Hai Wuya's eyes were as big as copper bells, staring at the dense and extremely violent zombie army outside the base, and the worry in his heart became deeper and deeper like a heavy burden.

The base that used to be peaceful and peaceful is now surrounded by this group of extremely terrifying creatures, and even a fly can't fly away.

What's more worrying is that since the mutant zombie king died, the attacks launched by these irrational monsters have become more fierce and brutal.

Although Wang Yan, Jin Wei and other members of the guard team tried their best to resist the enemy.

But facing the large number of zombies that are coming in like a surging tide, the pressure they are under is increasing day by day.

Hai Wuya's heart is like a mirror. If he continues to be indifferent, the consequences will be disastrous!

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, held the Flame Demon Saber tightly with both hands, and rushed towards the zombie army without hesitation.

His body was bathed in the blazing flames, like a mighty war god descending from the underworld, the light was so dazzling that people couldn't open their eyes.

He rushed into the enemy camp like a whirlwind, and the Flame Demon Saber in his hand drew a series of hot and dazzling sparks in the air.

Every time he swung his weapon, it was like a fire dragon coming out of the abyss, triggering a raging flame, and those hideous zombies were instantly swallowed up in the sea of ​​fire.

His figure was agile and swift, like lightning cutting through the sky, dazzling, and it was difficult to capture his movement trajectory.

In this extremely chaotic battlefield that seemed like the end of the world, Hai Wuya seemed to have turned into a dazzling meteor that cut through the sky.

With amazing speed and agility, he freely shuttled between the large and large zombie groups.

Wang Yan, Jin Wei and others stared with wide eyes, concentrating on Hai Wuya's fierce and fierce fighting style like a storm.

They couldn't help but feel an indescribable excitement in their hearts.

They deeply understood that as long as there was a brave and powerful person like Hai Wuya to join the fierce battle with the zombie army.

Their side would definitely be able to successfully repel the zombie siege that was surging like a tide and unstoppable!

Because of this, they gritted their teeth and used all their strength to resist the zombies' fierce and brutal and ruthless attacks. At the same time, they worked closely with Hai Wuya and showed a flawless team spirit.

In this thrilling and life-and-death battle, Hai Wuya appeared out of nowhere like a god of war.

The terrifying fighting power he displayed, as well as his invincible and invincible aura, shocked everyone and made them dumbfounded.

At this moment, he swung the long sword in his hand with ease, and easily killed those hideous and terrifying zombies one by one.

He could also skillfully use the complex and changeable terrain and environment around him to set traps, attracting a large number of zombies to fall into the trap, and then wipe them out in one fell swoop.

However, there were thousands of zombies surging and rushing in front of him.

And the increasingly crazy, cruel and inhumane fierce offensive, even a rare top powerhouse like Hai Wuya couldn't help but feel the pressure suddenly increased.

Although Hai Wuya joined forces with Wang Yan, Jin Wei and others to fight against the endless zombie army like the vast ocean, it was indeed very time-consuming and energy-consuming.

But fortunately, Hai Wuya's real strength was too strong and brutal, which made this dangerous battle of life and death not seem particularly difficult and dangerous.

In this thrilling and exciting battle, Hai Wuya, Wang Yan, Jin Wei and many other masters all used their best skills.

With their extraordinary abilities and pinnacle skills, they finally found a fleeting opportunity after countless hardships!

In an instant, they launched an aggressive attack like a tiger coming down the mountain, unstoppable, and defeated the creepy zombie army in one fell swoop!

These zombies with distorted faces and fierce and brutality, after encountering the desperate and tenacious resistance of the guards led by Hai Wuya and paying the price of more than half of the casualties.

They gradually stopped the fierce attack on the wall that was as solid as the Great Wall of Steel, and instead began to fight each other.

This unexpected change filled Hai Wuya's heart with doubts, and he couldn't help but frown, but at this moment he couldn't see the mystery.

However, seeing that the zombie army was in extreme chaos, they had no time to take care of other things, and naturally no longer posed any threat to the city gate.

Not long after, this ragtag army with no organization or discipline disappeared like a receding tide.They all evacuated, leaving only debris all over the ground.

After a brief silence, the base returned to its former tranquility.

Hai Wuya stood alone at the highest point of the city wall, frowning, with a feeling of fatigue that could not be expressed in words.

But he knew very well how hard it was to win this hard-won victory, which was entirely due to the concerted efforts and desperate fighting of him, Wang Yan, Jin Wei and other brave and fearless guards.

At the same time, he was deeply aware that the road ahead was full of thorns, rugged and long, and there were countless unknown challenges hidden in it.

If they were a little slack, all their previous efforts would be in vain.

Because of this, they must always be highly vigilant and deploy their troops in a strict manner.

Be ready to deal with the zombies' counterattack at any time to prevent them from sweeping in again and bringing a new round of disasters to the world.

Although this incident was extremely strange and even without any signs, since it has happened once, it means that it is very likely to encounter a similar situation again.

At this moment, Hai Wuya's heart was filled with many questions and he was puzzled.

In such a harsh and dangerous environment, especially in the difficult period when the doomsday just came, how could such a powerful and terrifying zombie king be born?

This question is really incredible.

What is even more jaw-dropping is that this zombie king is not only extremely powerful, but also able to command a large number of zombies to gather into a large-scale army and launch a fierce attack on the city!

You know, according to common sense, this situation is generally only possible within a year after the outbreak of the doomsday!

At this moment, Hai Wuya frowned tightly, staring at the horrific scene outside the base, where piles of corpses and blood gathered into a vast ocean.

However, apart from this, he did not find anything else unusual.

