Hai Wuya stood quietly like a sculpture in front of the skyscraper that pierced the sky. His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, staring at everything in front of him, his heart full of doubts and vigilance.

Originally, this should have been a street flooded by countless zombies, filled with the breath of death and despair.

However, at this moment, the whole scene became extremely weird, as if time had frozen.

Thousands of zombies stood in place in a uniform and motionless manner, as if they were cast into a mysterious magic.

Their empty eyes looked into the distance blankly, without any life.

However, this strange silence did not last long. Suddenly, a sudden commotion broke the calm.

The zombies began to twist their bodies slowly, their movements were slow and clumsy, as if they had just woken up from a long sleep.

Hai Wuya tightly grasped the flame demon sword in his hand, which was flashing with blazing flames. His muscles were tense, and he was in a state of high alert, ready to deal with possible dangers at any time.

He clearly felt that there seemed to be a strange light in the eyes of these zombies, and they no longer wandered around aimlessly like before.

As the zombies gradually regained their mobility, they began to stagger towards Hai Wuya, making low roars from their mouths, which made people shudder.

Faced with this change, Hai Wuya did not dare to be careless. He took a deep breath, adjusted his breathing rhythm, and prepared to face this life-and-death contest.

However, the situation has changed now. They slowly gathered together to form small groups, and they seemed to have some kind of tacit understanding with each other.

Hai Wuya felt a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart. He knew very well that the series of changes that had taken place were definitely not caused by accident.

Therefore, he focused all his attention on the actions of the zombies, not daring to be careless, and tried to figure out the rules and reasons behind these behaviors.

After a long period of patient and meticulous observation, he was so surprised that his mouth could not close. These hideous zombies seemed to be communicating with each other in a unique and mysterious way!

The roars they made were no longer as chaotic and harsh as before.

Instead, the sound gradually became low and rhythmic, as if conveying some life-and-death instructions.

At this moment, a sudden and strong shock came from the soles of his feet without any signs.

Hai Wuya was caught off guard and hurriedly stepped back several steps. It took a lot of frantic efforts to stabilize his body and avoid falling to the ground.

After he regained his footing, he looked carefully and was dumbfounded by the scene in front of him. The originally flat and smooth ground had cracked into shocking cracks without knowing when!

What was even more terrifying was that, accompanied by a series of creepy "crackling" sounds, countless streams of thick black smoke gushed out from the cracks like fountains.

These billowing black smoke seemed to come from the Netherworld, emitting a pungent and disgusting stench, which was several times more disgusting than the mud in the stinking ditch!

What was even more weird was that these black smokes were actually faintly flashing with a strange dark green light, as if countless evil eyes were hidden in them, waiting for an opportunity to move.

Faced with such a horrible scene, Hai Wuya secretly complained in his heart, but his face did not show any fear.

He knew that he must not take it lightly at this moment, and he might be threatened if he was not careful.

So, he stretched out his hands without hesitation to cover his mouth and nose tightly, while holding his breath, concentrating, and doing his best to avoid inhaling even a little black smoke.

As time passed, the black smoke finally began to slowly dissipate.

However, when Hai Wuya saw the scene clearly, he was stunned. A huge figure like a hill was walking out of the crack step by step!

This figure was dozens of feet tall, like a moving mountain, giving people an indescribable sense of oppression.

Looking carefully, Hai Wuya found that it was actually a mutated zombie king!

Compared with ordinary zombies, its body is simply a behemoth.

Its body is covered with a layer of hard and thick scales, flashing with cold light.

A pair of blood-red eyes revealed a violent light of choosing people to devour. Just looking at it makes people shudder.

Suddenly, accompanied by a roar that shook the world, the mutated zombie king opened his bloody mouth and pounced on Hai Wuya.

Hai Wuya knew that the enemy in front of him was unfathomable and might be more powerful than those secret realm BOSS.

Today's battle is likely to be...It might cause some harm to himself, so there is absolutely no room for error!

He held his breath, the flames around him surged like a tide, and the Flame Demon Saber in his hand hummed as if it had telepathy, waiting for the master's order to drink blood and sharpen the blade!

It happened in a flash!

In just a blink of an eye, Hai Wuya approached with a knife like lightning, his body and the long knife merged into one, turning into a dazzling red rainbow, and slashed straight at the head of the mutant zombie king with lightning speed!

In an instant, flames shot up to the sky, and heat waves rolled, as if to burn the whole world to ashes.

However, what was unexpected was that the mutant zombie king had not yet recovered and had already fallen into the raging flames.

Who could have expected that this monster was so powerful? Facing the overwhelming fire, it was not panicked at all, but calmly raised its huge iron fist like a hill and swung it violently.

With a loud "bang", the raging fire was instantly broken into countless fragments and scattered.

Then, the mutant zombie king opened his bloody mouth that could swallow an elephant.

He let out a shocking roar, and then pounced on Hai Wuya like a ferocious beast.

Hai Wuya did not dare to slack off and hurriedly dodged sideways.

Although he moved quickly, he was still numb in the palm of his hand and his arm was painful by the powerful shock wave.

At this point, the thrilling and shocking final duel between Hai Wuya and the mutant zombie king finally kicked off!

Around them, thousands of ordinary zombies were densely packed and stacked.

These zombies were ferocious and hideous. They opened their bloody mouths, revealing sharp fangs, and kept making low and hoarse roars, as if they wanted to devour all the living.

Such a scene made the already tense and fierce battle even more eerie and creepy.

Look at the mutant zombie king again. His body is huge and majestic, as majestic as a mountain. His muscles are tangled and bulging, as hard as iron, and as unshakable as a rock.

