In fact, not everyone is panicking in the end of the world.

When people adapt to the survival rules of the end of the world for a few days, they know that they can no longer return to the previous environment.

There will be strong people who seize the opportunity and rise up in the chaotic situation.

They form groups one by one to establish order and survive in the end of the world. This is inevitable.

Therefore, Hai Wuya does not think that he can sit back and relax just because he has a little advantage in the early stage of the end of the world.

He still has to keep making himself stronger and making the base legion he has formed stronger.

Only in this way can he be invincible in the new world where all things compete.

It is almost noon, and at this moment Hai Wuya also brought the three girls from Donghai University back to the hotel.

In recent days, Hai Wuya can be said to have been working non-stop, and all his time has been arranged solidly without any rest time.

So before the secret realm is opened, Hai Wuya is ready to have a good rest.

Arrange the development of the base and let Xia Xiaona and Luo Danxia both conceive.

This is what Hai Wuya plans to do in the next two days.

The thing in the base is to distinguish between those with talent and those without talent, and then assign different tasks to them.

Among the more than 300 bodyguards, if there are dozens of people who have awakened their talents, they can be asked to clean up zombies near the base.

This can train their combat awareness and contribute to the future base strategy.

Hai Wuya returned to the hotel, but did not go to see Wang Yan and others, but first sent the three women to the floor where they lived.

The hotel suite is very spacious, and the suite where Hai Wuya lives has three bedrooms for sleeping.

Because of the age difference between the three women brought back, Hai Wuya plans to arrange Li Wanting to live with Ye Xue and others.

Luo Danxia and Xia Xiaona live in the same room with him.

But just after returning, Hai Wuya still took the three women to Ye Xue and Xia Xiaoyu's room, with the purpose of letting them get to know each other.

When they came to the living room, the two were not practicing their talents, but playing the board game Monopoly.

Without the Internet, it was indeed a lot more boring.


"Is it really you?"

Xia Xiaona just arrived in the living room and said with surprise when she saw Xia Xiaoyu.

Xia Xiaoyu, who was immersed in Monopoly, looked surprised when she heard this familiar shout.

Then she raised her head and looked in the direction of the sound.

Xia Xiaona was surprised at this moment. After seeing Xia Xiaoyu was really here, her gratitude to Hai Wuya also increased.


"Why are you here!?"

Xia Xiaoyu quickly stood up, came to Xia Xiaona and grabbed her hands, looking up and down at the same time.

After calming down her excitement, Xia Xiaona said:

"I was trapped in the school apartment. Fortunately, Mr. Hai saved me. If it weren't for him, I might have been..."

Xia Xiaona explained with a hint of fear in her tone.

Xia Xiaoyu opened her eyes wide when she heard it, and took her to the sofa while comforting her.

Yesterday, Hai Wuya confirmed that Xia Xiaona consciously controlled her talent.

Therefore, when Xia Xiaona did not use her talent, it would not affect others.

But because of the special nature of her talent, even strangers would have a natural liking for Xia Xiaona, which was inevitable.

As the two of them told their experiences, Hai Wuya also introduced Li Wanting and Luo Danxia to Ye Xue.

"Oh! So you are the rumored cold school beauty!"

Li Wanting spoke, showing great curiosity about Ye Xue, the school beauty who only heard her name but did not know her.

"Haha, she is really beautiful, and it does feel quite cold..."

After saying that, Li Wanting suddenly felt a chill, as if she was quickly touched by an ice cube.

Hai Wuya looked at Ye Xue and knew that the other party had suddenly used her talent, but fortunately it was not excessive, so he did not care.

The four girls were talking, only Luo Danxia stood alone, looking a little isolated.

Seeing this, Hai Wuya stepped forward and pulled her up to sit on the sofa.

"The world in the future will be very cruel, and your role is very important."

"I will take you to the school base when I have time, but you can live here with peace of mind for now and get to know them better."

Hai Wuya said to Luo Danxia to prevent her from feeling uncomfortable with the new environment.

Luo Danxia nodded and talked about talent.

Although she had a preliminary understanding of her own talent, she still had many things she didn't understand.

For example, the skills of using talent, and future development space, etc.In this way, several people chatted and played board games together later.

Time passed inadvertently, and soon it was lunchtime.

At present, everything in the hotel base was normal, but Hai Wuya still took out the food from the space, and the six people solved lunch here.

The gentle country was really hard to resist, even Hai Wuya was in the room, playing with the girls until the afternoon.

In the afternoon, Hai Wuya felt a little bored and left the room.

Next, Hai Wuya was going to summon the three managers in the base, namely Wang Yan, Jin Wei and Ma Guobao.

There must be many people with awakened talents in a group of hundreds of people.

Although most of them are low-level talents, they still need to be distinguished from ordinary people.

Hai Wuya came to the floor where Wang Yan was, and when he found him, he asked the bodyguard to call Jin Wei and Ma Guobao.

After a few minutes, the three managers of the base came to stand in front of Hai Wuya.

There was no change in the three of them, but Hai Wuya felt that Ma Guobao's temperament was a little different.

It feels like, more ready to go, more puzzling?

Hai Wuya felt that his talent had awakened, so he checked it out and found that his talent had indeed awakened.

Ma Guobao's talent is 'Hunyuan Huajin', a B-level talent.

Hai Wuya didn't know the specific ability, but no matter how bad the B-level talent is, it's hard to find out, so it's normal for Ma Guobao to change his inner self.

Looking at the respectful and serious look of the three people, Hai Wuya also coughed lightly and prepared to give instructions.

In fact, in the past two days, people in the hotel have awakened their talents one after another.

However, with Hai Wuya's deterrence, no one dared to cause trouble or be arrogant.

"I believe that some people in the base have awakened their talents in the past two days, such as Manager Ma. Your talent should have awakened today, right?"

Ma Guobao nodded immediately when Hai Wuya mentioned this, and then said:

"That's right, Master! I woke up this morning and suddenly felt some changes in my body, and then some prompts came to my mind!"

"The talents you are talking about must be the kind of things that I awakened this morning, and someone has indeed reported to me about their awakening talents!"

"I wanted to report to you, but there was no suitable time..."

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