Hai Wuya was stunned and shocked by the scene before him! He had never heard of or seen such a tragic and heroic scene before.

However, he knew very well that such a tragic situation might become commonplace in the future.

At present, all signs indicate that the entire doomsday world is quietly undergoing a thrilling upheaval, as subtle as spider silk but as intricate as a spider web.

Perhaps, it is precisely because the protagonists who shoulder the mission are not yet strong enough to be fully fledged that the insidious and cunning evil forces have an opportunity to spread like a virus and wreak havoc.

Before this, Hai Wuya had never thought deeply about this issue.

However, from now on, he will never pay too much attention to it.

Because in this complex world, he needs to shoulder the heavy responsibility alone and move forward like a lone hero.

As for the other so-called "children of destiny" who are not worthy of the name, just leave it to fate and wish for good luck!

At this moment, Hai Wuya's heart is surging, and his emotions are mixed. His emotions are ups and downs like the tide, and the reasons are complicated and difficult to describe.

But the most fundamental thing is that his own strength is strong enough to support his rise and protect his family in this chaotic world.

As long as he has this, he will not be afraid even if the world changes now.

Hai Wuya stood proudly on the tower dozens of meters high in the base, looking into the distance, and the battlefield outside the base that had experienced brutal fighting was in full view.

Although the zombie army that surged like a tide had been beaten to lose its armor and fled in a panic, there were still countless creepy zombie corpses lying outside the city gate.

Their hideous and twisted faces seemed to still be telling the pain and unwillingness of their lives.

The air was filled with a pungent, strong, disgusting stench that made people want to vomit. Just a quick glance was enough to make people's stomachs churn.

Hai Wuya knew clearly that if these hideous zombie bodies could not be properly disposed of as soon as possible.

Then as time went on, they would surely become a breeding ground for various germs and deadly viruses, bringing unimaginable disasters and threats to the people who had escaped death in the base!

Thinking of this, Hai Wuya turned his head without hesitation and looked at Jin Wei, who also had a solemn expression not far behind him. He gave an order in a serious tone:

"Immediately organize all the people in the base who can still move to go to the city gate and do their best to clean up the piles of zombie bodies!"

As for how to efficiently and quickly dispose of these disgusting and terrifying zombie bodies, the method is actually not complicated. Just burn them with a raging flame.

In this way, not only can the germs and viruses hidden in them be eliminated from the root, but also the trouble can be eliminated forever.

With Hai WuyaAfter the sonorous and powerful voice fell, everyone took the order and started to carry out this difficult and extremely important task in a swift and vigorous manner.

Not long after, a group of fully armed and well-trained cleaning teams had quickly assembled and marched towards the city gate with firm and steady steps.

As the commander of this brave and fearless team, Hai Wuya took the lead and rushed into the sea of ​​corpses and blood with the majestic Flame Demon Saber in hand.

As he raised his hand and swung his sword, the hideous zombies were instantly chopped into pieces, and then fell into the blazing sea of ​​fire and turned into ashes.

The flames instantly devoured the zombie corpses and turned them into ashes.

His figure looked particularly heroic in the firelight, which made people admire him.

During the cleaning process, Hai Wuya was surprised to find some unique mutant zombie corpses.

These corpses are more difficult to deal with than ordinary zombies. They emit a pungent and disgusting strong stench. Just getting close to them can make you feel dizzy and nauseous.

Hai Wuya knew that if the corpses of these mutant zombies were not properly handled, they would most likely undergo a secondary mutation and bring an unpredictable threat to the base.

Therefore, he chose to deal with these corpses personally without hesitation to ensure that there was no mistake.

While the cleanup work was in full swing, Hai Wuya did not stop, but organized and guided everyone to further strengthen the base's fortifications.

They worked together to not only thicken and raise the walls, but also cleverly set up traps and roadblocks to resist a new round of attacks that zombies might launch.

In addition, the team's patrol frequency increased significantly, and the intensity of reconnaissance also increased significantly.

Everyone paid close attention to the movements around them, never letting go of any clues, and striving to detect any abnormal situation as soon as possible.

Under Hai Wuya's vigorous command and dispatch, clear and concise instructions were continuously issued, and he set an example by always rushing to the forefront.

Under such guidance, the entire base quickly restored order like a huge and sophisticated machine.

Everyone was like a screw, doing their job and doing their best, and a busy, peaceful and harmonious picture appeared before their eyes.

People helped each other like brothers and sisters, encouraged each other, worked hand in hand, and fought hard to protect their homes.

In this special period full of challenges and difficulties, they were as tenacious as steel, interpreting the strong vitality of mankind, and also demonstrating the infinite power brought by unity.

After all, for them, in addition to resisting the mountain of foreign enemies, the environmental conditions inside the base are also as important as the fountain of life, which is directly related to everyone's life and death, so they must rack their brains to deal with it properly.

So, in the next two days, the main gate of the base was like a tireless machine, extremely busy.

The members of the base were organized in an orderly manner like well-trained soldiers, and actively participated in the battlefield of the aftermath work.

As for Hai Wuya himself, he was like a guardian angel, choosing to stay in the villa, accompanying his wives, immersing himself in the comfortable daily time, enjoying the tranquility and warmth.

It must be said that daily life is very beautiful, and things outside the base did not affect Hai Wuya's life.

After he arranged all the things, he stayed in another room and enjoyed a three-day meal life. Of course, this was very hard, but he also enjoyed it.

After handling all the affairs of the base in these two days, Hai Wuya still needed to take his wives to the secret realm to upgrade, so he did not waste time.

Enjoy when you should enjoy, work when you should work, this is Hai Wuya's consistent principle.


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