A pair of copper bell eyes flashed with strange and deep green light, cold and ruthless and full of murderous intent. Just looking at it would make people feel fear and chill.

However, facing such a strong enemy, Hai Wuya was fearless and calm.

Although his figure was slightly thin in comparison, his momentum was not reduced at all.

He was seen holding a Flame Demon Saber in his hand, dancing with it like a gust of wind and rain, impenetrable, and the sharp blade light shot everywhere, as if to tear the void.

At this moment, he seemed like a god of war descending to the mortal world, majestic and domineering, making people dare not look directly at him.

The two sides fought for dozens of rounds, and it was difficult to tell who would win. Hai Wuya was as fast as lightning, his movements were agile and nimble, and his weapon flew up and down unpredictably, fighting the mutant zombie king in an indistinguishable and exciting way.

As time went by, the battle gradually entered a white-hot stage, and Hai Wuya slowly figured out the monster's attack routine.

And relying on his extraordinary wisdom and extremely sharp skills, he successfully found the opponent's flaws!

He saw a gleam in his eyes, and when he saw the right time, he suddenly exerted his strength, and the Flame Demon Saber in his hand suddenly turned into a stream of red light.

Wrapped in endless flames, it shot straight towards the heart of the mutant zombie king!

After a muffled sound of "Puff", the hot tip of the knife sank into the latter's body without any hindrance, and the mutant zombie king let out a terrifying howl.

Its huge body shook a few times before it fell to the ground with a bang, raising dust all over the sky.

Looking at the huge monster falling like a mountain in front of him, Hai Wuya couldn't help but let out a long breath, and stood there with a long knife leaning on it, slightly tired.

An indescribable joy surged in his heart. This difficult battle finally came to an end.

But before he could sigh more, bursts of roars suddenly came from not far away.

Turning his head, it turned out that the ordinary zombies that were originally ruled by the mutant zombie king had fallen into a state of madness at this moment.

They began to attack each other aimlessly, and the whole scene became extremely chaotic!

Seeing the scene in front of him, Hai Wuya no longer hesitated and immediately performed the space transfer technique.

His figure disappeared from the spot in an instant, and then appeared in the middle of a group of zombies without any warning.

Then, he jumped lightly, and his body shuttled quickly among the zombies like a ghost, swinging the long knife in his hand, accurately slashing at the zombies who tried to approach him.

Every time the knife fell, a zombie was cut in half, splashing a foul blood.

In this series of dazzling actions, those originally slow-moving zombies could not even touch the corners of his clothes.Can't touch!

They can only watch Hai Wuya wandering around them, but they can't do anything.

However, as time goes by, Hai Wuya gradually feels a little impatient.

Although with the help of the supernatural crystal, he can slowly eliminate these surging zombies, but it is a troublesome thing to really put it into practice.

After all, the purpose of his venturing into this place is not to entangle with these zombies, but to find a way to resolve the crisis of the base.

Now that the zombies have fallen into a violent state, they will obviously no longer attack the base in an organized manner as before.

If these zombie armies no longer attack the base, then he can really ignore these rioting zombies.

Although they are very riotous and will pose a very serious threat to others, it doesn't matter to Hai Wuya.

If it is not an orderly zombie army attacking the base, then no matter how much they toss, they can't break through the layers of defense of the guards and attack the inside of the base.

After all, it was just a group of ordinary zombies, but the mutant zombie king like the one just now would indeed cause great trouble to the base.

However, the powerful mutant zombie king had been killed by himself.

This group of zombies seemed to be a headless fly without a leader, attacking each other without any rules, violently and blindly.

If this chaotic state continued, they might even destroy themselves in the fight.

Seeing this, Hai Wuya did not stay any longer. He performed the space transfer technique without hesitation and disappeared in an instant.

At this moment, he had only one goal in mind, rushing back to the base to inspect the situation there.

According to his speculation, these zombie armies would not pose much threat to the city gate.

After all, there were powerful talents like Wang Yan and Jin Wei in the base, and it was not easy for ordinary zombies to cause effective damage to them.

What's more, before leaving, he also released a powerful trick that almost cleared the entire area.

Thinking of this, Hai Wuya became more and more determined and full of confidence in the safety of the base.

Hai Wuya thought in his heart, and then used space transfer to return to the base directly. After a while, he returned to the gate of the base.

He looked around and saw Wang Yan, Jin Wei and others on the city wall still stubbornly resisting the zombies' attacks.

However, their expressions were full of fatigue and perseverance.

Seeing this, Hai Wuya's heart sank, and he realized that the situation might not be as optimistic as he imagined.

So without any hesitation, he used space transfer to return to the gate of the base directly, and then asked Wang Yan who was commanding.

"How is it?"

Wang Yan turned his head when he heard the words, and when he saw that it was Hai Wuya who had returned, he immediately showed joy on his face.

But soon he shook his head and said in an anxious tone:

"We had the advantage originally, but a few minutes ago, these zombies attacked more and more frequently for some reason.

Our defense line can no longer hold on..."

Wang Yan looked difficult at this moment, but he did not want to complain to Hai Wuya.

After all, this was his duty and mission. If he could not complete it, he could only blame himself for his incompetence.

Hai Wuya did not care about Wang Yan's actions. He looked up and saw that the number of zombies outside the city wall was increasing instead of decreasing. They came like a tide and kept attacking the city wall.

Hai Wuya raised his eyebrows when he saw this scene, because after he killed the mutant zombie king, all the zombies became irritable and restless.

And the zombies here were irritable and could continue to attack the city wall, which showed that they were still organized to a certain extent.

Or in their subconscious, they wanted to attack the city wall, or the guards on the city wall were their only target.

So even though they were angry, they didn't attack each other, but attacked the base wall first.


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