, a dazzling flame shot up into the sky!

The raging fire gushed out from the wound like a fire dragon, instantly sweeping the entire huge body of the zombie king.

Wherever the flames passed, everything was devoured, leaving only a void.

In this inhumane howl, this once majestic and invincible existence can only be reduced to ashes in the raging flames, and finally dissipated between heaven and earth.

Seeing this, Hai Wuya finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the vigilance in his heart did not ease at all.

This thrilling battle was won too easily, which made him wonder.

Could it be that this seemingly powerful zombie king in front of him is not the real mastermind behind the manipulation of many zombies?

An inexplicable feeling of uneasiness gradually surged in his heart, and Hai Wuya frowned tightly.

In fact, it is not surprising that Hai Wuya thought so. After all, after killing this existence that seems to be the zombie king, he did not have any change of mind.

Then this situation without any change of mind can show that this zombie king is not actually the existence that controls the zombie army.

Otherwise, why did nothing change after being killed directly by himself?

Hai Wuya thought in his heart, and searched in this space again, but did not find any abnormal situation.

In this case, he did not stay here for too long. After all, for Hai Wuya, no matter how strong the opponent is, he is not his opponent.

Even if there are ten more zombies of this level, Hai Wuya can kill them one by one. In short, it is just a little more effort.

Apart from this, there is nothing worth worrying about.

Hai Wuya left this space made of flesh and blood. In fact, he has come to the bottom of the building. As long as he leaves here, he will be on the street.

And on the street, there are groups of zombies at this moment, just like a group of marching ants.

Hai Wuya came to the door of the building and then slightly pushed open a gap.

Through the dim light here, he saw the scene on the street, which was even more shocking and weird than before.


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